Saturday 14 July 2012

Muse update break

On 6 July 2012 01:08, Martin Law <> wrote:

>Dinner break at 11pm, after another nine hour session with paint.  That's at least three nine hour sessions not counting the preliminaries of drawing and retracing.  I recall saying i hadn't squeezed a paint tube for a month.  Actually it was four months.  Actually last night's session was all evening till 6.40 a.m.  ~  In my element.  Nobody knows or has ever seen how slowly i work or with what microscopic precision.  A snail with a brush could overtake me.  That's just what it takes, always did.
And so methodical. Constantly scanning like a colour coded proof reader. A process like nobody would ever imagine.  More like a seance.  More like a receptive nurturing than a gestural doing.  Everything being brought up to the next stage in unison.  From the ground work to the fine retuning.
Inevitable always, the to be anticipated phases where it's not working and the conundrum of what do you do. That's where it has to go to another level of emerging. Original guidelines are merely an arena for lifeforms to grow and be nurtured. From imagination to three dimensional form and space takes perpetual modification.  Working with a small brush without an actual point, (i just forgot to get a new one.)  And doing the impossible with barely any paint on the brush but always aware of exactly what's in the brush tip, turning it imperceptibly to do something backwards. I'm slower by far than a dentist or any surgeon and maybe about level with a snail.  It gets slower and finer the closer to the fine tuning.
I meant to say,  O! Or to be more exact, 'S', for some sunshine.
Did do bits to the lawn between showers, and traipsing through blogs and updates wondering what the armies are up to behind the fourth of July scenes. Update update hello operator! And did manage to find latest speak from Drake today.  Wading through all the sour grapes of disinformation and sceptical character smears.  Get the impression tactics are flexible to get it right in a kaleidoscopically changing field.  I do still feel something's happening, but that the game is complex.  Certain people have been apprehended elsewhere in the world.  Like, one at a time.  Chess-like moves.  But then, i only play 'snap' or maybe 'lexicon'.
Great if you happen in Bantry.  You could all form a human shield so i wouldn't have to cut up another side street, bits of broken paving stones everywhere.  Barely enough bottled water for a drink think i'll have another peep at the canvas, tis like obsessional compulsion but that's the nature of the game and it's healthy, life affirmative, sane , and rich with the loam of fertile abundance as well as transmutationally transformative.  As well as ironic that i sit still round the clock celebrating the divine female essence in her muse aspect like any self respecting earth poet and dates have been thin on the trees for too many aeonic harvests and all i get is nagged by psychic midges and smothering vampiric leeches all for my own good of course wonder if Robert Graves had the same trouble? And a lot of these people i hear interviewed don't seem to be any better or worse than i am maybe i should interview myself and save electricity.
Eternally creative as a mountain spring~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RBM

artwork : Giant Boulders, martin law, 1995

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