Thursday 28 February 2013


On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 2:57 AM, Martin Law <> wrote:


Our life situation is not our LIFE,
our 'life situation' is a story.
Our LIFE, is our present aliveness,
when we are not our story.


Unknown Planet, martin law, March 2005

HELL, and HEAVEN,  That way round.
It's good to start, ending on a positive note.
This way, you avoid starting from negative conclusions.

If you say it the usual way; Heaven and Hell, then 'Hell' is the last thing you hear,
(and the last thing you want to hear), so it leaves an impression,
like 'famous last words.'

Or like the last bit of music you half registered, as you exited a shop,
it replays itself as the latest memory traces.  Memory thrives on continuity.

The conventional, (unquestioned) notion is,
that Hell is a horrendous place, deep beneath the earth.
While Heaven, (Heven, in Middle English),
is by contrast, a euphoric place beyond the sky.

But, do recall who told you that was so,
well before you learned to answer back pertinently.
Without doubt, some faithful underpaid geographer, who likewise
was without the wit to dare to ask the right questions.

The cultural derivations of the concepts, Hell and Heaven,
can be easily found and studied on Wikipedia.
Too lengthy to be included here.

Except to note, that, Vedic Civilization, perhaps the most
anciently known high wisdom tradition,
had "no accepted concept called hell."

Neither did the Wiccan Tradition, being Earth-based.
Nor did Early Taoism, until the time it became corrupted
by infiltration from 'dualistic religions.'

As to the location of hell or heaven,
you may dig, or fly, as much as you are able.
It won't get you very far,  ( an under-and-over-statement),
and impractically time consuming anyway.

You won't have got very far before you realize,
that neither of them is a place, but, a state of consciousness.
Proving, that you can't always trust signposts.

Speaking as an Earthling for a moment, the afterlife apart:
What could be worse than 'A Mortal Hell', a hell on Earth?
One where you still 'seem to have a life to lose.'

Where else could a hell situation be most tangibly manifested, but here,
where:  'Evil', is simply, human error which goes uncorrected?

Never mind the notion of there being an absolute version,
above or below, trying to get in.
Though of obvious use to those who like to do nothing else,
but wield sticks and carrots.

So, just for one moment, (and for no longer than is necessary
to bring attention to a point), just imagine...
Imagine, as if in a sci-fi movie, that you are living on a planet
where there is perpetual war,  on all levels,
both visible and invisible.

The visible would be undeniable to those caught up in it.
As well as being relayed continuously, and graphically
to everyone else.

The invisible would be the total corruption and depravity
of all institutions, and on all levels.  Masquerading as normalcy,
while actually practicing silent genocide far and wide.

Furthermore, this would be the explicit and implicit agenda
of the planetary system as a whole.
While those not disposed to sharing in the agenda, would be
systematically and inhumanely abused accordingly.

Does that sound like a 'Hell' on Earth?
Well then, there you are:  On Earth.

Source of Light, martin law, Jan 2005

Yet, dearest reader, there are more than two sides to a cube,
and that applies also to the most squared-off of planets.

If the previous paragraph was felt with disillusionment,
or fearful contraction, know the feeling to be transitory,
as we are clearer and stronger for shedding illusions.

I am sensitive too, and i know you are also.  How do i know that?
We are related, intricately interconnected.

It happens that we are sharing the same words.
The same thought-feelings, feeling the same thoughts, and not for nothing.
We even have difference in common.  In the same way that neighbours
share the same fence.  But we probably have more in common
than our individual differences.

It's wise to be aware of what sort of planet we are on.
Thereby being less vulnerable to the unseen.
Unlike how the proverbial ostrich is said to be, (i don't know if that's even true).
Thinking it's somehow safer to bury your head, with eyes closed,
leaving the rest of you exposed to the unknown.

So take heart, sister, brother.  Pause, breathe softly.
Let it settle and relax.  Attentive with loving gaze.
Fear, and love, are two different directions,
and you can't be in both at the same time.

Fear, is a contraction around an imagined self,
and love is a relaxed expansion, letting go of
even the thought of a 'self.'

As with any good nightmare, it wakes you up pretty quick.
To find, that is all it was.  Even though it seemed totally real.

Something like that, is happening around the world at this moment.
Waking from an ancient illusion that we were taught to call history.

Life, individually and universally, has a self-adjusting faculty.
You can't 'not surrender' without making the dream seem worse.
If you've ever been in a car accident and can recall the experience,
it's as if consciousness does the appropriate thing anyway.
The thought of it can often be more alarming.

It seems that, in extreme situations, the mind,
(which is infinitely more than the personal mind),
lets go of all illusion.  The illusion that was taken to be the real.


There is no way to make it happen. 
Because that's the opposite of letting it be.
It's not something you can get.
It's a 'no-thing', that you can only deny, almost.

But you can just trust, that's the way it really is anyway.
Awareness,  love,  and  trust.
Exactly the kind of world we fully intend.

I recommend the video talks of DAVID SPERO,
who is speaking of this awareness, directly from, and 'as',
the not nameable presence we call, 'my experience.'

Heaven, (by whatever name in any age or language),
may not be a geographical or astronomical location.
But i would gently suggest, that it's exactly where you are,
when there is no conceivable possibility of doubt,
that what is present is all and what is all is present.

Regardless of appearance, regardless of thought,
that which is present, is non-local.
It can reveal itself when least expected, and it does.

Rainbow Bridge, martin law, 2002

                                   Rainbowmaker.  Feb. 2013.

art : Unknown Planet, martin law, March 2005
       Source of Light, martin law, Jan 2005
       Rainbow Bridge, martin law, 2002


On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 1:10 AM, Martin Law <> wrote:


STOP.  Be Aware + Be Wary = BEWARE. Especially beware, MIMICRY! "Why that?."

Why indeed.  Mimicry, when not explicit,
is that, which is not what it appears to be.

When used not solely for entertainment or learning
it is used for deception, and is prevalent everywhere.
Prevalent in the languages which we learn by mimicry.
Prevalent in the ways that our language is used against us.

Be Aware, that in this age of so-called information,
our language is used for the purpose of
presenting us with something other than
what it purports to be.

This is a world where sociopaths have been dominant,
because, that is all they know to do.
Thereby inevitably leaning toward 'self-righteousness,'
the sociopathic belief that it's right to be selfish.

This, combined with the fact that
the many who are dominated, have not the desire
to rise to positions of predominance.

Look at the concept of leadership.
If you follow somebody, they're bound to lead you somewhere.
Unless they are a close friend and mentor
it won't be to where you want to go.

Besides, if you follow somebody
they're always upfront, in more ways than one,
so are bound to mess up the signs you are tracking
well before you get to them.

Hilltop Sunset, martin law, 1998

CAUTION.  If you were in their shoes,
how would you lead a crowd,
with certainty of success?

You would champion the huge energy
of what the crowd most wants.
After having oppressed it for a long time,
so as to build a popular passionate
appetite for change.  Any change.

You would then, at a crucial point, (timing is all)
present a counterfeit that mimics the real.
But on your terms, with conditions attached.

It's a simple case of: " No No!.. I WANT my FAVOURITE toy!"
..."Okay okay, i'll give you this one it's just as good."

While you still have the bargaining reins
you'd make it binding by law, to live only where
there's concrete 'to protect the Earth'
or be deemed an 'outlaw' to society.
You would do this 'by hook' or per usual 'by crook.'

So, you look at what the people want and aggravate it.
A green, orderly world of Gaia, as a good example.
A universally desirable safe bet.

Not surprising, since you already plundered
the one that was already there.

From 'green' to 'greed', by changing only one letter.
From 'a green pilgrimage',  to a 'grim greed pillage!'
"Whatever happened to our village?"
Oh, just spillage...

So 'religion' didn't work.  'Warming' didn't work,
except in part.  Blizzards took care of that.
'Green' didn't work, maybe try a deeper shade.
"Ah!  GAIA!  Maybe she'll work for us."
"Let's 'Save the Planet',"  from ourselves!

'A great idea whose time has arrived.'
Only to be hijacked.  MIMICKED,
and sold as a fake, by brute force.
(With inviolable, non-untieable
hemp strings attached.)

The Fairy Stone, martin law, 1998   in the private collection of Carmel O'Sullivan

GO.  So they declare the Whole Earth Sacred
by force of law.  So sacred that
nobody is allowed to walk on her.
The Gaia Goddess is Private Property.

By 'they', i refer to those who explicitly state,
that they are not 'us', and neither need nor want us.
Thereby revealing their Achilles Heel:
Blind ignorance of The Law of Complementarity.
Isn't it only the wisest who are fit to lead?

So, they reach for the 'NEW AGE' Band-Aid
to cover up: 'Thou shalt not say Us and Them.'
When, it's 'they' who are saying it.
The most unoriginal sin i ever heard of.

So be AWARE of Counterfeit Paradise.
As well as self-hypnotised naturist emperors,
who are so 'wise' as to having never heeded
or even heard of, the wise words of LAO-TZU:


Fair warning? ( Evil, is human error which goes uncorrected.)
'Wisdom is common sense.  It's just not very common.'

A Mega Mother for megalomaniacs to be messing with.

It's all so self evident and transparent,
such that, children especially, see clearly,
with no problem, being closer to true heaven.
Do you still remember?

Only, now it's proliferating in the public domain,
the universe manifesting its OWN destiny.
Red Alert, auto-immune systems to the rescue!
A tsunami of cosmic magnitude.

So when you hear the NEW 'religion say:
"It is a punishable offence to walk on the grass
with 'respect' to Earth."  BEWARE.
BE AWARE  'They' are the ones who lost the plot.

Being insane, blind, pathologically domineering,
all letter of law and left brain only.
Devoid of soul or beauty, cut off from the source.
Who is it exactly, who poses a threat to the Earth?

Be wary and wise as the fox.  Be warned.
Yet is null and void of respect or reverence.

LAO_TZU:  "The Earth is a sacred vessel
                    which CANNOT be tampered with."

Rainbowmaker.  February. 2013.

Lone Farmhouse, martin law, 1990

art : Hilltop Sunset, martin law, 1998
       The Fairy Stone, martin law, 1998 in the private collection of Carmel O'Sullivan
       Lone Farmhouse, martin law, 1990

Postman at your service.

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Martin Law <> wrote:

>>>Back from Tobe's. Sent 'The Stone-Woman'.  Pleased.  Will type accompanying article within the eve.  Re-named, 'Meg O'LithLives.'
Will deliver your thing to Kate by hand prompt, whatever weather.  I like weather, especially wind.
Also noted (must re-read) your request to Rik. Will do that after this.
I enjoy any link-up between yous.  Tribal survival.
(Wld be good to feature 'stone-woman' large.  There's a whole 3D world in there, 'the one i live in.' ("Poof" to consensus. "Baaaa.")
Taking on life of its own, i.e. picture +story combined.  I like the educative art/story/info format.
Digging up some subconscious under this rich loam.  'Termas', "Schmermas", termites.  Ants in his pants; (stalag)'mites go up and the tights come down, as in: 'when it's 'left' on, turn it 'right' off, (childhood memoranda.) Freaked by running tap. (Not to mention 'telephones'.)
Yes, thanks, think i'll have to go to council office and order a lektrishun.
Lektrix are freaky things.
What else, gossip? Got some but think i won't type it. Might soil my positive letter. What you feed, grows. Why wouldn't it sure.
Yes, hmm... 'The Dryad's Tree'. Thood for fought. Much appreciate your enthusiasm. Feeds the inspiration.  Wonder where it's coming from.
Earth probably. I like the notion of earthing the 'higher' stuff. What use is it 'up there?'
In agreement with Kim:  who'd want to 'ascend to heaven'.  Boring load of old harps, organs, and thrones for eternity!  I mean, you could wind up in a subterranean arms factory on mars.
As '' says herself, "Got white-light written all over it." 
*(Notice how this syntax flow is a ('chain?'), train of associations digressing fractally.  I just allow it.  Must be a feature of the synaptic DNA blueprint pattern, no doubt.)
As in:" That reminds me of another story."
But i think i'll phase it for the moment for ease of legibility.
"When it's left on, turn it right off."
I'll take another left turn up ahead....
Gosh!  Another post.
(Email Rik next.)

~~~ Martin.

Monday 25 February 2013

Pianer-Forty Rap-soddy.

On 14 February 2013 02:22, Martin Law <> wrote:

Hi B,
Thanks, go raibh mile maith agat... What do i think?
Well, i think it's a piece of total magic captured for posteriority on cyberstuff. In fact i know it is. I mean it came out of my fingers. It just goes to prove the impossible is not only possible but already happened by itself all it needed was a few waggly fingers, stuff like that.

When you consider there was no rehearsal, i never did that before, had no idea what was going to happen next coz it wasn't next yet and it's still not (i give up waiting for nexts), and Dan on double bass said "are you in the key of B" and i said," i don't know, i'm just throwing my hands at the piano" but that was alright. So yes it's just a bit O'Magic sure what else can ye do, well yi niver Know now sure, but yes it's real jazz without any music in it, just the accent but it's a real accent, and specially when you think that i didn't have to think . I mean, i said to Rik, "i don't know how to play jazz" and he said "don't think" so i really didn't i mean why would you it only distracts from the playing.  But i do know what jazz sounds like. I had a Cecil Taylor LP when i was 16 or maybe 17 and i was always open to being an impressionist from birth and so forth. Try googling Cecil Taylor. Youtube. 'The Tree of Life", nice pictures of weird trees of planet Earth (must go there) and on another video he reads his poetry which is also far out, he's getting on now but he's getting on very well. That's roughly what i think (but i musn't think, why think if you're aware?)  Out of the babes of mouths and sucklings.
Glad you enjoyed.  I'm only here to help.
Have a good Valentine's day, with LOVE from me~~~~~~~Cecil.

Sunday 24 February 2013


On 3 February 2013 23:08, Martin Law <> wrote:

"Haha!"  (As the gaying soes),
(now 'there's' a hint of one word that got hijacked in the disempowerment agenda of our protective warriors).  Digressed already!
Having regular glitches with my fonts.  Good job i don't support any religious order.

oak in february-tracing, martin law, november 2010 artwork : digital pan play - ‘tracing ten summers’ jacket image, FEB 12 - wfp for moo
Click to Enlarge

Take2.-  "Haha!"... With no small wonder, noticed just now, in the branches of the imbolc 'Ten Summers' CD sleeve......what else but.....
the clear left-facing profile ... 'of a BEAR!'
In the Bear branches where else.  Have a look.
Not only that.  In the branches of 'Irish Hawthorn' there exists already a Dryad.  In the form of the oval sky space between trunks.  It put itself there.
(This mind notices itself always hesitant when retrieving the word 'Dryad.'  Tending to piggyback through two similar words: 'Hydra' and 'Dendra' till it twigs it.  Probably due to childhood conditioning, the fact that in the '1940s', Dryad, was the brand name of the wallpaper paste my dad used.  He was always changing the wallpaper.

Am not 100 % sure at present if the.....(?) Dryad drawing will go ahead in paint, as the muse (pragmatical term) is still in the previous 'far horizontal horizon mode', and the drawing has a lot of vertical in it and i might get vertigo or verdigree to a degree in contrast to my current horizontality.

In case you wondered, it does have a few features which would require modification.  Such as: those two arbitrary small branches , leaves of which form the hair.  The hair might better be suggested by vertical fronds from beside the moon, so the head, like the body is implied rather than depicted.  And no, she's not being crucified or strap-hanging.  But the drawing is inspired by your request/anticipation as it 'stands.'  (Hovers?)

After a night of some processing, in sleep and awake (Got up twice), i today(in the interests of clarity/honesty/simplicity (all those good things), emailed anon with regard to further projected takes on anon2's project. Suggesting that what is wanted is more in the department of anon3 (another friend) than what i do, which tends to create its own form without expectations from me. Anon anon anon
'ad infinitum'......

And thanked him for the experiment, as we did something good.  Also saying that whatever i might come up with wouldn't go towards helping anon2 to be more grounded or settled anyway, and i want to keep my diverse threads in balance and simplicity etc. I'm sure he understands.  We did discuss anyway.

 Just listened to two of Lash's latest out of curiosity.  I can acknowledge his formidability without needing to defer or decide 'good or bad.'  He's doing an impeccable job, and i have no need to 'follow' anybody, why follow?  Likewise, my slightly tongue in cheek PS to 'T,' querying the necessity to be "driven".  The notion that 'artists' in particular  even NEED to be driven by anything, which implies division (2), and attachment to and perpetuation of 'past causes'.  Why not just play?
Which is what i meant by 'angst' of any kind being unnecessary for creation.  Another 'myth' in my (possibly fake but i don't think so) humble opinion.    humble humble humble mumble grumble,  is that why
religions deify humiliation etc?  More humble than thou (That's a good one).
Ah, a cup of tea maybe.
Didn't go out for water because it was drizzlish.  A water course in home economics.

Ongoing rich body of correspondence with Kim, somewhat recovered she says from a stressful juncture, quite understandable by me.
A natural oneness with wild nature contrasting the wildness of the nature of being stuck in cities.

I tried emailing a friend who has a niece in Vancouver where Kim is, and who's into organic gardening (which Kim would like to do) as a means of survival, and to possibly connect them both.  But my friend's email address must have changed so it didn't send.  I'll keep a lookout for her.

So. I feel like reprimanding 'society' (whatever that means) as one might a younger person who needs constructive guidance.  I mean, who's the 'authority'?  We, the people.  Might be a good use of a blog post.  You can do lots of things with posts.  Without creating a fence.  (Pun sledge-hammered into place).  No apologies.

Of interest, one tail-end of a no doubt longer recent dream i woke from.
Being talked down to (he was on a higher elevation) by no less than the 'Head Master'  (HEAD, master?) of the Primary school i attended way back in the dim distant mists of seems like only yesterday.
He seemed to say, 'something like', "And why couldn't you have included in your essay that ,for example, all the money has to flow through Germany anyway...?"
To which i confidently answered, "Then there is nothing more i can say to you."  And walked away.  I mean, AWAY. (i woke up).

Ah yes, even now, i seem to recall, on a typically bright spring morning in eternity, the golden dust motes dancing in a downward shaft of sunlight, all innocence and wonder.  As the HEAD master's large hand pounded the dust out of the back of a young boy in a desk two rows ahead for being a "duffer".  "A duffer !"  What do you learn from that?
Duff-Duff. Puff Puff.  Cough Cough!

The same mini-institution that punished me as a mere tot for learning three chords and the words to two songs on a small plastic ukelele
and taking it to school and having the whole cloakroom dancing for joy.

A trivial bit of history, but it didn't deter my sense of wonder any more than it worked on the indians of amerika.  Just google 'Idle No More'.
Or explore my blog.
It might not be the 'right' one, but it's a good note to end on.
To be continued.
>>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<<

oak in february-tracing, martin law, november 2010
artwork : digital pan play - ‘tracing ten summers’ jacket image, FEB 12 - wfp for moo

Monday 18 February 2013

Ingo Swann Song.

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 3:19 AM, Martin Law <> wrote:

Ingo Swann Song.

I intended to write this earlier, and now, it's later.
Though self-evidently, and amazingly, it's still now, so i'll write it now.
Plain, simple, and chunky.  What else 'can' you do?

What's early and late got to do with now anyway?
Early and late has to do with some other time, and there isn't one.  Not now.

Ingo Swann is, or was, the founder of 'Remote Viewing', as it's called currently.
Another way to think of it would be, long distance clairvoyance, (clear seeing).

When i say 'was', this interesting man just 'passed away', on February 1st. 2013.
That, in itself (the date), a possible indication that he knew what he was doing.
To 'pass away' to start a new life on the first day of Spring.

Even though he'd passed away many (perhaps thousands of) times,
as it was his vocation, or calling.  He heard the call and he went.
Only, this time he seems to have decided not to come back,
not just now anyway, and who could blame him?

He evidently has/had a good sense of humour, and what's humour, really,
but good sense?

If you witness his talk on youtube, the one about 'the future',
he introduces his long talk with:  " I heard some rumours that i was dead.
I just wish to correct that, by simply saying it's not true.  The truth is,
i just reincarnated into the same body."

Being a very competent artist, he also left us some large paintings on canvas,
depicting his journeys, and expressing where he went when his awareness
was not primarily in his body, or even on this planet.
You can see those, or some at least, on the internet too.

Or at least a simulacra composed of pixels,  which is something
other than 'a painting'.  That's if you believe in 'pixels',
or leprechauns for that matter.

The misinformation in this instance, being, that the Irish word,
'leprechaun', is said to derive from 'luchorpan', (meaning small body).
But which actually derives from 'lepracorpan',  (meaning scaly body),
and therefore, NOT SMALL AT ALL.
Translation from Latin into Gaelic, concealed a report of large scaly bodies!

Still in keeping with the body of this text, and attempting to keep it plain,
simple, and succinct, if not short, as hinted at.
Ingo Swann raises some interesting questions in addressing his audience.
He answers them all "solely from experience", his experience,
and not from intellectual conjecture.  Though he also has profound intellect.

Among the reasons for my sharing this introduction, and i consider it
more than worth sharing, is that, he very deftly, with few words, and
with extended silent questioning pauses, demolishes some major
misconceptions which 'our modern civilization' is founded on.
Mistaken notions that are to our detriment and perpetuated limitation.
That's the best reason for me to pass it on.

Okay, for example: as i recall, he reads aloud (more than once),
a quotation from 'the standard definition'  of what we call 'the paranormal'.
He then asks the audience, who seem too shy to answer,
"What was wrong with that statement?"

At one point amid the silence..."Am i boring you yet?"... "Well yes or no?"

The answer emerges ultimately from his own mouth, that,
"what was wrong with the statement", is, it was written from
the point of view of MATERIALISTIC SCIENCE.

Not only has that been the 'only science' that the established doctrine
has allowed as being worthy of credibility up till now.
But materialistic science has absolutely no stated conception
of exactly what consciousness or mind, IS,
and is therefore in no position to say for certain what anything IS.
Because it has restricted its tests and 'proofs'
to what it calls, 'material ' 'things'.

He further reveals, that the four men who originally introduced
this taken for granted doctrine (dates given) were, at the time,
(astonishingly) all under twenty four years of age.
He goes on to describe, succinctly and convincingly,
how the doctrine itself is, as of now, obsolete, gone.
Which should come as no surprise.

Previous cultures, and first nations people, knew, and know that.
Whereas, we couldn't even construct pyramids, as being
only one among many impressive examples.

The 'Establishment' apart, (only a part), quantum science  now declares
that, despite our notions of matter and space (so called),
" material realms in this multiverse account for only
from four to seven percent of reality."
We live in a minority anomaly here.

All the other realms, or 'lokas', and there's lots of them,
are not arranged in layers as might be imagined.
Although we're focused on, and thereby 'in', the lowest.
All of the realms of 'reality' exist and are present HERE, NOW,
and PERMEATE what we call, our bodies.

Not only have we been living in an anomaly, as spectrums go.
But have obviously been growing up in a sort of cage
of limitation for countless generations.

Ingo Swann declares, from
experience, that worlds outside the cage
are accessible to us all. 
I'm sure that young children
wouldn't have too
much of a problem accepting that  as being possible.
Maybe Peter
Pan was right, and a tireless messenger at that.
does expand openness to possibility.

Something like, a 'battle with the hypnotists', is what we are in.
Not just between Dark and Light, or Good and Evil,
but primarily between Lies and Truth.

Awakening the faculty that discerns deception.
Seeing through the Trickster's trick, that 'the hidden power'
is anything other than what we ourselves already are.

While Ingo Swann, for one, like a free white bird,
migrates freely back and forth from the cage.
Demonstrates with wry humour and art,
that even the door is a hypnotists illusion.

Goes on his way to realms unknown.
Worlds unimaginable.  Worlds without end.

(Ingo Swann's website:  'Superpowers of the Human Biomind.')
Also on youtube.
martin rainbowmaker.  Feb.2013.

art :  Otherdimensional drawing 3, martin law, 2004
        Otherdimensional drawing 4, martin law, 2006
        Otherdimensional drawing 6, martin law, 2006

Saturday 16 February 2013

Dryad & Dryadditionals.

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Martin Law <> wrote:

dryad pencil drawing, martin law, 2013

> The continent of america sank beneath the Atlantipacific and the mainstream didn't even cover it!
Meanwhile, somewhere in Eire...
Miscellaneous mundane profundities~  (Pro-Fun ditties.)
Bed at 6 a.m. after doodling dryads and checking overview updates of the spiritual health (!?) of the planet (this one).
To be rudely (violently) roused from deep slumber by the most...
horrendous persistent house shattering stone penetrating drilling noise right next to my head.
Motor reflexes surfacing i jammed my fingers into ears, animal instincts alerting down to the feet till the rubber hit the road as they say and i was up and running.  Not as if that's a first time though.  They seem to do this everywhere.  I think it's called 'progress'.
Collecting the bits of a rudimentary makeshift persona and making coffee (always a handy herbal remedy), noting that nextdoors' front lawn was strewn with cables, plastic tubes, coils of used black brushy things like you'd stick up a pipe, leading to an unmarked van (with no identifying words of apology on it), and two fellas wearing yellow sleeveless coats and the whole thing cordoned off with red and white plastic tape like a crime scene and wrapped around one of my gate piers. That's a rough description befitting the nature of the event.

Otherdimensional drawing 5, martin law, 2007

I may be new to this side of the galaxy but i couldn't readily conceive quite what they might be at.  Never did find out.  They wore ear mufflers so i wasn't up to asking if they had a spare pair.

However, i bounce back quick.  Even though i am allergic (Healthily sensitive) to any mechanical NOISE, (only power tool i ever used, and only ONCE, was a chainsaw.  Preferring quietness to 'convenience.'

Which raises a relevant question as to which planet and/or plane of vibration our respective soul essence previously incarnated in.
There's plenty of valid cause to wonder.
As i casually said to Toby, as he was enlarging my prints in the copy machine, "Do you know you've got music coming out of the printer?"
I mean, it was undeniably producing harmonies and distinct chords.
Undeniably demonstrable, unless your concept of 'music' is "something we all know, that we can sing along to."

I could give numerous similar examples, and i have more than one good musical ear.  I confess without flinching, i've heard Morrocan music emitting from a fan heater.  Yet never been able to drum up a fan club for that.

Likewise, i once, while visiting someones flat, asked, "what's that tape
i'm hearing all this time?  She gave me a puzzled look, and said "That's the fridge."  "Oh," i said, "i was actually enjoying it."
There was an occasion where i visited the local sawmill.  Waiting for my sheet of hardboard to be cut to size.  A rather extended wait, with the sound of various circular saws all around.  Using a certain focus of listening and being a meditator for not far off half a century, i discerned a whole symphony of sorts in the sound texture.

On another occasion, on a plane flight over the South of France, i suddenly was 'subtly' aware of music in the inner ear which certainly wasn't coming from what we tend to call 'outside.'
Pretty amazing too, but very soft, being a combination of many modes.
Most discernable was something like distant drums of Africa, blended with something more 'classical'. But quite etherial, as it quite naturally is.
So it's not totally surprising that i've been able to sit down at a piano in public for more than ten years and play hours of unpremeditated music i've never even heard before, and received comments from numerous listeners who shared the same sense of wonder that i did.

I think, this is a good moment to openly state, i know i'm not alone in this regard, and that it's all perfectly natural, and in fact would be better recognized as being considered 'normal.'

Otherdimensional drawing 2, martin law, 2006

Additionally, i haven't the slightest doubt, that i am demonstrably sane, balanced, and grounded, certainly not a 'dope fiend', i don't drink alcohol or take any pharmaceutical substance, never taken an aspirin either.  The point being, that meditation, or any artistic activity is about 'listening'.  Listening, means not having internal chatter we are pleased to call 'thinking.'  When you're thinking, you switch the focus away from hearing.  That's easily observable.  So if somebody calls you 'empty-headed', just say "Thank you", and don't even think about it.
After all, most of the things we use are only useful because they're empty.  There's nothing in them already.

Think about it.  On 'second thoughts', don't think at all. There's no need.
Otherwise you'll think you are the thinker, then you're in real trouble.
Thoughts think themselves.
If that seems questionable, try stopping them.

It IS possible to be silent.
I've said enough.

Martin. RBM.

art : dryad pencil drawing, martin law, 2013
Otherdimensional drawing 5, martin law, 2007
Otherdimensional drawing 2, martin law, 2006

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Meg O'Lith Lives.

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 1:06 AM, Martin Law <> wrote:

The Stone Woman, martin law, Jan 2013

Meg O'Lith Lives.

Full MOON in Leo, (where the Moon is, in my birth-chart.  Maybe i AM in sync). 
As i just completed the painting, 'The Stone-Woman.'

It took one week to paint, mostly nocturnally. 
Not counting the preliminary tracing from my original pencil drawing,
and the gestation and synthesis of ideas preceding that.

So, why is this grey apparition of a pensive woman,
( who is simultaneously a 'cromlech', cromleac in Gaelic = a standing stone,
standing with her back to the rapidly rising dawn?

Could it be, that her shroud of sorrows, up until the present,
is why she is made of stone?

Perhaps she grew weary of waiting, standing sentinel on a high hill,
scanning interminably the far horizon, waiting for the dark clouds
to make way for the light.

This is not the modern world of cars and cities.
This is the 'mythical' timeless world of Imagination.
The naked archaic land as it is, in Eternity,
spread like a fertile mantle beneath the historical drama.

It could well be any time at all, likewise, it could be the no-time at all.
Which is what it is anyway.

The image went through its numerous inevitable transformations.
As mentioned previously, the genesis of the original idea came from
contemplating a potential title:  Bright Horizon.

The pictorial space extends from right under your feet,
far and away to infinity.  I had originally also considered a 'seed title',
'The Near And Far,' (yet another 13 letter title.)

I did make a bold intuitive move at a certain stage,
'overpainting' some foreground fields, with that cool green
that you don't expect to see in nature, but which does occur.
Rightly or wrongly, (as they say) i trusted that, and left it that way.

A friend who is an accomplished artist had suggested,
there would surely be water in the scene.  Being Ireland,
Eire,  Eireann,  Inis Fail,  Inis Fodhla,  Hibernia,
Land of The Wolves,  Isles of The Blessed,  Eriu*.

*'Eriu,  (The Goddess),  Not, E.U.
They knocked out the 'RI', the King Pin, (or Queen Pin)
albeit incrementally and by default, but the result remains the same.
From ERIU, to E.U. and no RI.  Goddess help us!

Anyway, how far back do you want to go?
"Oh, sure, drop me off at the Dawn of Civilization, the DOC.
I have a return ticket anyway."

While visualizing the pre-dawn mist, i suddenly had a feeling for
that specific hue and tone of green, purely as substance of feeling.
The colour has a certain iris-like sweetness, and many levels
of ancient associations.

I let it be as it is, noticing that it seems to evoke the sense that,
the area down below is tinted by mist, therefore,
there is a body of water or marsh somewhere down there.

Undoubtedly, the dawn is rapidly approaching,
as can be discerned on the farthest horizons of land.
I altered the direction of the shadows
and light source when i realized this.

I feel, that when she is bathed in the full light of dawn,
her grey eminence of sorrows will melt away,
and she will be reborn into her true Goddess nature.

She will slowly turn, to greet the approaching new light,
and be the herald that she is.
Celebrating the awakening of the redeemed green land.

Coda:   Mysteriously, in the precise instant i penned these exact words,
there was a clattering in the hallway.
I peered through the curtains, expecting to just catch mischievous
kids in the street this time.
Or a junk-mail deliverer ignoring my newly painted sign.

Instead, what i found, was, that
my big green aerial map of Eire, had
suddenly become 'un-blue-tacked' from the wall
and clattered to the floor, where it lay.

As i said before, 'scoffers may scoff but they might as well cough'.
Call it 'coincidence' but it co-incided impeccably.  And as i also said,
it's not as if i was just doodling with a crossword puzzle.

A perfect reminder of an essential part of what we have forgotten:
The power of the word, uttered with 'feeling and benevolent intent.'

It has been demonstrated by Russian scientists, that the spoken word,
language and sound, effectively reprograms our DNA structure.
Surprise surprise...

Likewise, Masaru Emoto, the Japanese researcher, demonstrated
thousands of times, that frozen water crystals change their
micro geometry in direct response to language, any language.
Whether written or spoken, positive or negative,
produces observable change in mollecular structure
of a harmonious or inharmonious nature.

Water, being crystaline, has memory, and we, being in large part
composed of water, better be aware of what we say.
No surprise that homeopathy works.  Why wouldn't it?

But i'm sure the walls are listening, and so am i....
Lest the Goddess comes clattering in my hallway.

Without doubt, the true Dawn is overdue
and she's always more than welcome.

' They say the darkest hour..................'
Silence.  I'm listening.

RBM/  Martin.

art : The Stone Woman, martin law, Jan 2013

Saturday 2 February 2013

Happy Imbolc

2 February 2013 P.C.E.

Light the Fires at Imbolc!

Good wishes for the strengthening of Cold and the return of Sun.

May Spring truly spring.


oak in February - tracing, martin law, november 2010

art : oak in February - tracing, martin law, november 2010

artwork : digital pan play - ‘tracing ten summers’ poster image, FEB 12 - wfp for moo