Friday 30 August 2013


On Sun, July 14, 2013 at 22:54 PM, Martin Law <> wrote:


Strictly speaking, 'government', to be legitimate, should first put it to the vote as to whether anyone in their right mind would consent or even wish to be 'governed'. Or would prefer to organise their own affairs between themselves. Even the construction of roads and sewers for example which is already carried out by the people themselves anyway.

Otherwise, government, by not representing the wishes of the people first as to how things should be organized is by definition a self legitimized public nuisance purporting to be a public convenience.

Self legitimization otherwise being a parasitic intrusion into the freedom of everybody who they then refer to as 'the public', which is a self declaration of separateness with personal agendas first. Which is said to be in 'the best interests of the public.'

A public what? Are you a public? What would you say to someone who called you ' nothing but a part of the public'? Would you agree? Would you allow yourself to be treated as such for your whole existence? If so, why?

What is a public anyway? Have you ever met such a thing and do you know one personally? Being a collective term used primarily by those who consider themselves hierarchically separate from the collective, 'the general public' is a generalized abstraction, which no individuals can embody as truly representative.

It's worse than just being told what to do and what not to do. It's being told what you are, and how would anybody who doesn't know you and has not even met or heard of you know who you are , better than you who have always lived with yourself?

Given the freedom (as if freedom could be given) to be as you know and wish yourself to be, or conversely, to be coerced by threat and conditional reward, which would you choose, and why? (Please tick whichever box represents you.)

Or would you choose to let someone you'll never meet or know, decide whether you even have a choice or not? Someone whose life is dedicated to establishing conditions which are contrary to your best wishes for yourself and who tells you it's for the good of everybody. How would they know, when they don't know everybody, and only mingle with their hierarchical circle?

They give you a choice (they say) between two people saying basically the same thing: “Allow me to tell you what you are and who you can and can't be.”

What sort of choice is that?! How can a permanent stranger give you a choice to be what you already are? You.

Sure, this permanent stranger will tell you who 'they' are, and that they passionately care about you. How can you possibly believe them when they are too busy describing their agenda for you to get to know you personally? Preferring at best to send representatives of their agenda to knock on your door.

How can anyone represent you better than you yourself can? Even a mirror can't do that. They merely 're-present' you, without your presence which is the only so called 'thing' which could be referred to as being you. They do that behind somebody elses' closed doors, the last thing they're interested in is you.

If i totally entrusted someone to represent me fully, i wouldn't have a fully authentic and lifeful existence. I'd be redundant. Likewise, you'd do a better job of just representing you than i would because i'm not you. Nobody is just anybody. Just anybody, is nobody.

Who would trust somebody who goes around proclaiming to know what it's like to be somebody else. Such a person is either a stand up chamelion or an 'empathological' con artist of the worst kind.

While the plunderous powers that persist in aggressively striving to be, plainly don't represent anybody, whether human, animal, or plant. They may well be fairly representative of a parasitic virus from the void with a few captive cells in tow.

But representing somebody else, how is that even possible? You can't imitate freedom without being a fake. Authentic being is too subtle and unpredictable for that. Besides, it's presumptuous, disrespectful, antisocial, intrusive, and plain delusional. Why do public nuisances need bodyguards? To prevent anybody stopping them from being what they are.

What about the people with no voice, don't they need a representative? Why don't they have a voice? They just need to be seen to be present and given a space to speak for themselves.

If somebody represents me in any form, including forms you fill in, they are presenting an abstraction which bears no resemblance to me. I'm not my name, my name is just a sound symbol. Neither am i a few so called 'facts' considered to relate to me, the majority of which no longer exist in my presence, being of 'the past' which means non-existent.

Even my parents didn't represent me, any more than their parents represented them, i was just suddenly present, and that's as familial as it gets. My teachers didn't represent me, they just told me what to do and what not to do, as if i wouldn't find out pretty quick by myself.

Some people, (not to mention 'society in general') have zero trust in nature, which includes human nature. In fact the whole thing seems to be about zero trust.

Didn't i learn how to speak a language fluently in no time, just by listening? That is; just being present.

Leave people alone and they will be natural. They may go off the rails especially if they were previously oppressed. The people who fear that most are oppressors. They fear the oppressed so they oppress them more. They also fear ceasing to oppress, as they'd have nowhere to stand. It helps to know your neighbours, it also helps if they 'are' your neighbours, regardless of where they live.

If you knock on my door saying you represent me, i can only assume i'm talking to someone with a mirror complex who doesn't know who he's talking to.

Otherwise you'd have to relive your life over again devoted to art, music, beauty and truth and it still wouldn't resemble me in any way.

Notice i haven't used the word 'anarchy'. It's not about 'anarchy'. It's just, not about 'archy.' The term 'archy' signifies domination, and i'm not an archy- type, and a type is not an individual.

Archy is something 'overarching'. As in hierarchy, patriarchy, oligarchy, lostyourcarkey. When i need somebody to represent me i promise to be in touch with myself.~


Earthwatch 'Who, Me', martin law, 1987

Tank and Zap Flag digital Collage, martin law art

art-work : digital danplay, AUG13 - wfp for moo

Wednesday 21 August 2013


On Sun, July 14, 2013 at 22:57 PM, Martin Law <> wrote:


If i were to say one small thing to the people of this planet, it might be simply, DON'T LIE. That's a fair and honest opening statement.
If taken to heart it would be a small improvement which could make a world of difference. Alternatively it may sometimes be better to say nothing.

Chief Sitting Bullfrog of the Spawnee, martin law, 2002 digital danplay - wfp for moo

Whereas if i were to alter only one word and say instead; 'If i were to say one small thing to the people of YOUR planet', then you might well assume i'm a channeller, speaking on behalf of someone (why do they say 'entity'?) not of this worldly dimension or even be 'not of it' myself. Or they may be sceptical of such things and think i'm just lieing.

It might arouse the interest of some and degrees of scepticism and distrust of others. What's funny is, i could write a whole book that way and proclaim anything at all to be true. Simply by inserting the word, YOUR, before the word 'planet', and i wouldn't be the first to do that.

However, i'm not here to mislead the good people of 'your' planet “dearest ones”, by deceptively implying it's not mine as well (so to speak). At least while i'm here, inseparable from everything and don't recall coming from anywhere.

It's conceivable that i might have been 'somewhere else' but also that it wouldn't have been the me that's here now, any more than i am who i was yesterday.

So, for the moment, rather than suggesting you jump in the deep end of the mysterious soul pool of multiple existences, i simply say, i have no intention of misleading anybody by throwing the word 'your' at you.

While i certainly have affinities with 'times and places' other than this one, that in itself is quite common. It wouldn't be self-honest of me to insist i got it from the Indians or the Pleiadians, quite apart from whether or not i actually did.

Chief Sitting Bullfrog of the Spawnee, martin law, 2002 digital danplay - wfp for moo

There's more than enough alienation in any nation for me to be identifying as alien to the point of total alienation. Quite enough to be getting on with your neighbours or your kids. What's alien about aliens anyway? They live here; ( in the larger sense of the word 'here', that is, existence.

To make a wave into a particle, the point being, it's possible to lie by implication even with only one nondescript word. Is that a 'white lie'? Surely all lies are grey. They muddy the unequivocal clarity of black and white.

In the old days among the american indians, way before Columbus got lost and got off at the wrong stop, thinking he was in a free self service supermarket, lieing was considered by the more than five hundred tribal nations to be a capital offence.

If that were to be re-enforced today there would be no governments left standing. Sitting Bull was already seated, he was alright anyway.

When you lie, if you do, you are obviously not in your truth and so, are vulnerable to any and every falsehood there is. As like resonates with like and magnetizes the same, which can descend on you like a swarm of wasps to a jar of jam.

So if you're thinking to sting somebody by lieing, you become like that jar of jam and are open to attracting more stings than you intended to give.

You could say that habitual conscious lieing attracts other dimensional energies of a parasitic nature which feed on lies, like flies, for breakfast, dinner, and tea, with snacks in between, and stay active all night while you're even lieing in bed.

Parasites naturally have dirty feet from where they've been and possibly lay grubs which metaphorically replicate till there's no room left for a self evident truth to emerge untainted. If you're not speaking from the heart but from the head, perhaps the left brain doesn't have a conscience, dealing mainly with unfeeling information.

Chief Sitting Bullfrog of the Spawnee, martin law, 2002 digital danplay - wfp for moo

If you knowingly declare something to be so, in contradiction to the evidence of your perception, you've not only compromised your faculty of wise discernment, and sacrificed your integrity, (which means wholeness and health) but also set a precedent that it's alright to be out of true relationship with your reality, and persuaded others to do the same. Likewise with a belief that doesn't grow out of an impartial weighing of your own experience.

You can witness this on a regular basis if you observe long enough the constant stream of public figures who only 'seem' to fool people for a while. Until what they sent out comes back with the full force of a boomerang with sharp edges.

Snakes have forked tongues which however are not the source of poison. Even though they may lie, in waiting. Toads have the quickest tongues in nature, which go straight to the mark unequivocally, fully taking in their subject.

So to call somebody 'a lieing toad', are you kidding me?
Toads never lie.~

Chief Sitting Bullfrog of the Spawnee, martin law, 2002

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Chief Sitting Bullfrog of the Spawnee, martin law, 2002

art-work : digital danplay, AUG13 - wfp for moo

Monday 19 August 2013

Tuesday 13 August 2013


On Tue, July 9, 2013 at 07:35 PM, Martin Law <> wrote:


I'm just in time!” Oh that's a shame, don't you find that a great limitation?

I see websites devoted to the meme (idea) of being totally in the present. With methods, practices, and tricks to 'acheive' it.
No doubt, a lot of people will follow these with great anticipation, and wonder why they didn't get anywhere.

Well that's silly isn't it? It would be funny if it wasn't so common. So many people, using all their energy to try to find a way to be where they already are, and thinking it will be different when they do. That's duality for you. No wonder we have a myth called 'progress.'

The question has to be asked, 'where did you think you were before making such an effort to be here?' Where else is there? Maybe you could tell me how to get there.

The reason you didn't feel right where you are, is because of the idea called, 'the present', which you mistook for something 'other than' what is. Which creates discomfort and resistance to what just is.

There is no present to speak of. It's just a concept. Kept in place as if by book-ends, by two other concepts called 'past' and 'future', rather like a sandwich, a 'timeburger', but where 'are' the past and the future and how do you get there?

Don't say, 'the present becomes the future', because it doesn't. If that was so, you could never be present, not for very long anyway.

Oh, you say, but it does, 'in time'. Now you're really handcuffed in concepts and spellbound in the real and literal sense of the term.

We say, the child becomes the woman (though they usually say man) and, the seed becomes the flower, (in time.) How could that be? When they simply are what they are now. Or as you might say,'at all times'.

What other times? You mean there's more of them? Sounds like a hall of mirrors. It's the chicken and egg question, which came first?
Well, both and neither. Silly question. Chicken and egg are two terms for aspects of one process. They just alternate, in a loop, like the yin/yang symbol. There is no one without the other because they are not separate things. No two ways about it. Change is eternal and that includes the terms we use to 'point it out.'
Otherwise it is, a hall of mirrors, at least for the time being. So how, or even when, will you get out of that? You might not have enough time because, as they say, “in time you die”, and that must be the single most popular belief.

Rest assured, you won't get out in the future. When did you ever see such a thing as, 'the future'?

Everything you ever experienced, is gone. Might as well get a damp cloth and create a clean slate. But we don't do that do we?
Thinking instead, 'the past made me what i am and it remains part of what i am.' Well it does if you think it does.

We call that,'identity.' Just a slightly modified version of what was but isn't now. No wonder people grow old valuing their memories more than what is, resigning to the slim chance of there being anything else ultimately.

So time as a concept could well be an alien implant, as it doesn't seem to always serve us as well as we like to think it might. More likely it's an error of thought which is self perpetuating like perpetual motion. Simply because taken for granted and rarely questioned, being unable to imagine anything else. Haven't we imagined too much already, based on unquestioned and in some ways possibly erroneous thought?

Clocks are only circular rulers which measure spaces, to which we attribute duration, another word for change. We allow these rulers to rule us. Well they used to be circular, now they're more abstract and insidious, being more akin to a numerical heartbeat.

Sundials were, and are, closer to the truth, until we thought it necessary to be in and on time everywhere.

The grasping of, or better, 'the non-grasping-at' all this, i feel is directly relevant to the nature of the shift in consciousness so many are talking about, regarding 'the end of time.' More likely to be the end of our current conception of time.

But don't worry, you don't have to do or solve anything to be where you are. Just dissolve the whole notion, it's only an idea. But otherwise, if you like it, keep it. I don't have a lot of time for it personally. Ask me 'some other time', preferably in the ever elusive present. ~


Camera Photos, martin law, 8th July 2013
Time Clocks
Stone Spiral Sunflower

Thursday 1 August 2013


On 02 July 2013 22:48, Martin Law wrote:


A whole continent... plundered! I was never quite able to assimilate that. Such a gigantic and intentioned assault on a mature culture for at least five hundred years. Simultaneously portrayed as something quite other. What will we call it? How about, 'America'?
History is another word for cover up.

Apache Mystery 1, martin law, November, 2008

Error, uncorrected, and aggressively perpetuated, spawns evil. The persistent repression of conscience with a refusal to make amends and you have a whole continent populated with generations of angry ghosts, invisible but unable to move on, their spirit nature already bonded with Mother Earth while in incarnation.

The land littered with plants plundered and pulled from the sacred soil, roots exposed under a raging eye of Grandfather sun. Call it something else, 'manifest destiny', 'the march of progress,' call it, 'Civilization', capitalized and with a Capital.

Apache Mystery 2, martin law, November, 2008

Ancestors swept up in a tidal wave washing westward from the eastern shore and all swept under the concrete carpet, not sleeping but far and wide awake, whisperings in the wind through waving grass in the wild places. All in the name of bound books and a lust for gold.
Caesars, Emperors, Pontiffs, Popes, and Kings, decimating the indigenous and wandering tribes of Europa. Benighted the trauma persists and travels with the blight, settling on strange shores of fugitive and anticipated independence. 'Virgin lands' ripe for rape , fluttering flags unfurl clashing in ceremonious barbarity of red white and blue nonconcordance blindly dispatching gratuitous hot lead in thunderclouds of dust and smoke, rootless and ruthless to stake self righteous claim in already populous territory of five hundred and fifty five long settled tribal nations from sea to shining sea with no need of being rediscovered.

First Nations of North America Map

Native plants uprooted release messenger seed signals on the wind further proliferating, and so too with the psyche of our species. Bipeds being a form of mobile flora, adaptable and hankering after habitat so to thrive and flourish. But for the collective trauma of recurrent upheaval, manifesting a dualistic glitch in the pattern and process of spirit-bonding with place.

Columbus lost and alienated exporting 'The Europan Dualistic Dissociation', intent on exploits of exploitation and greed for gold makes hearts turn cold under the fluttering flags of delusory separation.
All the more reason to IMAGINE a time before time when 'The New World' was old and whole, as it ever and always is in the new now, eternally bathed in timeless enchantment by night and day to the four winds. Bonded inseparably as earth and sky in the unbroken hoop of the seasons' sacred natural union of diversity.

Butterfly Girl, martin law, August 2009

The illusion bore strange fruit, culminating in an urge to synthesize
biology, megalopolitan monoliths of steel and glass in diametric opposition to abundant earth. Strangely built along fault lines and shores of shifting silt subject to sudden shifts and still screaming skyward earthbound for the unattainable ever unsustainable vain glory whose only unmanifest destiny is to fall.

The ultimate lesson being, to return, cease the striving and straining away of arrogant denial covered and coated in concrete, and climb back down, to cultivate the valley spirit of community in the natural abundance which nourishes by itself when cared for and shared more.


    1. Treat the earth and all that dwells thereon with respect.

    2. Remain close to The Great Spirit.

    3. Show great respect for your fellow beings.

    4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind.

    5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.

    6. Do what you know to be right.

    7. Look after the well-being of mind and body.

    8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.

    9. Be truthful and honest at all times.

    10. Take full responsibility for your actions.

Sacred Sunrise‏, martin law, August 2010

These are not 'commandments' in the sense of 'thou shalt not' prohibitions made by an authority figure, but rather, well intentioned guidelines from a profound and practical spiritual tradition steeped in many similar examples of diverse natural wisdom. Unlike the dogma perennially promulgated by the oppressors who first demonized their hosts as being 'uncivilized'.

Being a typical repression of conscience (self hypnosis) practiced in order to define 'others' as expendable.
The current culmination of five centuries of hypocrisy by the dominant society since its inception being, lieing, spying, warring with everyone and everything and finally now, with itself, having sown and tended the seeds of self deconstruction.

Medicine Songs, martin law, April 2010

In retrospect, the falseness of 'history' is as clear and self evident as the sun in the sky, though that too is being obscured as a result.
Error arrogantly uncorrected spawns evil.

Kisses the Wolf, martin law, January 2009

It is time to correctly diagnose the root cause of imagined separation. Imaginary, because stressed in contradiction to all factual evidence to the contrary. Time to take time out in the quiet natural spaces and listen to the whisperings within the breeze that ruffles the leaves.
While the breeze stirs yet the mind rests in silence, simply receiving the sound, it is the feeling heart which hears the wisdom of its own re-membering.

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Camera Photo, martin law, 4th July 2013:
First Nations of North America Map


Apache Mystery 1, martin law, November, 2008
Apache Mystery 2, martin law, November, 2008
Butterfly Girl, martin law, August 2009
Sacred Sunrise, martin law‏, August 2010
Medicine Songs, martin law, April 2010
Kisses the Wolf, martin law, January 2009