Wednesday 12 December 2012

The War On Peace.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 2:59 AM, Martin Law <> wrote:

irish hawthorn, martin law, nov 2011

>  The War On Peace. <
Sometimes i am lost for words.  Not for lack of something to say.  More for want of adequate language.
But then, "To speak but rarely is to be natural."  (A Chinese Proverb.)

So i'm not going to list the 'goings on' in the human world that defy credulity, or even go there.  The internet can take care of that.  Suffice to say, there's a whole world and more, going on that most are unaware of, and would be reluctant to consider seriously if they were informed.  Besides, that's not my main focus here.

Whatever your main focus may be, then becomes your perception and experience.  I'm always looking for a more concise, and self explanatory way of saying that.  That will do for now.

My preferred creative orientation has always been to the miracle of the natural world, as experience.  Preferably without the stain of the unwisdom of human activity impinging on perception.

It's easy to say, that there is no peace in the world.   But consider, where can peace be, but in perception and experience?  Present perception and experience.

You could be in paradise and be 'bored stiff'.  The existence of war  (150 of them currently) is infinitely more 'boring', and the word is infinitely inadequate.
        Everything IS Everything Else.
Interdependence.  Or, as Thich Nhat Hanh,  (Vietnamese Buddhist Monk) coined the word,  "interbeing".
Everything is part of everything else, to such a degree, that: Everything IS everything else.  It's the same 'process', and there 'are no separate parts.'

It follows, that, when we hide from the world, we are the world, hiding from itself.
Words fail, on seeing what goes on in the human world.  But they don't have to.
Perhaps i can say something of direct relevance that doesn't fail.

For example:  Where on Earth, is, or was there ever, a dividing wall between 'the human world', and, 'the natural world'?

The skin?!  Hardly.  Skin is as far from being a dividing wall as is possible to go.  Like talking about the skin of a sponge. 
Skin, possibly the largest organ of the body, though i'd have to query that.  But an aspect of the body we tend to think of as a boundary, but which is in constant two way interpenetration with every quality of 'the natural world' at all points, and with no points that aren't.  'The natural world,' does that mean we think we are not natural?
To have even the slightest notion of any dividing boundary is, strictly speaking, insanity.
This alone, accounts for much of the insanity of human behaviour.

We move through the world, as the whole world moves through us.  'The whole world', being: food, air, water, minerals, chemicals, radiations, and every kind of vibration and frequency that exists.
So where is there such a thing as a boundary, except in imagination and belief?  Relative boundaries unite just as much as they seem to divide.  I and my neighbour have the same fence in common.
We all have our unique differences and diversity in common.  Our difference is mutual and interdependent.

Division is a mind construct.  But we are free to change our mind.  In fact, we are going to have to. 
It's one thing to lose the plot, but especially if that plot is the one you live on.

         You Are Just As You Think.
That doesn't mean there's no choice.  It also does not mean, you are as other people have led you to think.  Nothing is fixed, and, being nothing, you can try and fix it.

To express it another way, in a simple word-picture progression:  Regardless of 'who' we may think we are, we are each a colony of interdependent cells.
It has been repeatedly demonstrated, that, what a cell may be and become, depends on the nature of the fluid medium it inhabits.  Whether in a petri dish, or in a body, the same.  Regardless of its' genetic inheritance.  This is now referred to as 'epigenetics.'
So, what determines the precise nature of the medium? 
The blood, does that.

What determines the constituents of the blood?
The brain, does that.

By naturally secreting the chemical most appropriate to the immediate situation.
How does it know which one to release?
It is determined by what you think and believe the situation to be.
What you think, may be from the conscious fore-brain, and aligned with your true, higher aspirations and desires.

Or, it may be from the subconscious back-brain, where the automatic programming is operative.  That, which we have been, as we say, 'led' to believe.  Old recordings if you like.
This option  is where we have choice.  Either, react from the old (which is not who we are , but is acquired). 
Or, respond, consciously in the present, without too much reference to who we assumed our self to be, previously.

That is, as simply as i can describe, the proven fact, that, thought and belief, instantly manifest transformation, evolution, health, peace, or otherwise, in every cell of the body, and i forget how many millions there are.

So if you think 'old', you are.  If you think 'new', you are.
If,'defeated', you are. If, 'triumphant', you are.

If you want to be beautiful, think beautifully.  It doesn't have to do with looks.  But with your spirit.

                The Opposite Of Old Is New.
Among some leading biologists it's reportedly known, that what we call 'aging', has more to do with stress on otherwise self-renewing cells, due to unresolved trauma, than on anything taken for granted as being the natural order.
Like, age.  Where is age, in the self-renewing present?  It's just the new, created now.

Likewise, the worldview appears as it is believed to be.  Depending on how you focus, orient, and relate to the surrounding medium.
Along with the undeniable 'war on peace for profit',  there IS, also, an agenda to maintain a constant stream of bad news, as a social context for it to operate in. 
Otherwise, there would be a strict policy to not, falsely manufacture bad news.
Now there's a logical statement!

Given, the ubiquitous causes for disillusionment, it's important to not let disillusionment descend into entropy, as a result of holding on to it. 
Better to use it for knowing you can see through illusions. 

You don't need to be an ostrich, either, only to prove that ignorance is not blissful.
Ignorance is ignorance, that is, 'not knowing.'  Bliss?  Well, that's something else, and you might need a certain kind of self-knowledge for that.

For a more convincing, and certainly enthusiastic and optimistically liberating presentation of this theme, i wholeheartedly recommend simply typing into a computer (any computer), the name,  BRUCE LIPTON.  (The inspiring biologist and spiritual scientist whose radical insight this is.)
I particularly like his interview on the website of  Lisa M.
He has many videos on youtube, and they're ALL the best.  Definitely an insight well worth passing on.
Talking of 'viral' and viruses,  it may become more important to note, for future reference when the next imminent fake virus alert is perpetrated, to frighten you into applying for the job as a pincushion.
BRUCE LIPTON explains, that contrary to public belief, you don't necessarily contract a virus via 'contagion' just because it's said to be out there.  That in fact, the researched percentage of immunity in a given 'epidemic', tends to be around 66% , and that, in the context of how compromised the average immune system is, (witness the 'common' cold.)

So, you might be a sponge but you don't have to be a pin cushion.  Just expect to be healthy, and that works on the placebo principle.  What you wholeheartedly believe, transforms your cells.
So, to misquote a popular phrase,  'If music be the food of love, it's probably the best fluid medium to fill your surrounding cell walls with.'
You can misquote me on that.


art : irish hawthorn, martin law, nov 2011

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