Wednesday 24 April 2013


On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Martin Law <> wrote:

"When precious gems hang from the plough,
to peaceful arts shall envy bow." ~ William Blake.

Since i seem to have an adequate command of language, i also see, that how it's used or abused invokes experience.
Plus the fact that almost everyone has access to
some form of receiving and transmitting communication device.
So here's a simple collective experiment.
I personally don't like following instructions so it's not one of those.
Simply pay close attention to your immediate
honest inner reaction to the following phrase in capitals.  For example, is your response affirmative,
or sceptical, or cynical, or nothing in particular?
Three simple words:  PEACE ON EARTH.
That should be sufficient.  What more could you possibly wish for?
Just to be extra provocative, what do you THINK
about "PEACE ON EARTH ?"
If you want to be mischievous, try it out on people
via texting and check their reaction just for fun.
Keep it plain and simple and capitalized. 
It can be very revealing and should have gone viral
way before now anyway.
I am purposely leaving myself open to sounding naive.
That's not difficult, and it provokes honest reaction.
In a healthy and aware world, the phrase would have traveled far already.  I must point out that IT JUST DID.
This is slightly tongue in cheek, or is it 'cheek in tongues?'  But deadly serious.
With regard to 'naiveophobia', (fear of appearing innocent), the dictionary defines 'naive' as:
1. "Innocent and gullible." (Are they 'really' synonymous?)
2.  "Simple and lacking sophistication."
Well that's cool.  At least i'm not guilty or closed minded.  'Simple and lacking sophistication' is my intent anyway, i.e. 'plain speech.'
PEACE ON EARTH~ Oops, i've said it again.  What a troublemaker!
Totally naive, and simple too. Obviously too idealistic.
Allow me to make one thing bright and clear.
War is the epitome of idealism taken to its ultimate conclusion.
A 'conclusion' is an ending, so let's not jump to wrong conclusions.  Anyone with a heart knows war is a wrong conclusion.
Innocent or not, ( it's equally synonymous with wisdom.  If you don't suffer with naiveophobia).
At least i don't feel guilty.
I've been around long enough to anticipate the variations of inevitable predictable knee jerk reactions
to anyone appearing to take the word PEACE to heart where it belongs.
Here's a common one:  "Not in my lifetime anyway."
Normally used as an enquiry stopper in parting, like goodbye.
Amazing.  What a thing to live with!  Understandable but amazing.
Realize, when you say that and believe it, yet another light bulb blows and goes out.  Better switch to free energy and stock up on light bulbs.
You willingly surrender that which you most value for yourself, loved ones, and the world and all that lives.
"Because experience says that's the REAL world."
Since when did defeatism contribute towards triumph?
A rational conclusion is NOT the point.
You ditched the baby with the bathwater.
When, the 'point' of being here is to triumph within,
through choice which is no choice at all, being self evident.
Then there's:  "But there will always be evil people."
No doubt.  But that's like saying 'there will always be mistakes' (how else do we learn?)
Some people make them wilfully and refuse to correct them likewise.  If you choose to refer to evil, there's a working definition.
The point, if there is one, is to BE Peace on Earth, whether the possibility seems to exist or not.
If it's not in your presence how can it be an experience?  It's far more, than the absence of war.
The mention of peace, must be like salt in the wound to the chronically terminally disillusioned.
Its absence was originally too depressing, too saddening, for it to be something felt within and valued.
Or for imagination to conceive of as being 'the natural order', but for the wounded rage of patriarchy.
Citing the fact that 'things eat each other', as lame justification.
If survival is an instinct, it means survival of the whole.
Not 'at the expense of,' which, lacking the other, is suicide.
That, is dualism.  Ignoring that we survive 'by virtue of' the other.  Failing to regard all of Earth from a presence of peace, is to perish.
How "TOO IDEALISTIC" is that?
So there, that's thrown a pigeon among the cats.
Except it's not a pigeon it's a dove and it's cooing is cat proof.
All very well to talk of 'survival of the fittest'.  When those most fitted to survive are those who co-operate.
The others self-destruct.  They destroy that which supports them.  Might, might be only as mighty as a mite.
Hence the long drama playing to its conclusion, or not.
Aah...(YAWN)... the battle of Light and Dark...
as if they were two things.
Dark is simply, Light obstructed.
Like the Sun, light is eternal, ever present.
Obstruction is cyclic.  The ever present will always reappear (because it never went anywhere), till we learn to comprehend self-obstruction.

It is wise to imagine PEACE ON EARTH, or, else how could we express it?  Biologically proven to manifest health and creativity.  Obvious really.
It is practical to perfect its expression, or how else would we manifest it?  It is THE MOST IDEAL situation to actualize, and THE ONLY beneficial circumstance for life to thrive.  Also obvious.
In stark contrast to collective suicide,
(which is way TOO IDEALISTIC).
"Without a vision, the people perish."('Indian' saying).
With a FIERCE reverence for natural beauty the rest follows.  (My saying).
If that alone was encouraged as 'education'
that would probably be enough.~


       Towpath Vision, martin law, April 2013
           Divine Perfume, martin law, March 2009

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