Tuesday 21 May 2013


On 11 May 2013 23:14, Martin Law <martin.rainbowmaker@gmail.com> wrote:


                      Seeds, words, wit.  Choose your weapons.

Burnt Filament. martin law,2003_Xt5_wfp

They've already just banned seeds.
The (EU), Egocentric Usurpers.
Usurpers and would be mono-polists of source,
and they're working on words of course.
Words are for spelling and their spells
are not grounded in truth to start with.
Like fake machos who become muscle bound,
they are already myopic and spell bound.
Who decrees 'authorities' have 'authority' anyway?
Not 'God' for sure, gods don't go into business.
Their only claim to be 'authors' is they've written it down.  But their spelling is not grounded in truth.
If they declare: "truth is against the law,"
(and they do), then the law is a lie.
Burnt Filament. martin law,2003_XLt2_wfp
Thereby having no 'authority.'
While they certainly mean business,
that's all they mean: 'Business.'
A 'parasite', is something that makes others' busy-ness, their 'Business'.
By putting 'i' in place of 'Y'.
'I' first, and don't ask 'Y'?
If you want to 'spell' properly,
you have to know seed-syllables and syntax.
Words ARE seeds, and seeds ARE words.
The word is your weapon.  Claim it.  Use it now.
Spread the word as you would sow seeds.
The seed is the word that became leaves.
If you want to inspire a worthy belief,
believe in leaves, demand seeds be left alone.

Burnt Filament. martin law,2003 XtL 4_wfp
Never mind your 'sin tax', i speak in short sharp jabs.
Their only short sharp jabs are polluted anti-bodies.
Even then, they mis-spell 'compulsive' as 'compulsory'.  Wrongly thinking they have a right.

Wrong people are not interested in right,
and so, have no valid right to declare others wrong.
There is no 'authority', above or below
that can sanely back up groundless delusion.
"When the right man uses the wrong means
the wrong means work in the right way". (The TAO.)
Alternatively, when you get the wrong people
with no right , to claim to wield power,
you get what we've got now.  Till it backfires.
Leaving them no ground in truth left to stand on.

To speak of wit, which is 'only coincidentally' witty.
Wit is defined as, "practical (AWARE) intelligence".
Look it up.  The 'aware' is intrinsic to intelligence.
Which is why, everything that is perpetrated
is simply to scare people out of their wits,
and i'm not being witty.
Burnt Filament. martin law,2003_XtL1_wfp
When you have your wits about you,
every word you may utter is a seed.
One that need not and cannot be deposited in a bank.
It issues straight from a source beyond monopoly.
'Mono-poly', the ONE which is the source of the many.
The only true source, which is everywhere, and nowhere, (now-here).
Deposit your seeds in the Earth. 
Whether to grow or to store.
The Earth (y)our Mother, she'll take good care of them, with the supremely highest interest available.
Don't meddle in her transactions.
She has a formidably sharp bite to better all sharks.
You will see.
Still arrogant as a cover for your doubtfulness?
Then here's some relevant homework you missed -
Consult:  'The complete prophesies of 'No Eyes''.
Chippaweyan blind woman seer.
Burnt Filament. martin law,2003 XtL3_wfp
She foresaw all this, back before it was dreamed of.
It has a happy outcome of course.
Everything else led only to disaster as prophesied.
Evilization self destructs, and all return to
native 'Indian' tested ways as it was meant to be.
Go on, Google her.  She's right on, so far,
with her itemized list of occurrences which
no-one could have conceived of back then,
and with not much further to go till the eagle flies.
The future, is PLANT POWER

>>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<<

Art : Burnt Filament, martin law, 2003 - extracts
artwork : digital pan play, 'wording seeds', MAY13 - wfp for moo

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