Sunday 2 June 2013


. . . responding to a . . . massive moo missive - to wake up to . . .

On 20 May 2013 05:07, Martin Law <> wrote:

by the dark pool,martin law,december2012MAGfaces597_wfp 
 'LEVIATHONICAL!  i.e. Your Impressive Email.
Well, i may be an impressionable impressionist but i was impressed.  Unequivocably a literal literary leviathan of a chronicle.  Hence "leviathonical".
Like ringing a doorbell and the jackpot comes cascading out of the letter box!  (Why is it called a "jack pot"!?  A 'jot pack' might be more fitting.)
Anyway a lovely massive missive to wake up to, and i read it all, diligently before muesli breakfast and it didn't go against the grain, fulfilling enough in itself it was.
What uniquely idiosyncratic tracks you trail, and i followed fairly flawlessly, iterating inwardly that the poetic word seeding of the 'sixties' wasn't wasted on you, whether you were 'in' that day or not matters not a jot.
Quizzical the while as to what species of trail i'm tracking.  No mere mundane Pentagosaurus obviously.  A more agile creature by far, as evidenced by signs in the dirt of momentary pause or scurry to test and taste the nutritional value of a word dropping, freshly left by another creature who's path crossed.
With also a distinctly cloven hoof to the main trail. Obviously a creature en route to a home in the heights from a fruitful foray skirting the swampy lowlands.
Possibly a 'Pentelope', a rare fugitive Springbok.
However.  I made shorthand notes of 14 salient details to respond to in my smokesignal, lest the mists of amnesia set in before nightfall, and encamp, "EH-te-pe"* and strike up a small fire beneath high dense foliage for diffusion of whereabouts from unseen eyes.  Noting the limpid clarity of the twilight firmament bodes well for the mildness of the morrow, 'ha-HON-nah'.

"Paradigm wrench".  Aha! The term i used.  In so saying, "i see you have one".  Meaning: Any tool or means used to decisively shift or turn stuck patterns of conventional consensus assumption.
Can be used to advantage in conjunction with 'a dead dinosaur jump-start'.
Some might say 'a shot of love', which otherwise would take 'a lot of shove'.
Thanks to d.p.w.t. on the bullseye shot right on the mark of the 'chemtrail' X criss-crossed across the sky.
I see that the researcher '' is as of now 'The Carnicom Institute'.  For those still yet to come of age and awareness of the full implications of what's called "Agenda 21", and it's not a party.
So for anyone who was about to think of 'presents', there is only THIS one and it's under attack.
(That's a Paradigm Wrench).
Though it may be a bit more than a wrench for people who dream the world is "normal", just because it appears familiar, and we're going to need the dead dinosaur jumpstart anyway and more than a shot of love.
'Shot of love', is a Bob Dylan song title and the irony is, even at this late date millions of humans are still oblivious as to what is REALLY 'Blowin' in the Wind !'
"The answer my friend, is" RADIATION, ALUMINIUM, BARRIUM, STRONTIUM, NANO PARTICLES, exocetera.  Though i know that don't rhyme and ain’t melodious.  He continues: "and how many deaths will it take till he knows, that too many people have died/ The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind, the answer is blowin' in the wind".
Think how many times he's sung that to hundreds and thousands of people.  So have i.  Over and over on the streets.  Six hours for six quid. What does it take?
WORDS are your SWORD.  Wield it wisely to waken.

by the dark pool,martin law,december2012MAGfaces2-597_wfp

Midges? I seem to recall Chris saying they don't like lemon juice.*
Certainly OK by me for colour play on details of 'BURNT FILAMENT', given there's an 'as is' whole original.  Theme and variations.  You're the vocalist, cool, 'take it~~~'
Noticed and LIKED the edge blurring on 'WINYAN'.
Also much appreciated your astute edit on credits: "shut down" & "shout that far".  Thanks. You're a good ed.  WELL PLAYED !
Forever grateful for a channel to flow through.  I know what stagnation feels like, shocking, been there.
Blessed with kindigenous co-evolution.*

A tiny red UFO is in the blue to the left of sun in BURNT FILAMENT, for your, and everyone’s reference.  It's tiny.  Looks like a fragment of the organic tracery.  A subtle touch for those with eyes to hear.
Our friend M.H. well worth a hello to him.  His compliment is sincere and extrapolated. Showed me his similarly colour coded voluminous writings on 'the market' research.  HIS SOAP IS THE BEST.  Both he and his partner are ARTISTS.  Maybe he knows where there's some horse sh1t  (typo no.1. intended.  People tend to poo-poo a pronoun when it's in the middle of sh1t but what does 'one' matter, or does one really matter, fecally speaking for fertility's sake)!
(Coffee break)~

"MUSIC !!"~~~ I'm always glad when i hear you say you are about to sing and play and you hinted or otherwise implied that to be the case so i'm even gladder.  See, i'm firmly committed in my conviction that you are, individually as well as in combination, of genius, and you know how convicted i am purported to be, and anyway i've listened to you.  Not only that.  I HEARD you and i wouldn't doubt my senses, and besides, i've got more of an ear than Van Gogh and am clairaudient like you are and like your audience would be if they had the sense to listen to the point of HEARING.  Hearing is believing.  No, more than that.  Upon hearing, there is no further use for 'belief'.  Belief is when you don't know.
I mean, impeccable ARTISTRY is impeccable ARTISTRY and no two ways about it.  Honest outside the box up close and uniquely personal EXCELLENCE personified as well as innovatively creative and ground breaking and i have to call a spade a spade even if a Zenist says it's NOT a spade i don't give a damn what it's called, it works.
I mean it's bad enough when the birds stop singing....
It was Pablo Picasso who said, quote: " I paint as the bird sings".  I could say the same except i paint at night.
For the sake of our dear global audience listening through the keyhole wondering "what's he ranting about now", i have to say, as an indigenous Terran, i have passionate likes and dislikes, and know enough about 'Zen' (excuse my language) to be aware that said texts are ubiquitously interspersed with admonishments against "liking and disliking" as being the minute hair in the ointment "which splits heaven and earth apart".
Well, that's OK too.  PARADOXICALLY.  It's a free universe and we're not talking about 'the old testament', Terra forbid.
It's when you DON'T know that what you're being and doing, (for want of a word that's not just another mammalian noise) ...IS precisely and totally 'WHAT IS'
with not a nanosecond left for split ends, and i bet nobody followed that.
If our friends and listeners, "scattered across time and space" really miss eternity that much, think how long it could take to divert the world from oblivion at this pace.  IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE RIGHT NOW.

I KNOW i digress.  It's totally unpremeditated, and i enjoy it. Just like making music.
If whoever's listening through the keyhole wonders who i'm talking about, MUSIC and all, you can find them documented in detail on this blog if you look.
Under MOO, Ministry of Output~
Some things should be sung from the rooftops!
That leaves me with, Blake, Dark Mountain, and industriousness on my 'to address' list.
My MOO friends are as impeccably thorough as this also.  Talk about short attention spans most associated with that continent formerly known by the 555 nation tribes who inhabited it.  Numbering 50 million and reduced by intentional genocide to 500 thousand (correct me if i'm wrong) just off the top of my head and they call it "progress" and "manifest dest..." 'dystopia ?'  Or just a haircut.  Ah well, Rome didn't die in a day.  What's so quick about 'progress'?
How about a 24 hour attention span?  I'm sure the 'old timers' wouldn't find that too outrageous.

Talking of Dark Mountain, i enjoyed your comment in your seven hours long massive missive.
In the not so long ago days when 'snail' (so misnomered) was the main means of transporting a message, i too would spend ten or so hours on a letter, sometimes admittedly in shifts, most notably to my offspring(s). These days, with all this communication technology i'm blessed if i get more than a one liner - in small print.
One liner that springs to mind is 'The Titanic.'  Make mine 'on ice' will you.
I noticed my subsequent internal dialogue while working on the garden till sunset today as it 'sank' behind a dark mountain.  Likewise 'industrious', when i get stuck into it.  Successfully 'turning clay into loam'. Yes it is possible.  You just separate the wheat from the chaff and play one against the other, over and over like alchemy.
Thinking, 'never mind water into wine.  I might not feed five thousand, but at least nobody gets pissed'.

Focusing on the Dark Mountain, in the form of a forum as if a fly on the wall (or a butterfly for that matter) and concurring with the concept of a cat among the proverbial pigeons (though i love both).
Maybe more like a bull among china clay pigeons or let's say, sitting ducks.  As i mused amused at the notion of a robust but totally called for roustabout of aroused bovine hornery having gatecrashed by stealth into a store full of oh so precious porcelain pigeons never mind the money lenders and their temple momentarily in my fertile and ruminant moment of imagination that i even forgot to call the thing in my grasp 'a spade'.  A spade by any other name works just as well.

Snuffing the computer late last night such that you could almost call it early morning to peruse three borrowed books of William Blake kindly lent by Phil.
I gather, books are now called 'hard copy' but they weren't that hard. Admittedly 'The Book of Urizen' is pretty esoteric and loaded with hard to fully fathom turbulent archetypes and forebodings.
But the author/biographer did a pretty in depth probe of elucidating the conceptual framework that a few bells did ring and heavy chains and cast iron manacles did clink, currently pervaded as we are with the revelatory revival of the concept of 'archons' as well as the pitfalls inherent in fundamentalist dualism whether Judaic, Zaddik, or Zoroastrian.  Blake's 'Urizen' book it is suggested, serves as a cast iron epitome of the one cage you certainly don't want to get yourself locked into for all eternity.
I probably originally came to Blake via his imagery.  As well as it's influence on the younger Samuel Palmer and 'his' visionary work.  Such that at age 19 i took a train ride from London to Oxford to be admitted into a room to view the originals.
It's funny how you can be influenced by the deep force of an artist's work yet not be totally at one with their apparent standpoint.
That's alright, there's bound to be some 'iffy's' in diversity.  You ingest what nourishes and ponder the rest on the side of your plate, curiously.
It's the monumentality of biblical references that seem archaically curious. Perhaps it was paradigmatically harder to radically question 'God' and 'Jesus' in the one thousand eight hundreds.
Put it down to Patriarchy.  We inhabit a female planet.
Anything that gives birth to everything, forever, i mean: has to be more akin to a 'mother'.
The indigenous know this, the 'so called' Pagan, the Gnostic, and look what we did to them!
I mean: LOOK.

I wonder if you're still busy in your nocturnal neck of the woods, the bosom of the hills.  It's ten to five a.m. now.  Thanks for clarification that what i queried innocently referring to how busy you are.  It was simply a wish for you to not have to struggle in this realm.  With all the good you bring, all the inborn natural gifts and inclinations of intrinsic GREAT WORTH.  Irrefutably. Self evidently, by your fruits and more. 
INDUSTRIOUSNESS.  Of course, thanks for this word.  I guess, i am too.  Nous nous comprenons.

There, i've written another article.
So much for getting to bed by one o'clock.

For now anyway.  Till the sun shines, and it will shortly.  When did it ever not?
Bless your Industrious Revolution!


by the dark pool,martin law,december2012-MAG596_wfp

Art : by the dark pool, martin law, december2012
artwork : digital pan play, 'gaM mooZ looP' i - iii', JUN13 - wfp for moo

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 8:03 PM, Martin Law <> wrote:

>PPS (Sp.)>
After planting brussels sprouts and while walking the shoreline looking for big driftwood on the rocks and looking out to islands contemplating possible shots that suggested  'leviathans'* it dawned on me as i came to the point:  Leviathan is spelt with 2 'a's not an 'o'.
Maybe it's 'O'kay in the title, being blended with 'chronical.'~ LEVIATHONICAL.
But in paragraph 1 of text it should be 'leviathan' to show i'm not an idiot (a word originally meaning uninstructed/uneducated).
So i award myself an A.
Thanks to eds.

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