Friday 20 December 2013


On Sunday, Oct 13, 2013, Martin Law <> wrote:

'Live in the sacredness of the ordinary.'

How on Earth can the mundane be sacred?
Well, simply by being. Who can dismiss the mystery of what simply IS?

But we do. We call everything that's familiar, 'ordinary' or 'mundane.' If that's not a rejection of reality then what is?

It must be that we're not really familiar with anything. That means, not even curious about the obvious fact that 'everything IS.'

Before adding any more to that, let's take a close look at the words SACRED and MUNDANE.

First, the word concept SACRED, from the Latin
'sacrum', 'sacere,' etc. Signifying “that which is deserving of the highest reverence, otherworldly, holy.”

(If the concept really defines 'holy' then it must speak of 'the whole', and not the otherworldly to the total exclusion of the world we inhabit.)

Second, MUNDANE. From the Latin, 'mundus'
meaning, world. Implying worldly, familiar, ordinary, commonplace, everyday.

'Everyday !?' What sort of definition is that?
Everything is ordinary every day?

There is only today and only now. Forget imagined tomorrows there aren't any.
Words are just imaginary frames we use, to isolate from the whole and thereby exclude all else. Language is not to be taken literally.

These two words, SACRED and MUNDANE
came into wider public usage during the 14th and 15th centuries by way of 'propaganda'
propagated by the politically constructed Roman religion.

They actually invented the word 'propaganda',
meaning, to cultivate a concept, just as one would propagate plants. You could call it an implant of a belief.

The concept implanted ,being: Everything, to infinity, is worthy of the highest reverence,...
except for the Earth !

Earth, and all life, on, within, and around it, including us of course, not worthy of anything.
This is an intentional stark inversion to the universal nature based wisdom traditions that long preceded it. The patriarchal agenda being self evident.

There you have it. The enforcement of an inverted FALSE DICHOTOMY denigrating sacred oneness with nature (everything natural).
Especially 'pagans', a word meaning country dweller. Under threat of 'heresy' (from the Greek 'heresai'), meaning, to choose or decide for oneself.

Being as such, a programme of self denigrating
geo-centricity in reverse, elevated to the level of psychopathy and sanctified by deluded psychopaths divorced from their 'own' nature,
who justify trashing everything for their own 'greater good.'

Piously presented as fake humility under rule of brute law and threat of violent death.
You'd think after half another century we'd have woken up, stood up, and spoken up by now.

Do you see through the deception now? Or is your window still steamed up by the heat of many battles?

Let's get sane. It's all about presenting false opposites as antagonistic instead of mutually interdependent and totally complementary.

The conflict of separation herds people to choose 'the light' over 'the dark' then the perpetrators co-opt the light and present a false version of it which appears light but is heavy, heavier than previously.

The only 'holy' is wholeness, which means 'everything', undivided within itself because genuine wholes don't have 'parts.'

It was just an illusion to make the peasants think of black and white as opposites, when in fact they support one another.
It only takes one bad apple with a lot of clout for the rot to spread.

But, when 'the dark' completely dominates, it by definition becomes background for its complementary to arise out of.
But let's not get snared in dark versus light.

The ordinary IS the sacred. Simply by virtue of absolutely being what it is. Extraordinary but true. If all life is not sacred then what is?
You don't have to be out of the ordinary to know that. Just keep your window clean so you can see through it.

It's also a mirror so be mindful what you reflect on because that reflects back as reality.
Don't be stuck with reflecting on the 'mundane world' as being intrinsically mundane or you'll be bored to death for life.

Thinking that the magical mystical miracle of omnipresent enchantment and wonder must be something 'else.'
Unless you really want to feel separated from all that, “just be ordinary and nothing special.”
Being, is beyond words.~

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         SACRED MUNDANE photos, martin law

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