Wednesday 21 May 2014


On Wednesday, April 23, 2014, Martin Law <> wrote:

Europa Long Ago.

As above, the far flung familiar firmament,
stellar scattering spearpoint stars in eternity.
So below, looping back through incarnations,
millenial migrations, moving at one with wild deer.

Swirled in spiralled waves of whirlpool wind,
coalescing into communal clusters.
Europa long ago.

In a wide wild where women weave.
Painting pictographic alphabets on voluminous pots. Runic forms in reverence to common themes, chevrons and sigils of cycles and seasons.

Copper and clay are soft enough to serve.
Cut and mould and house the growing grain.
Shape by hand the round domed earthen hearth, and the crescent blade was a tool to thrive on Earth.

The circle is a sacred space, a balanced bulge.
Bluffs the buffeting waves of wind deflecting.
Holds the liquid crystal memory of water untainted. In ochre and rust red an archaic sun arcs down.
~~~ RBM. April 23. 2014

Words inspired by watching an interesting documentary on the life and work of Marija Gimbutas, renowned Lithuanian archaeologist and scholar. The film titled,'Signs Out Of Time.' While concurrently contemplating 'civilization.'

Note; The Cucuteni of ancient Anatolia, like perhaps Catal Huyuk as well as the Minoan culture, being matrifocal Goddess cultures, no evidence of the use of weapons was found.

Five thousand years ago, or so it's said, there was an outbreak of 'civilization' that couldn't be contained despite massive fortification.
When you look at what goes on in the name of progress and civilization, you'd have to wonder, if it was an alien intrusion, and was it such a great idea?

WHO'S CIVILIZED, martin law, 2014

CIVILIZATION- The dictionary definition:

High level of human cultural and social development. Particular society which has reached this level.

CIVILIZE- Refine or educate (a person). Make (a place) more pleasant or more acceptable.

If we are 'really' civilized according to this definition, then what society on Earth actually has a "high level of human cultural and social development"? Is there one, and where is it exactly?

There are individuals who reach high levels of development but rarely if at all, whole societies. You can't define a society by the exceptions to the norm of that society, as if the society as a whole produced it and shared in its creation. That's a cultural conceit which is not a high level of anything.

So when does civilization leave a place more pleasant and acceptable? Perhaps when it goes away and never comes back. Though that's not true, because it invariably leaves a plundered mess in its wake and tends not to go away.

Most typically, societies are either predating on other societies or are predated on, or otherwise in perpetual internal conflict. In any case, predated on by unseen forces and vested interests.

Where is there a high level of collective social development? No it's not on the top floor of of high rise apartments. That's not the kind of 'development' i'm referring to. Material 'housing' without being grounded in spiritual refinement of wellbeing is a definition of factory farming.

WHO'S CIVILIZED, martin law, 2014

Most nations are either in revolt or victimhood for want of freedom to evolve and thrive naturally. So if they are to be called 'civilized' it must not be a good or beneficial thing.

It's been said that the word 'civilization' entered the English language only as recently as the mid-18th century. After that, the word was extended to refer to specific civilizations, either to glorify or denigrate, usually with reference to their materialistic exploits or artistic acheivements.

If 'to civilize' really means 'to refine or educate', and not merely to regiment and indoctrinate, as is the case, then it's more likely to be the individuals themselves who are succeeding at it. Despite the prevailing onslaught of fake materialistic civilization which inculcates at the expense of nurture.
Like telling a plant how it must grow, instead of providing the conditions it needs in order to grow authentically and naturally.

So who's civilized, in a world that's collectively at war with itself whether aware of it or not?

Combined with the not so secret hidden agenda of not so well hidden vested interests who like it that way for aggressive self serving fake material motives which those in charge of such, sociopathically speak of as 'their business.' In other words, it's not in your best interest so it's secret. A more definitive definition of civilization could be simply, pretence.


I mean, just imagine, would you rather inhabit a dwelling that was a labour of love and not money? Among rustic courtyard gardens in tranquility, freedom, and natural abundance.
Within spontaneously sustained peaceful evolution bonded with earth and kin and all creation. Tending the bounty and blessings, sharing freely without oligarcic obligation.
Isn't that what comes naturally? It's not as if it never existed before.

Or would you rather be among 'the square box people', imprisoned on an automated surveillance grid where every action has a price. Requiring competitive and insecure slave labour somewhere else. In a polluted and energetically toxic realm of concrete, metal, and glass, devoid of organic life and 'naturural'*silence. Supporting perpetual rumours and 'news' of someone else's wars of scarcity and impending retaliation? Scare-city indeed. Alien? Or familiar?

Simply that. The question is not, what is, or isn't possible. The question is, how does your heart vote? Who's civilized?

Whereas a genuine mature culture would be something else entirely. The immature and ungrounded arrogance of the civilized mind-set (they're set on selling them in sets) does everything possible to hide the truth of our natural intrinsic potential. Along with repressing all knowledge of it ever having been a norm.

WHO'S CIVILIZED, martin law, 2014

That's why IMAGINATION is so important.
Thinking and feeling outside the box.
Imagine, a world without boxes.

Industrial/technocratic civilization is by definition unsustainable. Being barren within, dependent on sustenance from without, (as opposed to being intimately integral with natural habitat), its continuity involves depleting its so called 'resources'.

As it expands, it eats up more of its so called 'environment' until it encounters a similar beast coming the other way.

The crucial flaw underlying this way of being, is dualistic thinking. That humans can be considered apart from immediate surroundings. That they are two distinct things, which is so blatantly nonsensical as to be pathological. Opposites are inseparable and complementary. Indispensable friends and not foes. Human and land are not two.

Call them native. Call them indigenous. Call them suppressed and forgotten history and you've lost sight of who and where you are. As if the inside and the outside were not inseparable so called sides of the same infinitely boundless non-thing. Reality is not a thing, it's a state of being.

Why wait for announcement that civilization has woken up to itself? Perhaps a really bad collective dream is what it takes.

WHO'S CIVILIZED, martin law, 2014

Harm nothing. Create beauty. Speak from the heart. Plant things. Share.

Simple nourishment in a nutshell.~

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
RBM aka Makes Rainbows.

WHO'S CIVILIZED, martin law, 2014

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