Thursday 25 September 2014

Empath soul link

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Martin Law <> wrote:

Just a moment of hello on the telepathograph~~~~~ the thought drift being hopefully helpful dispelling any remnants of bereftness as we know it well on many levels. Especially too as you say for sensitive souls evolving and refining, recalibrating our natural instinctive harmony and balance at the same time as being aware of 'normal' people going about their 'normal' life story and never stretching their imagination in the direction of simply relinquishing and revoking any allegiance to the unquestioned agreement as to what constitutes 'normal life.'  So to speak.
Just to reassure you dear friend that not since i left school has it ever impressed me as being normal and with maturity i'm exponentially more adept  at deconstructing the illusory pretence called 'normal' with authentic confidence while the bereftness remains an apparent planetary
phenomenological experience which however i'm blessed to have self-trained to put into perspective by filtering it through my version of meta- philosophical imaginative art, music, and poetry totally synthesized assimilated and blended with what is commonly called 'ordinary reality' and i say that in full recognition and acknowledgement that of course you know what i mean. If i had to go through the movie over again i'd probably still be freaked out in long term slow motion at how it's all so totally unlike the inner trusting vision of the world i came in with.
So i heartfully encourage you to faithfully continue to walk tall and deliver your soul gift blossoms fruitfully in abundance as is natural for a starseed messenger interplanetary creative Earth loving post~woman in the full confidence and integrity that the 'normal' people, though they may seem to fit into square holes (sort of) are dying of thirst for they may know not what but that you however, carefully carry the keys to, as the likes of us naturally do and are much needed now as the cosmic carpet is being pulled from under their consensus edifice of everyday illusion and amnesiac negligence of our hitherto angelic inheritance , angelically speaking.

I started the day painting the front gate as the sun shone, thinking i held a tin of the remains of varnish to re-weatherproof. But i realized it was the brown paint i'd used for the tops of the cream walls. But it matched perfectly so i carried on and carefully did the whole gate in no time. Heard a neighbour opposite say "What? Working on a Sunday?" I simply mumbled "H-hm" and didn't look up, continuing, thinking, poor man doesn't know there are no Sundays and i don't subscribe to them, it being only a word inherited from the Roman Empire, imagining how i would explain that to him and he still wouldn't cop on that it's always only now and while it morphs and changes it's not going anywhere let alone Moonday, knowing 'normal people' encased from birth in peer pressure could never make that leap into the ever present that no name could pin down but aught to be aware that were he to ask such as i a sincere question then he better be prepared for a broad and deeply researched honest answer that he may not be ready for, ever. Sundays indeed!

It's only Sunday if we agree it is but why call it anything. More importantly we have a job to do, just being as we are or however we happen to be and there are no mistakes only learnings and creative post people, star people, quite often feel bereft of a more benevolent shared haven on Earth. A most mysterious mist for the grill and part of the course. What if i were to tell him, take care now we're in the fourth dimension heading for the fifth and that's why people are confused.  Thank haven there are folks i could say such a thing to and unknown to him it's already viral mainstream and on course for getting better moment by so called moment till it just is but despite the lie of the lands we already know that from the start.

So, as i simply meant to say, "hello. More power to ye. Thou art not alone." (WoofWoof)  Or to quote the last para of an article i wrote today... "May you never get totally wrecked, or linger long in languish in the doldrums. May a steady breeze blow, billowing in your sails.  Stay aimed and on course for those calm warm waters and pleasant shores.  Speaking as an optimysticist."  

~  Love from me

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