Monday 5 October 2015


On Saturday, August 15, 2015, Martin Law <> wrote:

Talk of small things is not the same as small talk. Large and small are absolutely relative. There are no separate things behind the names. Size is comparison, a conceptual sliver of infinity, as time is to eternity. ~

For more than a while now, out the back door of my place, where summer leaves abound, the same small bird appears, right before my face. A creature with no name, wild but seeming tame, and follows me around.

Day after day, as we tend to say, but really only now. Here where memory and anticipation meet as if to kiss, and time, like size, merely a means to measure what we miss.

Never a robin so bold did i ever meet, to hop within inches of my feet. Head cocked sideways with one eye alert, on an instant ready to advance or to retreat.

Repetition, variation, itself communication, decisive and distinct, all movement interlinked. Language of a bird, shared without a word, faster than you think.

What is shared is presence, allowing for its essence. Give and then retreat, means, trust you may repeat. In arm’s reach on the ground, no rust but greyish brown, flits without a sound, and what i haven’t said, accepting crumbs of bread.

Playful communication, decisive and distinct, each move is interlinked, perching on each spot, just right for camera shot. Having taken aim, in focus in the frame, when instantly it’s not, and everything’s a game.

Every aspect of perception, we’re trained to treat the same. Wherever something seems distinct, we assign a name. Having lost awareness of the magic of the word, and so assume a gap between environment and bird, which is obviously absurd.

Having made that primal split, we elaborate further and fractalize it. Starting by stating ‘the bird is small,’ when size is just relative one with it all. I don’t say this process is not right, but words make infinity finite.

What matters more is imagination, sparked by inter-species relation. There isn’t a word for this participation, even to call it a shared meditation. As no such concept arose in the mind, it’s best to leave it all undefined. ~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Martin Rainbowmaker.

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