Wednesday 9 December 2015


You may justify ‘OWN’ because it’s also ‘WON’, but it translates more sanely as simply ‘NOW’. ~

If we co-operatively put as much energy into caring for nature as we put into war, politics, economics, control, domination, competitiveness, destruction, ‘resource’ plunder, and industry, an expanded and deepened awareness of what and where we are would pervade perception.

An earth-based caring consciousness, collectively established and lived experientially is equivalent to a renaissance of our original, natural, mystic wholeness with Mother Earth, already present in the timeless continuum. Urging us to wake from the delusive dream of separation and the currently prevailing estrangement.

More succinctly, a compassionate nurture for all nature, is synonymous with a new Earth, a new mind, and a new spirit, always and forever omnipresent, and made manifest by a radical change of heart. Outside of narrowed perception, but for misguided parasitic interference, that’s what IS.

Beyond language, conditioned concepts, inclusive of time, all that is natural is overwhelmingly wholly in eternity. First comes the urge to remain grounded in ‘the mystery’, along with the wish to share in consensus the intuited vision.

The word means different things to different people. Depending on whether you’re an optician, a television salesperson, a strategist, a mystic, or an artist, and otherwise depends entirely on what you are able to envision it as being.

To envision is to use the uniquely human faculty of imagination effectively and creatively. You may say, “but i don’t have much of an imagination,” but what, do you imagine, became of the one you were born with? Perhaps you only imagine you don’t have an imagination.

Besides, we are actively miseducated, (why is that word absent from the dictionary?) and probably discouraged from exploring imagination. Yet you still do, naturally enough. The basic error is in the misuse of the words, ‘imagination’ and ‘imaginary’, as if to imply the opposite of what we call ‘real.’

The dictionary defines IMAGINARY as, “existing only in the IMAGINATION,” which it then defines as, “ability to make mental images of things that may not exist in real life.” To which i add the word, ‘yet’.

Thankfully however, it does make a clear and crucial distinction between IMAGINARY and IMAGINATIVE, defined as, “having or showing a lot of creative mental ability.” Similar words with very different implications. Just imagine saying to a Rembrandt, a Da Vinci, a Van Gogh, a Bach, or Beethoven, “don’t worry, it’s only your imagination.” Miseducated people do think like that.

So then the peer pressure of that basic error becomes epidemic, systemic, invading conventional consensus consciousness. Such that you could spend a life being out standing in many fields and still wondering where the Goddess has gone.

Meaning, it’s false to think reality and imagination are two separate worlds, they are blended and woven as one. When the mind dwells solely in the knowledge of war and mortal separation, the landscape may appear as a material wasteland, to be treated accordingly. As within, so without. A stranger in a strange land. The Earth is alive and aware and manifests like with like as does a mirror.

We are devotedly attuned to the wellness of our pet house-plants and garden patch and call it ‘ours’. Yet we surrender responsibility for our larger habitat to others with not the same priorities and sensitivity. Acquiescing to the concept that it’s ‘theirs’, (The Ministry of Concrete) and they will take care of it. When in reality we are it, and what happens to it, happens to us.

Would you frack and poison your house-plant and wage war over it? The Earth is a living intelligent organism, as aware of vibrations as is your sensitive plant, only more so, and we’re in it and of it. If sometimes your plant seems sad, how do you think the Earth feels? When you’re regarded as a mere commercial resource how do you manifest your full potential splendour?

The heart feels from inborn benevolence, graciously grateful for all that grows. Matures, tempered and tested by storms, distinguishing shadows as where the sun is yet to reach. Nurturing imagination as seeds of potential abundance when the wilderness will bloom.

Imagine Earth awake. That’s no mere whim, but a practical action we can take.
Depending on where you are in your heart, so the world will appear and be.

Better not leave nurture to predators who sell the carpet you walk on and only allow you a portion at a price. When, how do you ‘own’ what outlives you, earth, air, water, and fire? Arrogance is a product of ignorance and misplaced imagination.

If ‘owning’ is the name of the game, then the Earth owns us. We didn’t create ourselves without its full support and we are totally dependent on it. Gratitude and nurture is the only sane response, anything else is out of balance.

So, shall we reap or weep? Now knowing that plant power is wiser than power plant. The dictionary defines eternity as, “endless time”, which we don’t have, and it’s not, it’s simply now. Defines eternal as, “without beginning or end”, so it can’t possibly have ‘the last word’.

Better to imagine eternity as being now and all that there is and it’s not going anywhere, where else would it go? I imagine you saying, ‘there’s no time for such imaginings’, and you’d be half right. There’s no time at all. ~

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Martin Rainbowmaker.

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