Friday 20 May 2016


You may say it’s just a dream.
               It’s a vision i have seen,
of a world that’s new and green,
                               in the golden days.~

                                                               (A song.)

I’m still getting a perspective on this recent painting, Ancient Future, and the process through which it came to be.

At a casual glance it may seem light-weight and not without imperfections but as an artistic therapeutic uplift from an unbidden introspective like the need of a seed emerging from inner depths to be birthed into the light.

Even these words are a second rewrite, as the visual image urge relates to impressions so ephemeral and elusive not subject to the rules of grammar. A subterranean understatement. Probably an impulse from the earth herself.

File under the current state of humanity as one with the planet without further elaboration. Combined with the ascending awareness of previously dormant potential accessible to human imagination. Then found a video talk on the internet by Lucia Rene, titled (Ascension game changer.) With regard to being in resonance with the world’s resonance rising. Bound to be uplifting.

Creative blocks are not much fun especially if you’re not a plumber. The flow to go with was nowhere apparent but for an ancient mound in mind and vast distant vistas vibrating in waves to infinity like a far off promised land.

Key elements from a previous painting traced and placed relative to proportion and perspective without a clue or cue what the rest might do. Till a few fields miraculously modified and metamorphed and with the help of an eraser settled into the rounding curve of the land.

Visualizing spatial dimensions of air and land in proportional progressions of atmospherics of colour tone and contour. Then the ‘ring barrow’ with the mound in the middle suggested itself. Making sure the ellipse was on a lateral plane congruent with respect to perspective.

Recalling a recent morning barely on the brink of waking, as if a hypnogogic hand briefly pointed or drew the subsequent identical ellipse at that spot, and surfaced again, just when the land needed a central circle symbol focus.

Five days and nights coaxing something from nothing in particular with a method. Minutely modifying and modulating till land and sky expanded out credibly and consistently from underfoot to horizon line.

Vast grassy plains into the infinite. Down to a thin sliver of faraway forest and mysterious distant ranging hills long low and receding into pale atmospheric blue.

It’s all in the imagining, what kind of world would such an image be emanating from, what goes on there? Intuition says it’s a world where all boundaries and divisions are blended and blessed in diversity and a sublime timelessness pervades the biospheric continuum.

No past relics of metal, plastic, and concrete and all parasitic plunder ameliorated, harmonious habitations with no scars of speeding cars or geomantic aberrations but markers and signs of reverence for the land, and what’s more we’ve done it before.

The ancients way ahead of us in the imagined future where spirit entails fewer props, crutches, gadgets, institutions, regulations, but with unreserved resolutions to pollutions. Dispute resolved in community fairness and no hierarchy, punishing for profit. Mutual amends made without amendments.

Perhaps an ancient future wave is washing through this place, redefining it to a state of being, uplifting all an octave to a plateau above mundane. Integrated nurture without boundaries, food freely grown locally everywhere as you do and it does naturally everywhere there’s no shortage of soil.

Ancient Future, no sooner complete than sent out as a signal over the synthetic lighthouse like a phoenix from the ashes and the earth in abundance.

Kindness being a better bonding than money or gold, in sharing, ancient future thereby becomes a present, other than which nothing is. ~

~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~
Martin Rainbowmaker.

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