Monday 4 February 2019


I confess to being at a loss for words of relevance to having just completed a new painting.  What else can i say?  Only because of never knowing if, when, or how such might happen again despite intimate familiarity with the process.  Hard to explain that it requires a specific motivation rather than to just be produced to order.

The universal collective rising groundswell urge to manifest a planetary dawn of humanity the self-evident source of inspiration for that which simply wishes to be expressed and the discomfort involved due to its being subject to oppression.

So why paint, but to participate in a process of patterning transformation which has as much to do with refined sensitivity of touch as with anything else, most often to the point of almost imperceptible whispers. 

So, in needing this activity as a sustained therapeutic focus i chose to take a chance on an image almost abstract in consisting of a spatial arrangement of flows of colour and tone while still evoking a recognizable realm and essence of benevolent radiance.  The challenge of how to make something out of next to nothing.

As shown in the photo, how else to start but by making a loose approximation as a foundation.  Then you've got something to work with.  You don't just get there in one step necessarily.  It's a process of modifying, enhancing, altering, augmenting, emphasizing, adding to or taking away.  As with carving or sculpting, except with painting you can always put it back. 

It's always a shock how different a painting looks depending on the light, whether electric or daylight.  Working late into the night it can seem complete, with colour and tone, dark and light, warm and cool in the intended balance.  Then later by daylight it may appear to be more of a washed out bland nothingness or some other imbalance, and hard to know which is the correct balance.

That of course happened with this painting, particularly as it's predominantly atmospheric without objects. Especially how certain colours registered when photographed. The digital camera amplified certain colours and tones relative to others, falsifying the actual relationships. It's usually difficult to get an accurate photo because a painting consists of subtle and precise relationships.However, modifying the painting accordingly in the fourth session  evolved into a harmonizing and integration of all areas.  A rhythm of intuitive and restrained touch.  Idiosyncratic minimal modification in silent mind mode of meditative attentive immersion.  Envisioning dawn in dimension of depth and distance in the eye of imagination.

Waves of deft dabs deepening density, raising radiance by blending boundaries.  With squinted gaze and tweaking numerous nuisances of anomalous nuance moving more towards mystic majestic but who would even notice?  Momentarily standing rapt brush in hand then just let it be.  Planetary dawn?  What other kind of dawn is there?  Well it makes 'yet another' thirteen letter title.  ~

~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
Martin Rainbowmaker.

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