Friday 18 January 2013

Onwards.....and upwards

On 12 January 2013 17:15, Martin Law <> wrote:

Killarney Lake,martin law_wfpJAN13

>>>>....and upward...
Aha! The scribbly scribe is back online after a start to the day when the compooter wouldn't switch on despite a dozen plug wobbling splutters and checks going dammit inaudibly wondering where did my continuity go, with a three page 'stone' article i stayed up for , completing to satisfaction and ready to type & send, soon as the hearth-works catch coal and go for glow so i can sit with warm knees and productive fingers.
Hmm...that works alright.
Yes 'Idle no more', all over youtube, indians with VOICE in every city, check out 'Saskatoon, they're cramming the malls and populous in circle dance at blocked intersections, Walt Whitman would have been tearful too, most moving , heya heya heya heya >>>>>>>
So i, puzzled, merely despatched  a send of video clip of an awe inspiring chief speech and prayer in an ethnic language that sounded most familiar and not unlike one of my own (as in earlier blog post)...

rather than take the bait of this balamba person with an invitation in my unciv box which i checked around promptly, including '' which looks pretty bland. Though 'her' photo most attractive bronze and braided Panamanian sounding sweet enough but could be any old scaly monster with a pack of permutateable photos, and what would i need instructions of how to spread happiness for, i don't follow instructions( anybody you follow is bound to trample the tracks you're picking up on!),  makes sense.
And for rainbowmaker to be throwing off a 'cold' (we'll see how long it takes to realize who it's dealing with)  snot characteristic of me at all and will be flushed down the out tray forthwith.

Yes, had a look at blog post.  That's great, though wondered if the bathing indian woman would go any bigger on click enlarge, but no bother.   Those 'finger stones' are in Castletownsend and there used to be more, but they might have got arthritis with the damp.
I recall doing the 'Killarney Lake' (conveniently 13) from a postcard, fluently with no effort, being momentarily at a loose end for something paintable (there's plenty of "blue water" in that.)
"Toffee?!" Is that a cat or what?

Let's see, what else.  Fire's good.  Good i did't have to dial a wizard to get the poot pooting. Think it's just a sloppy plug fit.
Tell people about 'Irradia' and the couple on kerry's blog who live on radiation. They're being hassled by 'the authorities'.
I don't get colds, i'm merely routine disinfecting my environment, transmutation job.  Alchemy: 'transmuting head into cold', twon't be heavy for long...AHH..Tissue!!"""
Yes that Kanadian language was most sonorous and interesting, i think on a Saskatoon stage speech vid, a grey haired shaded Chief in a blue grey anorak(that sounds inuit to me) intuitively inuit.
Funny how i tend to always 'exclamate' (like!!!!") in one of those languages when something screws up.  My latest to come out was....
"Aahk Chih Pah!!" Fitted the moment better than 'feck it.)
Ah, time for next tea break, continue later. With three typed pages on stone. "Ogham all!"


art : Killarney Lake, martin law, 1996
artwork : digital pan play - photographic image definition, JAN13 - wfp for moo

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