Tuesday 15 January 2013

The Stone-Woman. ( A sneak peek.)

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 8:46 PM, Martin Law <martin.rainbowmaker@gmail.com> wrote:

The Stone-Woman.    ( A sneak peek.)

the stone woman, pencil, martin law, 2013

 Multiple days and nights did their thing and it was always in the present.
Meanwhile, in the imagination zone, dimensional horizons in antiquity, conceived as if on canvas, spread out across ancient fields in Edenic-Druidic calming green.  Dreaming ,'The Old Land' timeless in the present.

This direct visualization appeared in pencil on a nice ordinary clean sheet of typing paper, plucked from an abundant package.
The drawing itself, so to speak, speaks for itself.  Considering that it's just 'nine by six-and a half inches big'.  That's 'inches!'
So i blew it up.  And it was still there, only more so. Stone is stern stuff. 

Put purely poetically, to precisely the size of the canvas.
'Not copied from anything', is a cool way to unfold.  Just a misty doodle, forming in the corner of what they call, 'the mind's eye.'
Sometime in the quiet present between times, between the fireplace, the guitar, the piano, and the cooker, not to mention the toilet, imagining horizons, Irish ones.  Not just any old horizons, but the oldest of the old, bathed in perpetual peace.

You 'can' call the pensive pencil pattern a doodle.  Paintings, are just big doodles.
And don't get me wrong when i always talk about blowing them up.
This one was not only still there, but the distances of timeless horizons called forth a complementary vertical apparition. 
Effortlessly manifesting as an inevitable intrinsic elemental element.
Seeming to slide straight off the stone press of subterranean subconscious inspiration.

Purely intuitively, the spatial construct of, the earth underfoot, to far infinity beyond, describes panoramic parameters of a scape of land , complete in depth.
The stony path inviting entry, only to be faced by an ambiguous stone sentinel.  Ambiguous, in that, visually it is simultaneously three images in one:  A phallic obelisk, a shrouded female, and simply a standing stone, taller than the eye-level horizon would otherwise indicate.  
A triadic balance, embodied within the composite contour of stone.  The triple-Goddess female principle in firmly established return.  A marker in the land, returned to report the passing of Patriarchy.
Her timeless stony silence speaks.  Granite-hard, quartz- crystal clear:
"Sycophants in suits, aspiring to be seen as Superman.  Be sealed in stone!"....
( To match their hearts.)  "Dibrim!"~~"Ionnarbaim!"~~"Ruaigim!"
Banished. " And So It Is."

Radiating out, across an intricately integrated overcast patchwork carpet, given volume in tactile textural pencil shade.
Alternating from dark to light, cloud shadows move across the ancient-mounded, untamed fertile fields, sublime outside of time.
A voluminous unpopulated blueprint, ripe and poised for the possibilities of pigment.  Fine-tuned in the archaic, muted mystic Earth spectrum.  Elemental, magical, mysterious, expansive in raw health, clothed in a velvet mantle of vibrant vital fertility.

Invoking evocations, intimations of the original, unparalleled primal unpolluted muse.  The Earth, in her ever untroubled sublime solemnity.

Burnished, in late amber light, the gold Druidic green, the lead-grey stone.  Under an ominous overcast, a sudden scattering, distant sound of black windblown rags; rooks, ravens, carrion crows.
Bold punctuation in a rough-wove tapestry of tones. 

The next step: the tracing and transferring to primed canvas and the scene is set.
The pencil. a powerful visionary tool in the right hand.
Creative concepts organically inscribed, on to the lovely pure,
plain simple emptiness of white.


art : the stone woman, pencil, martin law, 2013

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