Monday 18 February 2013

Ingo Swann Song.

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 3:19 AM, Martin Law <> wrote:

Ingo Swann Song.

I intended to write this earlier, and now, it's later.
Though self-evidently, and amazingly, it's still now, so i'll write it now.
Plain, simple, and chunky.  What else 'can' you do?

What's early and late got to do with now anyway?
Early and late has to do with some other time, and there isn't one.  Not now.

Ingo Swann is, or was, the founder of 'Remote Viewing', as it's called currently.
Another way to think of it would be, long distance clairvoyance, (clear seeing).

When i say 'was', this interesting man just 'passed away', on February 1st. 2013.
That, in itself (the date), a possible indication that he knew what he was doing.
To 'pass away' to start a new life on the first day of Spring.

Even though he'd passed away many (perhaps thousands of) times,
as it was his vocation, or calling.  He heard the call and he went.
Only, this time he seems to have decided not to come back,
not just now anyway, and who could blame him?

He evidently has/had a good sense of humour, and what's humour, really,
but good sense?

If you witness his talk on youtube, the one about 'the future',
he introduces his long talk with:  " I heard some rumours that i was dead.
I just wish to correct that, by simply saying it's not true.  The truth is,
i just reincarnated into the same body."

Being a very competent artist, he also left us some large paintings on canvas,
depicting his journeys, and expressing where he went when his awareness
was not primarily in his body, or even on this planet.
You can see those, or some at least, on the internet too.

Or at least a simulacra composed of pixels,  which is something
other than 'a painting'.  That's if you believe in 'pixels',
or leprechauns for that matter.

The misinformation in this instance, being, that the Irish word,
'leprechaun', is said to derive from 'luchorpan', (meaning small body).
But which actually derives from 'lepracorpan',  (meaning scaly body),
and therefore, NOT SMALL AT ALL.
Translation from Latin into Gaelic, concealed a report of large scaly bodies!

Still in keeping with the body of this text, and attempting to keep it plain,
simple, and succinct, if not short, as hinted at.
Ingo Swann raises some interesting questions in addressing his audience.
He answers them all "solely from experience", his experience,
and not from intellectual conjecture.  Though he also has profound intellect.

Among the reasons for my sharing this introduction, and i consider it
more than worth sharing, is that, he very deftly, with few words, and
with extended silent questioning pauses, demolishes some major
misconceptions which 'our modern civilization' is founded on.
Mistaken notions that are to our detriment and perpetuated limitation.
That's the best reason for me to pass it on.

Okay, for example: as i recall, he reads aloud (more than once),
a quotation from 'the standard definition'  of what we call 'the paranormal'.
He then asks the audience, who seem too shy to answer,
"What was wrong with that statement?"

At one point amid the silence..."Am i boring you yet?"... "Well yes or no?"

The answer emerges ultimately from his own mouth, that,
"what was wrong with the statement", is, it was written from
the point of view of MATERIALISTIC SCIENCE.

Not only has that been the 'only science' that the established doctrine
has allowed as being worthy of credibility up till now.
But materialistic science has absolutely no stated conception
of exactly what consciousness or mind, IS,
and is therefore in no position to say for certain what anything IS.
Because it has restricted its tests and 'proofs'
to what it calls, 'material ' 'things'.

He further reveals, that the four men who originally introduced
this taken for granted doctrine (dates given) were, at the time,
(astonishingly) all under twenty four years of age.
He goes on to describe, succinctly and convincingly,
how the doctrine itself is, as of now, obsolete, gone.
Which should come as no surprise.

Previous cultures, and first nations people, knew, and know that.
Whereas, we couldn't even construct pyramids, as being
only one among many impressive examples.

The 'Establishment' apart, (only a part), quantum science  now declares
that, despite our notions of matter and space (so called),
" material realms in this multiverse account for only
from four to seven percent of reality."
We live in a minority anomaly here.

All the other realms, or 'lokas', and there's lots of them,
are not arranged in layers as might be imagined.
Although we're focused on, and thereby 'in', the lowest.
All of the realms of 'reality' exist and are present HERE, NOW,
and PERMEATE what we call, our bodies.

Not only have we been living in an anomaly, as spectrums go.
But have obviously been growing up in a sort of cage
of limitation for countless generations.

Ingo Swann declares, from
experience, that worlds outside the cage
are accessible to us all. 
I'm sure that young children
wouldn't have too
much of a problem accepting that  as being possible.
Maybe Peter
Pan was right, and a tireless messenger at that.
does expand openness to possibility.

Something like, a 'battle with the hypnotists', is what we are in.
Not just between Dark and Light, or Good and Evil,
but primarily between Lies and Truth.

Awakening the faculty that discerns deception.
Seeing through the Trickster's trick, that 'the hidden power'
is anything other than what we ourselves already are.

While Ingo Swann, for one, like a free white bird,
migrates freely back and forth from the cage.
Demonstrates with wry humour and art,
that even the door is a hypnotists illusion.

Goes on his way to realms unknown.
Worlds unimaginable.  Worlds without end.

(Ingo Swann's website:  'Superpowers of the Human Biomind.')
Also on youtube.
martin rainbowmaker.  Feb.2013.

art :  Otherdimensional drawing 3, martin law, 2004
        Otherdimensional drawing 4, martin law, 2006
        Otherdimensional drawing 6, martin law, 2006

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