Sunday 24 February 2013


On 3 February 2013 23:08, Martin Law <> wrote:

"Haha!"  (As the gaying soes),
(now 'there's' a hint of one word that got hijacked in the disempowerment agenda of our protective warriors).  Digressed already!
Having regular glitches with my fonts.  Good job i don't support any religious order.

oak in february-tracing, martin law, november 2010 artwork : digital pan play - ‘tracing ten summers’ jacket image, FEB 12 - wfp for moo
Click to Enlarge

Take2.-  "Haha!"... With no small wonder, noticed just now, in the branches of the imbolc 'Ten Summers' CD sleeve......what else but.....
the clear left-facing profile ... 'of a BEAR!'
In the Bear branches where else.  Have a look.
Not only that.  In the branches of 'Irish Hawthorn' there exists already a Dryad.  In the form of the oval sky space between trunks.  It put itself there.
(This mind notices itself always hesitant when retrieving the word 'Dryad.'  Tending to piggyback through two similar words: 'Hydra' and 'Dendra' till it twigs it.  Probably due to childhood conditioning, the fact that in the '1940s', Dryad, was the brand name of the wallpaper paste my dad used.  He was always changing the wallpaper.

Am not 100 % sure at present if the.....(?) Dryad drawing will go ahead in paint, as the muse (pragmatical term) is still in the previous 'far horizontal horizon mode', and the drawing has a lot of vertical in it and i might get vertigo or verdigree to a degree in contrast to my current horizontality.

In case you wondered, it does have a few features which would require modification.  Such as: those two arbitrary small branches , leaves of which form the hair.  The hair might better be suggested by vertical fronds from beside the moon, so the head, like the body is implied rather than depicted.  And no, she's not being crucified or strap-hanging.  But the drawing is inspired by your request/anticipation as it 'stands.'  (Hovers?)

After a night of some processing, in sleep and awake (Got up twice), i today(in the interests of clarity/honesty/simplicity (all those good things), emailed anon with regard to further projected takes on anon2's project. Suggesting that what is wanted is more in the department of anon3 (another friend) than what i do, which tends to create its own form without expectations from me. Anon anon anon
'ad infinitum'......

And thanked him for the experiment, as we did something good.  Also saying that whatever i might come up with wouldn't go towards helping anon2 to be more grounded or settled anyway, and i want to keep my diverse threads in balance and simplicity etc. I'm sure he understands.  We did discuss anyway.

 Just listened to two of Lash's latest out of curiosity.  I can acknowledge his formidability without needing to defer or decide 'good or bad.'  He's doing an impeccable job, and i have no need to 'follow' anybody, why follow?  Likewise, my slightly tongue in cheek PS to 'T,' querying the necessity to be "driven".  The notion that 'artists' in particular  even NEED to be driven by anything, which implies division (2), and attachment to and perpetuation of 'past causes'.  Why not just play?
Which is what i meant by 'angst' of any kind being unnecessary for creation.  Another 'myth' in my (possibly fake but i don't think so) humble opinion.    humble humble humble mumble grumble,  is that why
religions deify humiliation etc?  More humble than thou (That's a good one).
Ah, a cup of tea maybe.
Didn't go out for water because it was drizzlish.  A water course in home economics.

Ongoing rich body of correspondence with Kim, somewhat recovered she says from a stressful juncture, quite understandable by me.
A natural oneness with wild nature contrasting the wildness of the nature of being stuck in cities.

I tried emailing a friend who has a niece in Vancouver where Kim is, and who's into organic gardening (which Kim would like to do) as a means of survival, and to possibly connect them both.  But my friend's email address must have changed so it didn't send.  I'll keep a lookout for her.

So. I feel like reprimanding 'society' (whatever that means) as one might a younger person who needs constructive guidance.  I mean, who's the 'authority'?  We, the people.  Might be a good use of a blog post.  You can do lots of things with posts.  Without creating a fence.  (Pun sledge-hammered into place).  No apologies.

Of interest, one tail-end of a no doubt longer recent dream i woke from.
Being talked down to (he was on a higher elevation) by no less than the 'Head Master'  (HEAD, master?) of the Primary school i attended way back in the dim distant mists of seems like only yesterday.
He seemed to say, 'something like', "And why couldn't you have included in your essay that ,for example, all the money has to flow through Germany anyway...?"
To which i confidently answered, "Then there is nothing more i can say to you."  And walked away.  I mean, AWAY. (i woke up).

Ah yes, even now, i seem to recall, on a typically bright spring morning in eternity, the golden dust motes dancing in a downward shaft of sunlight, all innocence and wonder.  As the HEAD master's large hand pounded the dust out of the back of a young boy in a desk two rows ahead for being a "duffer".  "A duffer !"  What do you learn from that?
Duff-Duff. Puff Puff.  Cough Cough!

The same mini-institution that punished me as a mere tot for learning three chords and the words to two songs on a small plastic ukelele
and taking it to school and having the whole cloakroom dancing for joy.

A trivial bit of history, but it didn't deter my sense of wonder any more than it worked on the indians of amerika.  Just google 'Idle No More'.
Or explore my blog.
It might not be the 'right' one, but it's a good note to end on.
To be continued.
>>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<<

oak in february-tracing, martin law, november 2010
artwork : digital pan play - ‘tracing ten summers’ jacket image, FEB 12 - wfp for moo

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