Wednesday 21 August 2013


On Sun, July 14, 2013 at 22:57 PM, Martin Law <> wrote:


If i were to say one small thing to the people of this planet, it might be simply, DON'T LIE. That's a fair and honest opening statement.
If taken to heart it would be a small improvement which could make a world of difference. Alternatively it may sometimes be better to say nothing.

Chief Sitting Bullfrog of the Spawnee, martin law, 2002 digital danplay - wfp for moo

Whereas if i were to alter only one word and say instead; 'If i were to say one small thing to the people of YOUR planet', then you might well assume i'm a channeller, speaking on behalf of someone (why do they say 'entity'?) not of this worldly dimension or even be 'not of it' myself. Or they may be sceptical of such things and think i'm just lieing.

It might arouse the interest of some and degrees of scepticism and distrust of others. What's funny is, i could write a whole book that way and proclaim anything at all to be true. Simply by inserting the word, YOUR, before the word 'planet', and i wouldn't be the first to do that.

However, i'm not here to mislead the good people of 'your' planet “dearest ones”, by deceptively implying it's not mine as well (so to speak). At least while i'm here, inseparable from everything and don't recall coming from anywhere.

It's conceivable that i might have been 'somewhere else' but also that it wouldn't have been the me that's here now, any more than i am who i was yesterday.

So, for the moment, rather than suggesting you jump in the deep end of the mysterious soul pool of multiple existences, i simply say, i have no intention of misleading anybody by throwing the word 'your' at you.

While i certainly have affinities with 'times and places' other than this one, that in itself is quite common. It wouldn't be self-honest of me to insist i got it from the Indians or the Pleiadians, quite apart from whether or not i actually did.

Chief Sitting Bullfrog of the Spawnee, martin law, 2002 digital danplay - wfp for moo

There's more than enough alienation in any nation for me to be identifying as alien to the point of total alienation. Quite enough to be getting on with your neighbours or your kids. What's alien about aliens anyway? They live here; ( in the larger sense of the word 'here', that is, existence.

To make a wave into a particle, the point being, it's possible to lie by implication even with only one nondescript word. Is that a 'white lie'? Surely all lies are grey. They muddy the unequivocal clarity of black and white.

In the old days among the american indians, way before Columbus got lost and got off at the wrong stop, thinking he was in a free self service supermarket, lieing was considered by the more than five hundred tribal nations to be a capital offence.

If that were to be re-enforced today there would be no governments left standing. Sitting Bull was already seated, he was alright anyway.

When you lie, if you do, you are obviously not in your truth and so, are vulnerable to any and every falsehood there is. As like resonates with like and magnetizes the same, which can descend on you like a swarm of wasps to a jar of jam.

So if you're thinking to sting somebody by lieing, you become like that jar of jam and are open to attracting more stings than you intended to give.

You could say that habitual conscious lieing attracts other dimensional energies of a parasitic nature which feed on lies, like flies, for breakfast, dinner, and tea, with snacks in between, and stay active all night while you're even lieing in bed.

Parasites naturally have dirty feet from where they've been and possibly lay grubs which metaphorically replicate till there's no room left for a self evident truth to emerge untainted. If you're not speaking from the heart but from the head, perhaps the left brain doesn't have a conscience, dealing mainly with unfeeling information.

Chief Sitting Bullfrog of the Spawnee, martin law, 2002 digital danplay - wfp for moo

If you knowingly declare something to be so, in contradiction to the evidence of your perception, you've not only compromised your faculty of wise discernment, and sacrificed your integrity, (which means wholeness and health) but also set a precedent that it's alright to be out of true relationship with your reality, and persuaded others to do the same. Likewise with a belief that doesn't grow out of an impartial weighing of your own experience.

You can witness this on a regular basis if you observe long enough the constant stream of public figures who only 'seem' to fool people for a while. Until what they sent out comes back with the full force of a boomerang with sharp edges.

Snakes have forked tongues which however are not the source of poison. Even though they may lie, in waiting. Toads have the quickest tongues in nature, which go straight to the mark unequivocally, fully taking in their subject.

So to call somebody 'a lieing toad', are you kidding me?
Toads never lie.~

Chief Sitting Bullfrog of the Spawnee, martin law, 2002

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Chief Sitting Bullfrog of the Spawnee, martin law, 2002

art-work : digital danplay, AUG13 - wfp for moo

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