Tuesday 13 August 2013


On Tue, July 9, 2013 at 07:35 PM, Martin Law <martin.rainbowmaker@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm just in time!” Oh that's a shame, don't you find that a great limitation?

I see websites devoted to the meme (idea) of being totally in the present. With methods, practices, and tricks to 'acheive' it.
No doubt, a lot of people will follow these with great anticipation, and wonder why they didn't get anywhere.

Well that's silly isn't it? It would be funny if it wasn't so common. So many people, using all their energy to try to find a way to be where they already are, and thinking it will be different when they do. That's duality for you. No wonder we have a myth called 'progress.'

The question has to be asked, 'where did you think you were before making such an effort to be here?' Where else is there? Maybe you could tell me how to get there.

The reason you didn't feel right where you are, is because of the idea called, 'the present', which you mistook for something 'other than' what is. Which creates discomfort and resistance to what just is.

There is no present to speak of. It's just a concept. Kept in place as if by book-ends, by two other concepts called 'past' and 'future', rather like a sandwich, a 'timeburger', but where 'are' the past and the future and how do you get there?

Don't say, 'the present becomes the future', because it doesn't. If that was so, you could never be present, not for very long anyway.

Oh, you say, but it does, 'in time'. Now you're really handcuffed in concepts and spellbound in the real and literal sense of the term.

We say, the child becomes the woman (though they usually say man) and, the seed becomes the flower, (in time.) How could that be? When they simply are what they are now. Or as you might say,'at all times'.

What other times? You mean there's more of them? Sounds like a hall of mirrors. It's the chicken and egg question, which came first?
Well, both and neither. Silly question. Chicken and egg are two terms for aspects of one process. They just alternate, in a loop, like the yin/yang symbol. There is no one without the other because they are not separate things. No two ways about it. Change is eternal and that includes the terms we use to 'point it out.'
Otherwise it is, a hall of mirrors, at least for the time being. So how, or even when, will you get out of that? You might not have enough time because, as they say, “in time you die”, and that must be the single most popular belief.

Rest assured, you won't get out in the future. When did you ever see such a thing as, 'the future'?

Everything you ever experienced, is gone. Might as well get a damp cloth and create a clean slate. But we don't do that do we?
Thinking instead, 'the past made me what i am and it remains part of what i am.' Well it does if you think it does.

We call that,'identity.' Just a slightly modified version of what was but isn't now. No wonder people grow old valuing their memories more than what is, resigning to the slim chance of there being anything else ultimately.

So time as a concept could well be an alien implant, as it doesn't seem to always serve us as well as we like to think it might. More likely it's an error of thought which is self perpetuating like perpetual motion. Simply because taken for granted and rarely questioned, being unable to imagine anything else. Haven't we imagined too much already, based on unquestioned and in some ways possibly erroneous thought?

Clocks are only circular rulers which measure spaces, to which we attribute duration, another word for change. We allow these rulers to rule us. Well they used to be circular, now they're more abstract and insidious, being more akin to a numerical heartbeat.

Sundials were, and are, closer to the truth, until we thought it necessary to be in and on time everywhere.

The grasping of, or better, 'the non-grasping-at' all this, i feel is directly relevant to the nature of the shift in consciousness so many are talking about, regarding 'the end of time.' More likely to be the end of our current conception of time.

But don't worry, you don't have to do or solve anything to be where you are. Just dissolve the whole notion, it's only an idea. But otherwise, if you like it, keep it. I don't have a lot of time for it personally. Ask me 'some other time', preferably in the ever elusive present. ~


Camera Photos, martin law, 8th July 2013
Time Clocks
Stone Spiral Sunflower

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