Monday 13 March 2017


"When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly."  ~ Lao Tzu.

Spiral of Light, the painting, a progression or perhaps also a radical departure from the one before, and the one before that and so on.  Yet again emerging seemingly out of nothing and nowhere, when a feasible creative idea worthy of working with was felt to be an ever elusive improbability. 

In some ways similar in format to the previous painting Blue Lunar Icon, a moonlit landscape on planet earth, Spiral of Light is quite obviously in some other part of the galaxy and on some other world.  The horizon line was lowered three times for the right balance and perspective.  The lower down, the more the viewpoint is from ground level.

Originating in a mere four inch square vague pencil doodle on a sheet of paper.  Delaying for days, dubious as to if it was even do-able.
Eventually drawing carefully on canvas with many erasings and alterations, then with a dilution of blue, establishing all elements in their right inter-relationship.  From there to enliven portion by portion with that as foundation.

I know the paintings have gone through some changes lately, reflecting whatever focus is going on, but it was always that way.  A daughter of mine responded by email, curious as to what the inspiration for this one "a wild one" might be.

That's not the easiest thing to describe simply in words, though i'm aware of the context and the response to it.  The energies worldwide in 2016 were evidently challenging for very many on a multitude of levels and that makes it complex to write about, so perhaps the painting reflects that.

Ongoing revelations of a world in turbulent change impinge according to awareness, sensitivity, and aspiration, and that's only stating it impersonally.  It may be that when there is a refined sensitivity to subtleties of what is beautiful, there is also sensitivity to its absence.  Absence due to a collective veil of consensus familiarity pervading perception, reflected as mundane drabness in the environment, a limitation considered to be the norm. 

Paradoxically, wishing a more humane and harmonious world can also amplify non-acceptance of what is, thereby manifesting in disunity and disharmony within. Perhaps that describes the norm, and  how do you accept non-acceptance ?  A kind, compassionate, harmonious, freely cooperative human world is not merely desirable, it's urgent ! 

In this mode, doodling for a visual idea, expanding imagination outside the known, wondering how things might look on one of infinite zillions of worlds closer in to the central spiritual source or galactic centre, while living in harmony with the planet itself.  Infusing this imaginatively into every minutest meticulous modulation and touch of the brush.  Whenever someone seeing it for the first time simply says "wow", i know the energy wasn't wasted.

With many still unaware of the renewed debate as to whether the earth is round, flat, hollow, or even holographic, or even the motivation for such diversity of deviation from current consensus which could be either an evolutionary development
or a divisive distraction.

After millennia of circles of forgetfulness and return, you'd think we'd know where we are. Most probably in a purposely perpetuated plot of polarization and perceived to be the principle permeating a plethora of perennial politically pertinent popular planetary persuasions.  In infinite eternal eons of evolving cycles around the Spiral of Light. *

             ***  ***  ***  ***
            Martin Rainbowmaker      

1 comment:

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