Sunday 2 April 2017



The word, 'meme', seems to mean something like a blend of myth and theme.  one that spreads by popular usage and comes to be taken as an unquestioned given fact.  We seem to be swimming in a sea of such memes.

Two current examples are, the concept of 'ascension', and an imminent 'golden age'.  It's a daunting challenge to write about succinctly, as documentation of these interrelated themes is extensive, persuasive, and pervasive.  Becoming, like the concept of Christmas, an apparent reality simply because a significant majority agree to participate and not question where the idea originated from.

The religious connotation of the word 'ascension' is for many people not easy to dissociate from, making it hard to conceive of other than Biblical interpretations.  Who can say, and to what degree its current alternative usage may relate to wishful thinking, as there seems to be a divergence from Vedic texts regarding time cycles in which it might apply, but i'm no authority on the subject.

Connecting a few sources contributing to the thread of the current popular hypothesis regarding 'ascension'/'golden age', whether prophecies, time cycle calendars such as the Mayan, to contemporary authors, teachers, such as the mystic Peter Deunov.

The Ra material channeled by Carla Rueckert in the 1980s, incorporated by David Wilcock and combined with the findings of the Russian scientist Alexey Dmitriev who in his paper 'The Planetophysical State of Earth and Life' stated ' the whole solar system is changing', and by implication we, and all life are due for radical change also and which can be scientifically demonstrated.
Then add, The New,, John Lash/Gaia Sophia's Correction, Webre, Cobra, Tolec, and finding i'm not up to the task, the list is endless, forget succinct dot lists.

Then i witnessed Alfred Lambremont Webre boldly stating repeatedly that "we go straight from Kali Yuga into Satya Yuga", that is, from where we are now, just into the bronze age straight into the golden age, and Peter Deunov says much the same thing.

In stark contradiction to the Vedic text and diagram which progresses from Satya, to Treta, to Dwapara, to Kali, rotating cyclically in reverse order to return to a golden age over a period of thousands of years.  I swear i saw Alfred's version of the chart flash on the screen for about a second whether intentional or not.  Later scanning frame by frame Alfred's long interview with Patty Greer and Penny Kelly i failed to find it. All rather puzzling.  (A later insert: I do wish to add however that i do respect Alfred and the work he is doing.  Especially after listening to a most powerful three hour long interview presentation with four good, strong, well known creative women all targeted for speaking truth and just aired on March 3rd.  on his site: News Inside Out.  Very inspiring and i do recommend listening to it as it's really crucially important.)*****

In a culture already ripe with wishful thinking it only takes a continually rolling snowball of persuasive sounding hypotheses to turn it into a self perpetuating popular belief.  The emergent popular meme, in some sense a metamorphosis of previous ones, says, contrary to appearances, everything is rapidly rising in 'frequency' and we must do so too otherwise we won't make it.  At least the hypothesis is rising in frequency.  How do we go from global war and corruption to a natural harmonious order and is a cosmic wave the catalyst or what's commonly called 'a phase shift' ?

These simplistic paragraphs are a mere distillation of an equal amount of notes discarded for simplicity.  Not intended to discredit but to point at what may have gone unnoticed.  How did we come to be in such a clamourous ocean of contradictory memes?  It would be good if the query proved to be of no consequence after all.
Just an innocent question about 'The Emperor's New Clothes.' ~

          ~~~  ~~~  ~~~  ~~~
            Martin Rainbowmaker

 Paintings: Towpath Vision.  April 2013.
          Pre-Dawn Fields.  October 8. 2014.   

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