to, 'I Think it's Time.'
Which is written in self explanatory
accessible syntax. (so you don't have to ask what was intended.)
Regarding 'understanding': Discernment produces
'Knowing', which is when there are no more unresolved questions that
can relevantly be asked. Perhaps there always are.
consistency to as fine a degree as possible. Implicit
catalysts. Most people blur out following the thread. Which
should be like Celtic knot work, an intricate loop, or a Mobius
strip. So you can't pick holes in it.
making a thesis explicit, when you spell it out 'on the blackboard',
people react in denial because blackboards remind them of trauma and
coercion. There's a fine line between analogy, and dogmatically
stating how something is. That's where wit and humour can take
the sting out of the tail with a twist. Puns don't need to be
apologized for. So you relax effort to grasp, and just allow
the right-brain to re-member. Not so serious.

If it
sounds provocative, which it demonstrably can be, that's a catalyst
to release stored objections, which it evidently does.
of the algebra of the alphabet is 'skilful means', or if you like, a
magic called 'communication'. The syntax doesn't have to be
'perfect grammar', but just arranges the emphasis in an order that
will best present and hand over the verbal picture. Such
pictures are intended only to be of help, and outrageously sweeping
generalization can be funny and a liberating way to make a point.
"Ah c'mon you must be joking!" Yes.
So it's
actually very respectful of receptivity. ( I bet you've
forgotten what is.) ~Thus spake RBM~
think it's time.
Do you realize that everything you see and hear is
not what you think it is? So where do you think you are? Obviously,
what you think, is of another order than whatever anything, as we say, 'is'.
And what do we mean when we ' know what something
is?' It could be anything. If you make a list of everything you
think you know about what you're looking at, you've just covered it with
labels, and every one the title of a story. A story about what you think
you're looking at.
And since you assume the stories are all true,
you've imprisoned the thing in a cage and thrown away the key. So how can
you call it an object when everything you think you know about it is totally
We do the same to each other. You think you
know who someone IS, because you think that what you think, is who they are.
They could be anybody.
IS, is a funny word. Different in every
language. It's a bit final. It IS what it IS. Whatever it IS.
What is time? "Pardon, oh, er,... deux
heures moins cinq."
Oh! Merci. I'll ask somebody else.
Ah! Time is the conjunction of memory and
A concept overlaid on what just is.
Then that means that what just is, is what's here
now, so how could it be going anywhere else?
It's pathetically apathetic how we take time for
granted, and don't take time to question it's existence.
All the philosophers down through time tell you it's
a mystery. What!?
All that time and you don't know what it is?
How much time do you need?
Some people say time is the fourth dimension.
How would you know what that was if you didn't have the assumption of
time to pin it on?
Well, it's not something measured by clocks.
Clocks measure space. Circular rulers. Haven't we had enough
rulers? Hands off!
Well then it's got something to do with movement and
how much, er, long or short it takes. ...?
Objects. Look, if there was only one object in
only one infinite space, say, like a ball. How would you know how long it
took to move?
Take time to picture that.
You wouldn't know unless perhaps there was another
ball as a reference point. But then you wouldn't know which one was
moving or if they both were, so you'd need another one. That's three.
Ah, so it's about measuring change in relation to
memory of what (as we say), 'was.' Was, is an is that isn't any more.
Unbelievable. I mean, un-believe-able.
But all these fecking balls are all existing NOW.
Whether we have memory traces of them existing not now, or not.
So then we go and imagine a NOT NOW that we don't
remember yet, cos it never was. Call it er, future. Sounds cool.
There's hope. (Hopefully.)
So what have we got?
Something that's always and only, NOW and HERE.
Spatially changing. But the now and here, is
always now and here, so nothing is 'going anywhere'.
Except, when compared with memory, and projected as
imagined possibility. Which is always and only now and here too.
The past is not in the past and the future is not in
the future. Because anything that really is, is here now.
That may sound complicated to grasp. Always a
good idea to read slow and feel each word. Time well spent, as the cliche
Slowly. Like this: 'Time is
the conjunction of memory and
NOW! It's happening NOW. It just IS.
So if it's all now, which it just is, you're just 'imagining'
time. Take a break.
If any part of this flow lapses into a blur, read it
again slower. Or you're wasting your time.
I've been meaning for some time to bring this to
your attention, or vise-versa. Four years actually. Pity to have to
say what's obvious. What's true is what's self-evident. People
don't even have time to share it. It's not philosophy. It's THIS.
"Sorry i don't have time." Well,
congratulations! Neither do i.
Why waste time trying to prove something that
doesn't exist?
I suggest you pin it on your wall and study it
properly some other time, as is the tendency. When you've got more time.
There is no 'other' time.
Just say, 'i'm here now, with memory, and
expectation.' Thirteen times. Consider thirteen lucky. There
are reasons for that which you can look up.
You might not have been here, but that's neither
here nor there. You expect to not be here but that's not here either.
But you are and it is. The past isn't a place or a time, it's
memory traces, echoes.
The future isn't a time or a place, it's
expectations, imaginations.
Why live like a trapped piece of meat in a
timeburger? Why regret memory and fear expectation? Spoils the
flavour of the meat.
As for the present. I hope it's what you
Even though it's self-evidently not a moment in
I did try to give you what you wanted. If not
a diamond, at least the 'forever' part. Welcome to the fourth dimension.
The end of the mind construct of time. I hope you have a nice time.
As always, Janee Denimore. RBM.
(rainbow maker)
PS. What 'they' do to keep you as meat, is,
they do the unthinkable, which is shocking. so it will stick in your
memory as indigestible. And you will call it 'the past'. Emotional
Knowing that you think in linear time, you are
likely to fear it happening again. And will call it 'possible future'.
And the present won't be quite what you wanted.
Don't worry. There is no present. Only
you can be present. There's nothing else you can be. Just don't get
hung up trying to work it out in thought. Thought is time and the
illusion of a you that isn't what is timelessly reading this word.
Artwork: Window in Space, martin
law, 2006
Infinity's Rose, martin
law, 2005