Thursday 30 October 2014


On Sunday, September 21, 2014, Martin Law <> wrote:

ENERGY OF STONE 1, martin law, 2014

What race of beings put these huge uniquely shaped boulders so high up on a steep hill?
Eons before a crane was even a twinkle in a megalithic man's imagination.

Archaeologists have said, they were 'put' here two thousand years ago, but 'put' is a funny sort of word in this context, and that's putting it mildly. Assuming there were no cranes, trucks, or even roads two thousand years ago. Artifacts are usually far more ancient than they are conventionally said to be.

Besides, these ones are four hundred and fifty feet above sea level. There's a panoramic view from up there and not many loose rocks laying around. The tallest stone is thirteen feet high. Possibly the tallest in the whole country.

It's said to have originally been twenty feet tall but that it 'broke off'! The uppermost part 'put' back in place, minus the base (which must have been pretty long and heavy to hold it steady) as recently as nineteen thirty eight.

Even so, unless there was zero gravity two thousand years ago it's a strange choice of objects to 'put' in such a place, as to mystify generations for that long, to the point of apathetic amnesiac familiarity. I mean, 'they were just primitive Bronze Age people weren't they ?'

Primitive?! I know that hill, i've pushed a bike up it. You'd hardly get a modern crane up it without it toppling or getting stuck. The sort of hill that reminds you why a bike used to be called a push bike. Unless you're a masochist or a tip-top testosterone teen in training. I speak from experience of course.

Obviously they must have come the other way, primitive people aren't stupid. They'd have to come down from higher up. Then do a sharp right and across, but it's still up and down on a narrow winding back road.

But there weren't any roads! Rutted muddy horse and cattle trails more likely. You can only imagine the dead weight of these bulky stones, they're massive.

Down from the hills with a heavy cart made of tree trunks, solid block wheels with bronze axels and no brakes that wouldn't burst into flames. Then a sharp right turn on a steep slope and then a few miles of twisty boggy gradients. Makes no sense at all.

Whatever was pulling them would have been totally wrecked in all ways and been run over by sheer density and volition. What race of beings would go to such fruitless trouble and why? I've heard of killing two birds with one stone but no, forget it. I prefer the miracle and mystery that the unthinkable was probably the case.

I can only suspect that the mystery is far deeper than we've ever dared to imagine, and due mostly to ingrained scepticism and i'm completely open to acknowledge that.

Life on Earth is infinitely stranger than "Bronze Age Celts, burial sites, beacons, megalithic tombs", etc. Look at Newgrange or Stonehenge, or Avebury, Egypt, Baalbek, (Baalbek !!) Adam's Calendar, (South Africa). Gobekli Tepi, pyramids of Giza, Europe, China, South America, structures in the high Himalayas and down deep on the ocean floor. Heavy stuff.

ENERGY OF STONE 5, martin law, 2014

Totally global, and interconnected by geomantic lines and networks of planetary acupuncture. It really is such a vast subject that it encompasses everything.

Like the network of energy lines that surrounds the globe. There are plenty of writers, researchers, and dowsers who go into it in detail. Like Freddy Silva, in his book 'Secrets in the Fields'. Or Maria Wheatley, a dowsing adept with profound knowledge. 

ENERGY OF STONE 6, martin law, 2014

'Ley lines' is a generic term for the planetary web of lines of force. Where many of them cross is a point of geopathic stress. It makes sense to access and recalibrate this energy with large crystaline stones , piercing the earth like acupuncture needles.

It's even suggested that wi-fi can be transmitted along these energetic lines. If so, and they are electromagnetic, then why not also telepathy and out of body travel, i wonder.
After all, the concept 'primitive' is just a conceit of current technocratic civilization.

ENERGY OF STONE 7, martin law, 2014

Genuine crop formations regularly manifest exactly on earth vortex points. Most likely fine-tuning and stabilizing the planetary energy grid for its current progress into areas of uncharted space where turbulent flows of torroidal force have been detected.

Spirals of magnetic energy surround specific stone alignments creating a vortex, which has been shown to alter brainwaves to the alpha range. Also to produce a frequency just two degrees of Hertz below audible sound.

Harry Oldfield and other researchers have been able to photograph a rainbow spectrum around megaliths, corresponding exactly to the aura and order of the human chakra system.

My focus though is primarily artistic. The visual beauty and presence of these stone monoliths. They are always uniquely impressive triggers of inspiration. Human relation to the energy of stone goes back a long way.

There is emerging physical evidence that, there may well have been "giants on Earth in those days." Along with the forever presence of higher dimensional people of all kinds inhabiting unfamiliar and long forgotten realms.

Highly advanced civilizations come and go in cycles of millions of years. As this solar system among uncountable others swirls around the galactic core at 4883000 miles per hour. Spiraling through uncharted infinity from a golden age around to a higher golden age, our present destination.

That there were many civilizations far more advanced than this one is plainly obvious. Evidence and artifacts and visitations have been hidden from us until recently.


So i'm in no position to prejudge evidence of my terrestrial and extraterrestrial relatives and ancestors. They are way up ahead of me in this field.*

*** *** *** ***
Makes Rainbows.

Tuesday 21 October 2014


On Saturday, September 13, 2014, Martin Law <> wrote:

'Optimysticism', i launch an interesting new word, complete with 13 letters, it's bound for fortuitous futurity.

I bless this viral vessel full of seed syllables and synthesis and all who sail in her.

The genesis of the word was planted some years ago in conversation with a late friend who founded and established our local wholefood store and restaurant/art venue.

He said to me appropos of nothing in particular

(i think we were discussing hope), "if you can't be optimistic just be mystic." Of course, that made itself at home in my 'anagram brain', as another friend once addressed me as.

Well it's a nice looking word. Has an interesting shape to it, so it's probably sea-worthy and hopefully hear-worthy as well.

Being a synthesis of most positive ingredients,

complete unto itself.

OPTIMYSTICISM 2, martin law, 2014

Beginning with an O and ending with M, 'OM.'

The ultimate positive vibration. Universally giving rise to the known multiverse and infinitely more we don't know.

But 'optimysticism', what might it mean ? In a world of opposite poles, seemingly perpetually competing for 'full spectrum dominance'.

Well here's the first lesson in non-duality, if i may be so bold... 'Poles don't compete.'

Though contrarily, certain continents still seem to think they should. As if you could have a west without an east, especially on a sphere, and one good pole is nothing without another.

OPTIMYSTICISM 3, martin law, 2014

'Opposites arise mutually.' In plain language, obviously you can't have one of anything without another. Unless it's the infinite oneness without boundaries which includes everything, known and unknowable.

But you can't call that, 'one', either, because, being everything, there's nothing else to differentiate it from.

In case you didn't catch that, contemplate the Yin/Yang symbol. Two opposites that so define each other that they are not two, but one process. You know, like male and female, so formed in every way as to compliment and give rise to one another.

OPTIMYSTICISM 4, martin law, 2014

Forget dominance. Its day is over. Though some are slow to realize. It never works, only seems to, till it doesn't. Opposites (so called) are indivisible and can only ever compliment one another, literally.

The last people to realize such a self evident truth are, politicians, military, and a variety of over zealous sports enthusiasts. Samurai are a different matter, and you can't win at ping-pong without the assistance of a friend.

Everything is an infinite synthesis anyway. Now there's a thought ! 'I give thanks for everything without which nothing would be. Amen.'

OPTIMYSTICISM 5, martin law, 2014

Everything, is so much part of everything else that everything IS everything else. There's nothing greater than everything, and if you call it 'God', then you've made a separate something where there isn't one. That which is all things is everywhere without beginning or end.

The beginning of all this was the word, 'optimysticism', OM, which is a good vibe to start with. 'Opti', the root syllable of 'optimum', is as good as it gets. Way better than your current best.

Optimism is when that's what you fully expect it to be, despite doubt or apparent evidence to the contrary. A healthy antidote to bad vibing your existence.

Hope and fear go together. You just 'hope' for the best because you really fear the worst, so that's what you attract. Like attracts like, because it's an energy match, you only attract what something in you resonates with.

OPTIMYSTICISM 6, martin law, 2014

'Mystic', might sound mysterious but can hardly be other than what IS or it wouldn't be possible.

To the extent that we think it's 'out of the ordinary' we render its presence that much less self evident. Those fake opposites again, ordinary/extaordinary.

When we say, and believe, that the ordinary is not extaordinary we've collectively made it seem to be so, by chopping it in two and giving it two opposing names.

Better not use such divisively sharp words. Our word-thoughts chop everything in half, then we forget which part 'goeswith' which.

Mystic, is when we learn to no longer do that so nobody gets cut up about it.

OPTIMYSTICISM 7, martin law, 2014

Besides, what we resist, remains what we are focused on, for just as long as we focus on it as being something to be avoided. Like complaining that your shadow is always following you, when you can always walk in a different direction.

Optimysticism could mean the art of no longer denying that the outcome may equally be beyond all previous expectations. Thereby making such an energy match all the more likely.

Imagine being a powerful magnet. If your habitual focus is fearful it's a form of praying for what you actually least want. Whereas optimysticism is a focusing on what you most love, without any place left for doubt and fear.

So i simply launch this small wordcraft. With no hairsplitting or bottles broken on the bow.

It's pointed enough to not encounter resistance, light enough to encourage buoyancy, and it's not the stern that leaves witnessers awake.

I know it's been a choppy voyage but we're in similar vessels if not the same boat. Something in the wind tells me we are heading out of the storm, despite the look of the clouds. Not just metaphorically either.

May you never get totally wrecked, or linger long in languish in the doldrums. May a steady breeze blow, and billowing, fill your sails.

Stay aimed and on course for those calm waters and unimaginably unprecedented and welcoming pleasant shores out beyond the wildest storm when the blast is forever past.

Speaking as an optimysticist.~

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Makes Rainbows*