moo - networking

. . . please pause the player in the sidebar to listen to the track playing on this page

references to friends, familiars and er, ‘fans’ of martin rainbowmaker


you have purchased one or many of rainbowmaker’s
- audio CD’s
- paintings, pictures, artworks, illustrations . . .

or you have received one or many of them and played or displayed them

or you’ve sat with talkative tea at his hearth in mirthful, mindful moment of repartee

or taken a walk with him through the forests of GlenG

or have known him, for a long time, care-fully, considerately

or you’ve sung one of his tunes repeatedly

or marvelled at his acuity

or if you know yourself to connect with him emblematically


you would like your reference seen in this blog on this page

please leave a comment with any links and your name

any related, interesting tidbits, experiences, cameos, tales?
to enter those here please make contact with :


danann at moo :

some affiliative places where rainbowmaker pays virtual visits :

martin rainbowmaker

ministry of output
artiste management and marketing maniFestivity motivation

naw'O'emf is a d.o. -
a domestic organisation :
a team of four people as artistes in residence in a domestic installation, operating a professional, creative, cultural expression proprietorship and production facility, where intent for self-sufficient harmony in co-synchronicity with nature, is implicit to theme, lifestyle and output.

For the naw'O'emf team primary focus is in matters of conceptual and applied research :
- cosmology
- energy
- nature - entity, spirit essence, ecology
- cultivation - nutritional, medicinal, health
- resources, rubbish and waste
- shelter, abode, work-space facility, systems design
- learning, frontiers of the mind, supra-consciousness
- origins, our story, our full story - reclamation, memory, source connection, emergence, self determination
- to put into awareness, attain accurate perception of reality and situate in due context, what to do with the dastardly few who continue in underneath-the-scenes nefarious play unto unilateral imposition of entropy though it is expressly not their due
- to be in beingness of continuum, which would be said, somehow, to be that we are applying renewable envisagement of how to live, in the momentary synonymous infinity
- finding people-places where inter-correlating philosophies equate to ‘workable’?

How to encapsulate!  HOW WOULD WE NAME IT?  Perhaps, for eg : 
" ELCARO - a living hearth where heart-life lives doingly do-worthy - 'A LOG CABIN IN THE WOODS' "

'eco music factory'’s mobile setup attunes to realising output of artistes in local setting, on site, with professional location recording, mastering, design, CD production and promotion where, despite rigged trigger of economic go-slow, source-generated, creative flow is always in mind.

Audio track from eco music factory : d.p.w.t. - low-high [2010.12.21]

WOoden family publishing

rainbowmaker is credited for having attributed the name
'ministry of output'
the naw'o'emf maniFestivity facility