Monday 28 April 2014


On Tuesday, April 8 2014, Martin Law <> wrote:


"The way that can be defined
is not the true way itself."
~Lao Tzu.

IN THE WAY OF JOY. martin law, 2014

In the way of joy, now there's a title to contemplate. If you only get as far as the title,there's plenty there for the mind to play with all day.

'In the way of joy', can be read in two opposing ways. Which is the right way? It's a paradox, befitting a planet still snared in duality.

The quote above is from Lao Tzu, who is generally regarded as a kind of Chinese sage, and as you know, sage is a spirit cleansing and purifying plant. It's the opening line from his text, the Tao Teh Ching, (The Way and its Power.)

In the original Chinese there is a play on words; ' The way that can be 'wei(ghed') is not the way.' Wei, as in 'Wu-Wei.' Literally, non-forced, or occurring spontaneously, without superfluous deliberation. Often superficially translated as 'doing nothing.'

IN THE WAY OF JOY. martin law, 2014

Which is not quite the same as unforced spontaneity or happening naturally by itself, by contrast with un-naturally, whereby the focus is on oneself as being the presumed source of action. I can only do what i happen to do. I can't do what doesn't happen. Trying is not doing.

Children are naturally spontaneous until repeatedly told "control yourself" or "why did you do that?" When you didn't. It occurred naturally. The resulting adult form of 'self control' is more akin to self inhibition, the insistence that doing or not doing requires a mythical self to oversee it. Being unaware or outrageous doesn't count.

Spontaneity in infancy is the natural precursor to mature naturalness, whereby the illusion of separation from what happens naturally is clearly seen for what it is; an imaginary division, resulting in a sense of strain we wrongly identify with as being a self.

IN THE WAY OF JOY. martin law, 2014

Rather like a low volume manifestation of stage fright or 'self' consciousness on an ongoing daily basis. The internalized command to control a self as if it wasn't you, the one trying to control, is a vicious circle, like a snake trying to swallow its tail. Or, as they say, "like putting legs on a snake," that is to say, totally unnecessary and disastrous.

In the way of joy, interpreted one way it can be read in the sense of 'living in the way of joy.' A healthy and natural way to live.

It can just as easily be read as, 'there is something in the way of joy.' Which is self evident when you look at what goes on in the human world, relative to your zoom and focus.

So it's a paradox and also a potential catalyst if you ponder it long or deeply enough. Which you most likely will, now you've read it. It may repeat itself like an echo as mind tries to resolve a contradiction. A semantic, rather than an optical illusion.

As you know, catalysts turn into butterflies, which are universally symbolic of a liberated soul, and flitter spontaneously from flower to flower, doing what they do naturally without needless effort (Wu Wei). Though it's quite natural to use effort till it's seen to be no longer necessary.

IN THE WAY OF JOY. martin law, 2014

Who is living in the way of joy? Being of the way in joy. Or otherwise, who is in the way of living in joy? By contrast with all other forms of life, human creatures struggle with this. The ones who don't appear to, just think they're in control.

Is this a naturally joyful world? Or is it just a testing ground for enjoying 'in spite of' being part of an accutely contradictory system which regards living as being so familiarly mundane that they have lost the plot.

In that regard, the most obviously psychopathic might more honestly be termed 'kill-joys.' Because that's the job description they most enjoy embodying, and executing, so to speak.

IN THE WAY OF JOY. martin law, 2014

While otherwise, in the way of joy, the rest of creation, regardless of who's in the way, recreates itself perennially in eternity in perfectly spontaneous beauty.

Lillies, for example. They don't sweat or pass the buck. Any more than a buck sweats the pass.

There must be a lesson in all this. Like, 'you can't judge a buck by its overcoat.' Or, "Get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand", as the songline goes.

Last but not finally, you have to get out of your own way to get into your own way. Despite what anybody says, me included. I won't stand in the way of joy.

"I bless this space in lightness and pure joy,timelessness, beauty, and peace."

(13 word sign above my mantlepiece. See photo, in blog archive, February.2014. Titled 'Responsible response.')

IN THE WAY OF JOY. martin law, 2014

~]~] ~]~] ~]~] ~ Makes Rainbows.

Photos: IN THE WAY OF JOY. martin law, 2014

Friday 25 April 2014

Happy Birthday!


Another vibed solar cycle cycled,
Happy Birthday Martin Rainbowmaker!

Wednesday 23 April 2014


On Saturday, April 5 2014, Martin Law <> wrote:

The world is full of an interminable turnover of
megamonumental drama, or so we're led to believe. So much so, that i'm often at a loss to know what to write about.

However, when any emergent trend totally predominates, it by definition becomes the background for its antithesis to emerge out of. So take heart, endings are never final.

When every last tree has been counted and computerized (earth forbid) to monitor that they are growing as they should, something unprecedented will emerge out of the wood,
(the wood which couldn't be seen because trees were in the way). Who knows, it might even have hooves and horns.

Since 'The News', tells us what's important to think about for a day or two, i'll focus therefore on something of no importance whatsoever, something trivial, of no apparent consequence.

Then the question arises by itself; 'what is trivial?' Are small things more trivial than big ones? Like, is an ant trivial? The short answer would have to be, NO.

There would be no big things if not for an infinity of little ones. A nuclear explosion for example. The seamless fabric of life. I'd leave it alone, might get something bigger than you bargained for, oops, too late!

Perhaps the only really trivial thing is a mind that regards anything as trivial. Except of course for 'The News', but that's just boring background.

With regard to 'the stuff of life itself', of no major significance whatsoever and apropos of nothing, on a fine market day a couple of years ago, a friend said to me, "I've got a megalith for you, it's in the back of the car. Do you want to have a look?"

He said, "It sort of fell off a cliff." I suppose they do that sometimes, i mused inwardly.

I mean, it wasn't particularly big. A sort of mini-megalith. Longer in length than wide in width but heavy enough for me not to carry it uphill with the shopping. So he delivered it for me.

Interesting shape though. It leaned beside my fireplace for some time. Another friend took a fancy to it and suggested i carve symbols into it for her. But i decided to keep it, and it leaned around in various corners of my garden for a long time.

After the sapling, dead in the centre of the circle mounded lawn 'lived' up to its description and was removed, having failed to get a grip or nourishment from compacted clay. I tended the small circle of earth, "in homage to soil."
(See 'Six Womandalas'- Martin Rainbowmaker, blog archive, October 2013.)

Simple signs created in the sacred sense of,
' i give thanks to everything, without which, nothing would be.' You know, 'trivial things of no consequence.'

Between rain showers subsequently deciding the centre was the place for the stone. Between further showers, going out again to turn it around, preferring one side to the other, (as if two sides of a rock were ever separate except in dualistic thought) and secured it firmly in place as a heavy shower gave it the seal of approval.

The mini-megalith, a focal feature in view from kitchen sink perspective in muse moments turning the tap and standing to sip tea. Gazing contemplative from the kitchen window. As you do, if you have a garden, a window, tea, and timelessness in which to gaze. The stone, slowly by imperceptible increment revealing the salient subjective image within rough surface contours.

But see for yourself, or see what you will. I see a female and a male, robed and wrapped in rapt embrace. Symbolic sentinel union of complementaries. Though you too will see just as you wish. Other images emerge with the changing light.

Subjectively the emergent symbol bodes well for inner union, balance, non-dual harmony of hemispheres. Especially observed lightly in right brain intuition, a receptive mind free of subvocal chatter and verbiage.

Then comes Spring! First, daisies, along with dandelions, then buttercups. Illuminating, enlivening the long lush green.

Never mind 'the news'
this stone stands firm
in the timeless
the centre will hold
even stone has a story.~

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Makes Rainbows.

       LOVERS OF STONE, martin law, 2014

Tuesday 15 April 2014


On Monday, March 24, 2014, Martin Law <> wrote:

Huh ? What sort of title is that ?!
Sounds pretty ominous.

For those of us who may still be 'spell bound' by order of the alphabet, and wondering how to turn this thing around, well, i just did.

I mean, considering the amount of all too predictable knee jerk fear talk, about 'a third word war', and given that, 'politically correct' use of words would only make matters worse, i felt a new word order might be more appropriate.

THE AXIL OF EVIS,1 martin law, 2014, "kabuki theatre, the mask behind the mask"

But it is correct to say i'm anything but political and won't mention 'the nude world aura' again. Since we are self evidently in a backward world where everything is downside up and it's only right to speak the appropriate language.

So what is 'the axil of evis' and where is evis to be located? Apart from the fact that it's everywhere, that is, everywhere it goes unchecked, it's most directly traceable to all the nexus points where it's most vehemently proclaimed to be somewhere else.

That should clarify things. You could say, it's a simple case of the cot balling the pettle klack.
Well maybe you couldn't, but i've had a bit of practice. Lest you presume i'm totally lesdyxic or, Earth forbid, of unsound mind solely due to having my own word order. Don't believe a word of it.

After all, unlike the Chinese, we only have twenty six letters to play with, and in any numbers game it's healthy and necessary to shuffle the cards. Otherwise you inevitably fall into the trap of mistaking the word order for the thing itself.

That's a dangerous mistake to make. Millions of people have killed one another already in the previous century alone, provoking such insanity through the misuse of words. The war of words continues to this day. The unseen battle is at its peak as we speak and most are unaware of it, many are unwilling to conceive of it and many still don't care.

In that regard you could say, we're still going through the nong lark sight of the dole. Well you could try. It might help to release your synapses from the death grip of taking language literally. Instead of not being able to even discern the difference between propaganda and impropaganda.

You'd have to be a moron to not know that 'politically correct' is an oxymoron. Like 'military intelligence.' Since when was war intelligent?

THE AXIL OF EVIS,2 martin law, 2014, "kabuki theatre, the mask behind the mask"

But as i've said before,"you don't have to be a rocket scientist." What a relief. That's one less thing to worry about.

If i was to give advice regarding the axil of evis i might indicate that, while it will present itself as being 'out there', always remain vigilant that it doesn't self replicate 'in here.'

Evis lives and thinks quite delusively that it's king. When in fact it's nothing but a parasite that needs a negative response in order to survive, even as a delusion. Otherwise it's nothing but an envious absence.

As for axils, they're a cross between an octopus and a black hole. A whirlpool as opposed to a self regenerating radiance. An implosion when the light bulb blows. Lost, alone in the dark, void of a spark. Proclaiming,"all must come to me," a total lack cloaked in false glamour.

Avoid such a void. Yet shrink not, but radiate in abundance and plenitude exposing emptiness.

In calling for transparency, naked Emperors are fully exposed as see-through leaders, only leading to believe, which is not knowing. Hence magically denounced as examples of incorrect 'spelling.' Two can play that game.

For example, they're obviously aded by invaliens, impostrated by infiltrers, and weep in clolves shothing. Exponentially exposed in a nude world aura (which i said i'd never mention again).

But i rest my case it's heavy and lightness is the only order of the day. The axils are squeaking for want of oil and evis is being eviscerated (look it up).

In the beginning was the word and the word became the virus instrument, though it was sound to begin with and ever remains so as the sacred source of all.

While true 'power' is not control, which is merely repression. The greatest, is everything, which does everything everywhere forever. Being everywhere it has no outside and so can't be named. Names are only words for otherwise indivisible fragments we call 'things' and not to be taken literally or even seriously.

THE AXIL OF EVIS,3 martin law, 2014, "kabuki theatre, the mask behind the mask"

The unimaginable cosmic everything without boundaries is infinite creation/destruction/
recreation, and we are that.

As for the axil of evis, the avil of exis, or even the avis of exil ; May you never be able to pronounce such a thing again !~


~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Makes Rainbows~

   "kabuki theatre, the mask behind the mask"
        THE AXIL OF EVIS, martin law, 2014