Friday 30 March 2012

THE Good news.

On 5 August 2010 15:23, Martin Law wrote:

peaceful greetings as always, if the spaces between seem spacious, i am consistently right here and you are always welcome. So, i was listening to Barbara Hand-Clow on a long audio and she is working closely with Carl Calleman, she says a lot of positive things, some of which i attempt to share with you good folk.
With regard to the galactic alignment which for those people who believe Hollywood think the world will end in 2012 Haha ! Their world might well, the way they're heading, file under "goodbye", when the precise alignment in fact already happened in 1998...and we are now in a harmonizing phase, and if it doesn't look/feel like it it's due to most people don't know about it and are consequently at an energetic disadvantage as the current energies intensify, that makes sense, and, ah yes... this november 2010 we enter DAY SEVEN on the calendar,
i mean, we're nearly er... here already, and Hand-Clow who's in agreement with Carl says " the game is actually over..." never mind the nutters frightening good people by blowing holes in things and selling negative future scenarios like hot cakes, "future", what's that? where's that at? i mean the only way to not blur our eternal intrinsic subatomic inseparability with infinity is to not solely misidentify our id-entity with who we think we are, that is; a point in time and space...
so, we can all know there aint never no excuse for the slightest pessimism i think it's called, what you focus on is what you get ask any physicist or better still, go for it, or stay put and call it over. Hand-Clow says that people with a general grasp of the pattern of the time we're in handle energies better ,with less stress or anxiety and a lot of what we are seeing is people not doing so, not letting go the mind and trusting universes, don't cock-up, only people do when caught unawares by Archons, you know, like fourth dimensional mind parasites who's only purpose is to keep us on our toes so we can be the corrective catalyst to Sophia's fall and crystallisation into density oh i do go on...........
Maybe we should all get together in the sun and compare notes, rhythms, frequencies, and freeform colours of the diversity of essential optimism or optimysticism in general. i better go out and reflect the sunshine; if you're stuck for turnips i grew a surplus of food and been handing out lettuces before they all bolt, stay good , stay freely musically creatively inspirationally active, MORE GOOD VIBES TO YOU, martin/rainbowmaker

artwork : on other worlds, martin law, july 2006

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