Saturday 31 March 2012

ho! - pencil landscape

“better late than never.”

On 27 February 2012 01:24 Martin Law wrote:

wonder, my friends, if you’re all up at these hours. heads up, or
feet up.
mostly, what i did today was scrub the floor. sort of down-to-earth quiet sort of day.
listened to some music. mine too. lovely.
played a bit. was given the number of a professional piano tuner friend.lives in dublin but comes down here to visit ,and tune pianos. coming down at
easter or before. i rang him and we had a good talk and arranged contact. i think he said his father or grandfather used to play that same piano in bantry house. i looked at his website.
i did a pencil landscape one night from imagination, very detailed considering it is
only 3” by 4”.
then took it to the printer shop and enlarged to 10” by 12”.
inspired by distant horizons, the central plain of eire, an enjoyable train ride some years back from dublin to cork, after
crop circle trip, the whole journey you don’t see even one town or city. amazing! a
comfortable train with tables, cups of coffee and a big window view, to contemplate lush flat green farmland, trees, and cottages,
interesting horizons and changing skies. quite magic in an artistic way.
definitely made an
impression. didn’t find anything on youtube to do justice to the real thing.
i managed to find the way to delete my google search history, and did. there’s a change in privacy policy from march 1st.
i watched a tedious, but funny skype interview last night that “the kerry cassidy” did with an intel whistleblower. it was funny like
theatrical in that she was groaning with stress at the technology not functioning and she looked sleepless and wrecked. funny in that she was so dazzled by the screen she kept covering it with an opened book. totally
irritated and frustrated by the laborious and boring man on the other end. and, imagine, at one point just slumped down head on the
desk and all you could see was her hair
which she constantly plays with, saying
“ok..ok..ok, hang on, stop, that’s fine but our listeners know that already”. and an
incredulous story about how we just avoided another missile crisis.
take it easy. leisure and abundance and
a celtic spring to you. M


On 15 March 2012 14:57, Martin Law wrote:

. . . was about to go horizontal at 5a.m. then checked inbox, then mrbm.blogspot. wow! like magic mushrooms, sprung up in the night it was.
blog looks totally amazing! thank you moo two and went to bed at 6. ...waking up...
right now i plan go to toby's, brave the misty drizzle, armed with three paintings+ drawing in plastic bag, scan and send to moo you:.....
"irish hawthorn"/ "in autumn light"/ "soft grey skies"/+ the pencil drawing that preceded it./...(i may make the crows more prominent later, they'll do in the distance for now.) then after, with tea and fire, will write . . .

a mimplished cushion*1

On 15 March 2012 19:45, Martin Law wrote:

.i.e. "mission accomplished"*
(text colour, not black, dark khaki actually.)
chez moi, tea drunk, fire ablaze, trusting 4 images arrive on moo tv screen, scanned, left moo e address w/ toby,"always busy",ever obliging,so I said,"have any print you like anytime."
"my house a bit of a building site at the moment".~"you got no walls?"

zooming in to town

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Martin Law wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>> I go straightaway>>> nudge toby>>>>>
think he got sidetracked>>> yes, pays to stand over people>>>
stand by. will be worth the waiting>>>>
got a new motto/~ "it will get there, because that's where it's going">>~~~have a soft day>>>"hoka hoka hey!">>>>>>>>>>>>> the rainbow tribes>>>>>>>>( . )

our warriors are circling...

On 16 March 2012 18:17, Martin Law wrote:

.>aho tonk-she-kola! = "hi man's younger sister-friend
our Zooyah-weCHOSHta's (warriors) akichitas, are doing wild sunwise circles, h'meYON ehnah,around
"red-hair-makes-pictures">>>>"weya..weya" power>>>>WEh'mukeh has spoken with him two times.
first time; "I haven't had a chance yet",hours later,"that's my very next job i'll do that now"..couldn't the girls do it?, "they're off today"....hmmmokay brilliant thanks....I told my friends it's on the way....
red hair makes pictures not understand "now". think is some other nows. he gotta do it before 6 or i sack him, due respect. white man sog-DAH-sha-wah-CHE-shoo-ska wechoshta strange,.."TOK-cha"! ach!!was like this in last life. not problem. will happen. like they say,soo'n. soo'n? what soo'n? their jeesis make them we-t'ko. (we-t'ko). not like teshunka we-t'ko. that horse not same crazy. that, magic horse,wakan. like wakan tanka. we just hang in side horse. good thing happen. "soo'n"........huh!
me had good day cruise round town lot. all good talk. spread messages. talk free like news. what we call popping wind. shock talk news make sweet with makes belly laugh. that way get digested. but mutual well receive. free fun. good= wa-sh'teh. much deep talk too. tell many of cd, tell of blog. write with pen too so they get it. sold one "many summers" cd.
now gone 6. tell me smoke signal if happen.......?
also met "yer man", of blue day in feb fame. tell him blog story. we laugh on street. makes more truth share. he go straight to toby shop,to read story. very funny.
...ah! I forget buy bread. nah! me home now. te-YAH-dah.wa-ZE-te-pe.
soon sun go down.
WE-h'mu-keh "" "" "" "" (bear tracks)!
>>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<<


On 17 March 2012 02:46, Martin Law wrote:!
wa sh'te~ good~ ta se go maith~ go raibh mile maith agat~ ne na pedamayeh/le la pelamayah~ c'et tres bon, merci bien, danke schoen, das ist sehr gut nicht wahr?
c'est tres joli~impeccable n'est ce pas? wunderbar!~
parfait, sans doubt~ proceder vous toute suite pas de probleme~... tobe or not tobe, das war die frage~ in anfangs war das wort und das wort war nicht gott. das wort war "goo", cosmic goo, ga ga!~allain~dathuil~ sciamhach= beautiful~"it will get there because that's where it's going"~vive la evolution! la liberte, la paix~
PEACE ON TERRA wish i could paint like that~ oh, here, have the lot, grace your walls. there is no kitchen wall!"

yes, pencil drawing

On 17 March 2012 03:07, Martin Law wrote:

.PS~yes, we did copy/scan the pencil drawing, i can go and nudge him again if necessary. integral part of the inspiration,conception, to completion, process.
tobe or not tobe. das ist die frage nicht wahr?
ah, she'll be right mate....dinkum
deantoir na tuar ceatha )>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ( )

"flight of the eagle"-1- for pentelope, at moo

On 17 March 2012 06:37, Martin Law wrote:

. good luck with tobe and the scanned pencil sketch, contact me if need re-do.

straham grouts

On 19 March 2012 03:46, Martin Law wrote:

hoping pentelope received the drawing from tobe (of "tobe or not tobe" fame. tobe of tobe hall (the children's story?)). i met him on the street yesterday and reminded him. he said, "i did scan it didn't I?" I said yes.
am very impressed with how the 3 paintings look on screen. audrey kindly put "soft grey skies" as a new desktop background for me. lovely. I needed the change from that all blue mountain. i've worked through a long blue phase in my life and my throat chakra's fine anyway.

pencil sketch 1

On 20 March 2012 23:41, Martin Law wrote:

.hmm, the pencil sketch... tut! let me know if it doesn't arrive tomorrow and i'll pop in with it again and stand over. i met tobe on street on friday and reminded him of it's importance. i did witness him scan it, it was the first one.

"sketches,skies,earth,etc 1"

On 21 March 2012 17:32, Martin Law wrote:

.good you got the pencil sketch. i did just go to tobes and check, prepared to do it again.

artwork : pencil landscape, martin law

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