Wednesday 14 March 2012

the senseless form

On 25 March 2011 20:52, Martin Law wrote:

Hi everybody.

as with friends of mine i too am thinking what can be done. About . . . ‘CENSUS’! Aware also that millions of us are too. Aware also of large movement of people willing to either , ignore,resist, or make fun of it. And i wouldn't blame them. i have completed such forms in the so-called "past",though now , more people are awake and aware and question everything, quite rightly, since it is self-evident we are lied to about everything and always have been.

have you googled "lawful rebellion", i was just looking at that again. It's a big movement. i believe they are staging a protest meeting in Trafalgar Square this coming saturday. You may know, many people, i mean VERY many are taking the UK govt. and the EU to task for being in breach of the Magna Carta and Common Law which still stands,and are within "the law" in doing so. So first, i'd say, look up lawful rebellion on the internet, including youtube. A lot of videos on what people are doing.There's one video where a large group of people in the UK entered a court session and arrested the judge for being unlawfully corrupt,and the judge ran away. So, the last thing to imagine is that we are alone in knowing it's a load of crap, because we are certainly not, quite the opposite.

People really ARE waking up and many know the so called law better than those enacting it, and there are many good speakers on youtube. Personally, my name ,being "Law", i know i'm on the right side of myself and am something infinitely more profound and sovereign than a statistic which is nothing but an abstract fiction. Actually, "civilization" is nothing more than an abstract fiction and we are far from alone in knowing that. It's all based on trickery, but people are not tricked any more.

Listening, for example, to Jordan Maxwell, he talks of something called "maritime law", which, while i don't fully understand it...yet, is what the so-called "law" really is. This thing about, they always say to use CAPITAL letters, something to do with the birth certificate having our names in capital letters, technically defines us as property as soon as we are born. So i say, nobody has the right to tell me how to write my own name. Especially somebody who doesn't know "who", or "what" i am. Considering i can even write in language that doesn't exist, and fluently, (see "hieroglyphics" on my website). Maybe write everything else in capitals since it's no use to anybody anyway; there are no categories for REALITY, since, "things", and "persons" are not real but only... verbal classifications. There are no things, as defined as separate from all "else". Difference is what we all have in common so it's totally shared. Separateness is a bullshit illusion which is why we are persuaded to believe it's real.

Anyway, last thing to do is worry that the cia (NON CAPITALS) will come down your chimney because you confessed to having too many toilets. Let alone being neither a Protholic or a Catestant, eclectic maybe,but while that will do for a true definition of "my" "religion",we all know that definitions don't define but only distort and limit.

So i say; there's no law against not neatly fitting into a box, cos there aint no such thing. i'd say we play with it. Along with lawful rebellion, it’s worth having a look at Sovereign Independent (the radical newspaper that's getting around). That has some features on the resistance.

i totally relate to the question of what to do about the invasion of privacy that the census is, and say thanks for asking the question.

i mean, people are on the streets with megaphones asking the same thing. Main thing is, don't fear bullies. They're lost souls. Otherwise they'd know they are us. What they do comes out of fear and ignorance.Ignoring what is self-evident.Don't fear fear,cos it's the choice to throw away the natural power of the love/wisdom/understanding we have already without trying. i'm sure there are many who know all this and more from experience anyway. And anyway, i know i'm not "martin law", and don't have anything called "a nationality", maybe i should put them through to my passport, which however has a habit of lie-ing, i'm not "from" anywhere, i'm just HERE,NOW, how can i be "from" somewhere else ?

So we all know this, maybe that's why they are worried, they don't know yet.

i'll shut up for now.i'm putting off looking at the damn bullshit form. Sure we can do it creatively with our inate (did i spell that wrong?)..genius. All we have to do is choose to worry/or not worry. Lots of people on the planet already have reality happening. There'll be a massive outbreak of higher-dimensional Eden-consciousness soon anyway that'll screw up their delusional certainty !

Feel free to get back to me anytime.Hope i help a little bit.
i send GREAT LOVE and PEACE to all.
Freedom,Fun and Happiness.Bless the Creativity.......
Sure what else can ye do? Oh and, PS. ~~~Rainbows.(That's a safe bet. ~~~~~martin

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artwork : a rainbow union, martin law,
may 2009

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