"sketches,skies,earth,etc - 2"
some planetary body coming through. alerted kim and my "son in law" in vancouver. gets like "cry wolf". where to place the scepticism. i'm not a bad scout.
wrote kim a long email reply. i write the most polite and respectful "love letters". actually that's what i'd most enjoy writing. scarcity of targets. cautious and dispassionate, but passion seeps through where the capitals used to be.
a "healer"(dubious), who did me a past life regression, once said,"do you realize you're writing love letters?" well yes, actually. what else would you write?
but with venus in pisces in the 7th house, eros is exalted to "agape" ,(greek word) and with the venus transit of second decanate of taurus + jupiter. we already are what we aspire to be. the aspiring is what we honour already. familiar with a lot of latest lash stuff. intrinsic to the "eden" vision. but he's "scorpio" i think. my dispassion would manifest more in acceptance of "fate" than "fight", perhaps. better to "out-fox" than dominate,
speaking as an animal. coyote maybe. if confrontation is the agenda, turn up the magic.
lisa (who wishes to return to being "elizabeth") emailed me praising "ten summers". i replied at 5 a.m. and she replied again. she'd just got up, for her dawn singing bowl mantras. me just going to bed. "night-owl to "morning lark", i said.
hat was 12 hours ago. sent me a photo of pristine snow in switzerland from their visit. fine ,she said, if she hadn't broken her arm, and "how do you stay protected?"... mmm, says i, i suppose i don't take too many risks, don't go far, very often. haven't injured myself painting by the fire so far...as i touch another piece of wood.
sovereign independent seems to be down. wonder if barry o'banana switched em off. i use "ecosia" a fair bit. pleased, these last 3 paintings, on a bit of a plateau. wonder what to conceive of next. millions, billions of paintings in the world, have "cliche'd everything conceivable. but it's an interesting challenge. just return to one's own intrinsic essence and source. can't beat self-honesty. all the other creatures and plants do it. blackbirds and flowers never go out of style. fresh after billions of years.
i imagine, write what you experience in one day like it was the "only" day. it is ! we mundane everything into "familiar". how familiar is anything? really?
like, i suddenly saw this black feathered creature with a golden-yellow beak. fluttered and moved in rapid jerks, miraculously sure-footed, it never missed a twig. shiny blue-black and vivid in the misty drizzle. it opened it's beak and...out came a song, a high-pitched liquid
quicksilver ripple like you could never imagine. and i felt the poetry of what the song was saying throughout my whole body. it spoke for the beauty and the mystery of the whole world at once. well, i was astonished! and then it was gone in a flash. scattering droplets and pussy-willows in the dew-grey- dawn silence. phew! daybreak in the earth-realm!"
oh yes. that story of the lost lotus incense and me totally ignorant of the fame of my first gypsy child song since 1972. we'll see what...aspires, conspires, what's the word i want... a e i o u...? spires, fires, i'll light a fire instead.~ have a good day on earth.~~~~~~m.
..."cut to the chase"... " stop! we, the people live here, we do not allow killing sister fox, ( shoon-HE-nah), for what you call, "sport". you do more harm than fox, who does none. learn from fox. protect your chickens. move on in peace!" ~~~ "who was that man? more hairy than fox. came from over the hill in the east."
to continue~ tags, for pages: "glimpsing" = our solar union/ * "rainbow making"= rainbow making/ . "um?"= "not in HIS image" / "double you" = who can get this? / "a nondual declaration of interdependence"
= our nonduality./ ~~~~
re. * "our solar union" ; relevant to accompanying images + more specifically; see latest post from carl calleman regarding 2012. opportunity for humanity to reorient , helio-centrically, and move on from "national
and even planetary self- identification." a possible key to transition from "the galactic underworld" phase, into
the now emergent, "universal underworld". "to align the pineal gland with our sun as local focal.
"not in HIS image". a repeat reminder of the book.
in my college thesis; "communication & persuasion", i re-iterated a ploy social programmers employ: "repetition + variation".
"who can get this". i pondered variants of this while eating my vegetables, and counting on my fingers, ( they are all 13 letter titles. surprise surprise.
not only, "who can get this"? but also, "who or what"is the "who" that thinks there is any getting to be got, by a
false identity who already is not.
who you "think" you are, will never "get" what you are already. it's like, "having" "a mind". that takes two. you and your mind. hence, "schizophrenia" is the norm.
and the chronic cases rise to the top. believing dualistically, it's "us and them", therefore, control "them".
our nonduality. well, it's not "mine" alone. when i took the name "rainbowmaker", i did so, ritually. gave an impromtu speech in a circle of, was it 22 people. rounded off with a "thank-you", "a you and a me is a we, a we is an it, it thanks itself". what else would it do?
~so, ( $%. in current fiscalese)....
back to the here and now on terra firma. before "fox-killer" showed up.~~~ photons streaming in, sunshine in march. the first day wearing nothing but a Tshirt.....
(and jeans), refining a pie-wedge shape portion of sun-warmed soil in my central- circle-lawn garden. refining to befit the fineness of a fair day. and as, randomly, casually pre-estimated, planted 78 spuds packed into a wedge shape six feet square.( sacred -geometrists, figure that!) "today is a good day".
continuing to relax after leisurely labour. (the play ethic), pondering my old fire grate and where to put it.
so cut up a goat's-milk carton,( waterproof), and inscribed with black marker in spiderish italic; "the grate outdoors", put it on a rock by the front door.
the young lads and girls round my front gate,often fire a pointed question.
my neighbour's boy bursting to recite his rhyme. a chance to try out words that are said to be forbidden.
wow, i say, you'll be a great poet. the young trickster,
already macho one, thaws momentarily when he gets the "grate" bit. i trust he won't trash it. (?) pops the question, "who do you think you are?" i say, "who does anybody think they are?" and," why does anybody think they are anybody? there's no law against being nobody." obviously i'm a nutter. and the little tribe straggles off, bouncing the sacred football, pushing the bike to what to do next.
so we spend a life thinking there's a "next". though nobody ever saw one. could be "armageddon" (that word), could be "ascension" (that word too). could be "positive timeline".
but, who ever saw "a whole day"? i mean, in your face.
"just this and nothing else". so said a zen master on dying. so i take a break from juggling 26 letters. don't know about "next". probably wouldn't know one if i saw it. hope you enjoy the present!~~~~~~~~~martin.

sounds like a shopping list, but is a
teleprompt reminder
for me, responding to salient points in your long and interesting high speed text. / what an amazing day! not only no clouds at all, but no chemtrails at all. though i didn’t wake till eleven.
two con trails, evaporating instantly, but no neo-contrails that remain
suspended and then expand. i can often distinguish expanded ones
from high cirrus clouds, they are more curdled, like milk and vinegar. “lacto acidicus alto stratus."
“i ‘ve looked at clouds from both sides now, but really don’t understand
clouds at all.”
[mabye here should be included the email,
"foxes:" no, to put you at ease, there was no fox hunt ,or ‘foxkiller “. a purely
imaginary dialogue, intending to
address “tags “promptly, i “cut to the chase “. then decided i didn ‘t like that
phrase and all that it implied.
and instead, improvised a scenario
where a civilized intruder is roundly reprimanded by an indigenous native. as an example of how we, as gaian
humans would ideally respond to
intrusion of sacred habitat.
“got to get ourselves back to the
garden” is perennially true. and off the reservation called civilization.
am particularly fond of foxes, having had a few, much valued, close
encounters. and as i mentioned, once set one free from a snare, having
retrieved wire cutters and gauntlets. not entirely satisfactory, as wire was still tight round it’s middle. but it took off like a rocket, with my lasting
blessing.foxes are beautiful to
observe, and sacred. so what if they
appreciate chickens. humans torture and slaughter millions of chickens per day: not to mention ‘christmas “! we project all our myopia on to
all our relations . rats are bad,
wolves are bad, mice are bad, badgers
are bad, crows are bad, etc. humans celebrate genocide!
on a lighter note, potatoes: and
onions, i got my onion sets from the
corner shop. my potatoes, the ones you have, given me as a free organic gift
from organico. local organic grower produce. a small paper bag full, which, when i planted became last year’s
crop; three hessian sacks full! yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
now i am planting those same potatoes again, as my harvest couldn ‘t wait to “get back to the garden “. sprouting
right through the hessian sacks they were. like fish out of water. a spud’s
gotta do what a spud’s gotta do. i
planted 78 of them yesterday, tucking them in nice and cosy. tighter spaced, but in separated beds this time. with the notion; if you do monoculture, one blight gets the lot, globalists take note. i’m sure they have.
spring is..., and my neighbour
opposite, the place you park, has had that huge feathery evergreen hedge
cut down to the ground with
chain-saw, such a lovely hedge. it was actually, thick 6” around, trunks in
some people think trees are made out of wood.
oh well... now she’ll be able to get a
sun-tan in public.
hmm, skype... a friend rang the other
night. said she was using the phone via skype as was running out of credits.
and was bored and needed another
human voice, the conversation started
off pear-shaped, as there was a delay so that the “conversation” consisted of silences and simultaneous
interjections. “why do you keep
interupting” i said... “are you
there?” aaagh”! terrible. ( another friend
also, had earlier emailed to say, “ring me please when you get this . strange weather. strange vibrations”), which i did, and nothing was up.just wanted to hear my voice or something.
so i nearly blew up. “this is not a conversation! a nano-second
away from banging the phone down. till we sussed what it was. well i have to express myself. sorry about that,
peace and er, love “.
and no word from kim.five days, or six i think. i mean, a woman doesn ‘t
“have”to do what she have to do.....
probably busy coping with survival.
nothing “has” to be. just be. B natural or Bflat. possesion is not nine-tenths of this law. what you ‘re born with is
not what you “have” to be. but what
you ‘re bound to have to work on and
transform. not “stubborn” (won‘t), but “persistent”, (will). “it” will.
foxes, potatoes, rainbows,., what else? i got butter,firelighters... oh! apple
trees. wow, all those apple trees!
don‘t really think i’ve got room for one, thanks very much. plotting garden
plot space as i go along.
hey we‘ll all soon be brown! no more grey sodden squelch that sucks. talked with a friend just back from spain. had enough sun. wasn‘t too bothered. said there‘s hardly any water in spain.
,, ,, ,,. ,,
spa ... in
the “ra” in “spa” stays mainly on
the...... ? "pla-ya"!
i have an intuitive precognition i’m
going to eat something. just a feeling. grazias agus a bientot. ~~ m