Tuesday 29 May 2012

Fillet of god./An appetizer for whoever is hungry.

On 27 May 2012 11:47, Martin Law <martin.rainbowmaker@gmail.com> wrote:

>An appetizer for whoever's hungry.

Assuming a fixed assumption of something higher and greater than everything, we make everything lower.  Thereby, permanently stuck in duality.  A duality of two false opposites that can never meet.
What's worse, we give it a name.
Question:  On what authority do you presume to know the name of something greater than everything?  Or even that there can be more than everything?  Who ever saw everything, to know if there's more?
So, ignorant of our arrogance to proclaim a name of something we never experience, we are further removed from the everything we claim to speak of.
The first course will be served in due course.

Appetizers, anybody??
On 29 May 2012 20:50, Martin Law <martin.rainbowmaker@gmail.com> wrote:

>PS. to the scriptural hors d'oevres,
 In case you wonder, i can easily handle said text, if i so decide.
Self-evidently already pre-designing itself within, while otherwise pottering with trowel and watering can. "Tzu-jan" by itself so, effortlessly. Prefixed by, terms of engagement or non-engagement consist of candid ( i like that word-concept but prefer the sound of candour) candid truth that i regard theosophical discussions as
"ickey. Very ickey." So you never need compete with a conclusion which is already an end of enquiry. Might as well punch a samurai on the nose. I'm waterproof anyway.
Enjoyed our mutual "real discussion" at Kates though too. And our Dan and i recent intersoundings. Don't think you have any cause for anxiety frequency there.
I do have much literary experience of metaphysical dialogue however. Those ancient zennists were tough cookies. Talk about judo!  Like, weak evasion no1. on his "Him-sheet"... What is the "god-concept" if not the cornerstone, the very rock he clings to in stormy seas, if not the concept of the something greater than everything, which he flat out denies clinging to (what if i took it away?) See how he sneakily shifted that "something" to a "someone" in the next line.
Hate even talking about ickey things. First of all, delete any competitive engagement. Aint appetizing. 2nd, know it's not a discussion cos one party is starting with a conclusion which is an end. Might as well talk to a rock. That might be preferable.
3- He's in business as a rock climber. 4- I don't give a shit , i dropped out of bible class right after sunday school as nobody was enquiring what the fuck are you saying. It's just anti-life to lay it on innocent minds before they had a chance, hence the link with phydopelia or whatever it's called. They don't value matured innocence in themselves so can't stand it in others.
Speaking primarily as a country- dweller ( paiganos= pagan) as well as one who chooses freely (heresai= to choose/free-thinker--
heretic), a nice life- is -sacred-and -beautiful-defender, need i add.
Christy Annity was invented as a political control of the diverse  masses by Constantine in the year 553 (see:"The Donation of Constantine"). Where the motion was carried (not unanimously) that " let's decree "he" was the son of the god, as a handy bit of "propaganda" (a roman word) so we can "in-corporate" them instead of slaughtering them for mass entertainment. That way we'll have more customers in the long run." Same as they do now.
If we acquiesce (aqua? yielding?) to what was here before we came in we'll never get to be in the movie of the full flowering of what we came in with. Sod em. And gomorragh to ye.
Stay waterproof. Watch the billboards.
Every dark cloud has a rainbowmaker.  (+) %%%/£££/$$$?GZu$!!

"a natural order."
all this,emerging,is the natural order.
the old forever renewed.
then,out of the blue, the blossoming.
pink petals scattered wildly on spring wind.~

artwork : Celestial Rose, martin law, February 2007
               Space Blossom, martin law, July 2005

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