Thursday 14 June 2012

Ripples are perfect circles.

On 2 June 2012 19:16, Martin Law <> wrote:

>Hope the coffee tasted good,
It's raining here today. I love rain. It's sacred. Even though i know chemtrails are a reality everywhere and antidotes are part of my diet. Sacred is where i'm coming from. Been on the phone with my good friends in Kerry who are having a really hard time today. Woke me to an emergency. Just wanted to hear my voice.
My two visitors last night stayed till 12.30. I had to be very firm and truth-speaking, while remaining hospitable throughout. I typically, extend harmony for a very long time, before i become explicit , (i won't say lay the "Law" down, i do that much later) (joke). But when mutual harmony is consistently  not acknowledged, that's the end. They don't know it yet.
I always do a lot of work in an informal counselling capacity as it is.
Yes, i've lived in a few places since the one you remember. Well two actually. The previous one for nine years. A very testing claustrophobic  environment with no daylight or outdoor space. Won't even describe.
Went through "the dark night of the soul " there.  And survived. Never wavered. Though quaked a lot. Stuck in there. (that has a duel meaning.)
I've moved 54 times.
My permanent address here is a joy. A one storey house in a cul-de-sac. I painted the outside lilac.  On the edge of town, 189 feet above sea level. Quiet as the country. Cork/kerry mountains seen from the garden. Kitchen window to the west, where temporarily i can hardly see my flourishing fertile garden for the 6 foot flowering giant cabbages.
It is my sincere wish, that the satisfactory resolution, clarification within diversity which it seems we just enacted, a win- win, if you like. That it may now ripple out in widening perfect circles. So that my extended family may have  a clearer perception of the writer of this. That i am not a critic or in judgement, or an allusion to anyone's past impressions. And certainly nothing to be wary of. Equally lifelong devotee of the world we wish to see, and be.
I recall the drift of what i was about to find words for last night before i was so abruptly interupted.  Put succinctly, the infinite mystery of the macrocosm, inconceivable even spacially, not even definable as "IT"
because a distinct IT is finite.  Simply that , we are inseparable, and indivisible from that. Continuous with, and inter-dependent with infinity and therefore within, and as, eternity.
It's benevolence is in that we exist by virtue of that being so.
Goethe said, "if that engenders wonder, "then" look no further.
And wasn't Rene Descartes totally off the edge of the dartboard. I would much wish to know that Ais and Caoi understand that this is where i am coming from(as close as words can hint or point.)
In my case, i understandably have no word for what is , to say the VERY least, beyond words.  Plus a constant reverence for all that lives, including the microcosm. In that regard, my affinity is in resonance with the native american spiritual tradition more noticeably than most others. At least in it's 
expression. The Earth is a sacred emanation, and there is no separation.
Hurts, what they're doing to it. And i'm kind to insects!. So, i would probably say Mitakuyeh oyasin, (all my relations).  I have had two past life regressions. Really feel for those people. Shed tears for them.
Ah, rainy day. A nice fire. Leisure to create.
(That was "and peace to you also " in Gaelic (Gaelge) by the way.
I'l say it in Teton(?) Lakota>>>>+<<<< WO-oh-ki-yeh
CHON_t'kin-yah  (Love)...WEh'mu-keh (rainbow). Wakhaghi (maker)....M
Enjoy the present.>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<

artwork : twin radiance 1

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