STOP. Be Aware + Be Wary = BEWARE. Especially beware, MIMICRY! "Why that?."
Why indeed. Mimicry, when not explicit,
is that, which is not what it appears to be.
When used not solely for entertainment or learning
it is used for deception, and is prevalent everywhere.
Prevalent in the languages which we learn by mimicry.
Prevalent in the ways that our language is used against us.
Be Aware, that in this age of so-called information,
our language is used for the purpose of
presenting us with something other than
what it purports to be.
This is a world where sociopaths have been dominant,
because, that is all they know to do.
Thereby inevitably leaning toward 'self-righteousness,'
the sociopathic belief that it's right to be selfish.
This, combined with the fact that
the many who are dominated, have not the desire
to rise to positions of predominance.
Look at the concept of leadership.
If you follow somebody, they're bound to lead you somewhere.
Unless they are a close friend and mentor
it won't be to where you want to go.
Besides, if you follow somebody
they're always upfront, in more ways than one,
so are bound to mess up the signs you are tracking
well before you get to them.

CAUTION. If you were in their shoes,
how would you lead a crowd,
with certainty of success?
You would champion the huge energy
of what the crowd most wants.
After having oppressed it for a long time,
so as to build a popular passionate
appetite for change. Any change.
You would then, at a crucial point, (timing is all)
present a counterfeit that mimics the real.
But on your terms, with conditions attached.
It's a simple case of: " No No!.. I WANT my FAVOURITE toy!"
..."Okay okay, i'll give you this one it's just as good."
While you still have the bargaining reins
you'd make it binding by law, to live only where
there's concrete 'to protect the Earth'
or be deemed an 'outlaw' to society.
You would do this 'by hook' or per usual 'by crook.'
So, you look at what the people want and aggravate it.
A green, orderly world of Gaia, as a good example.
A universally desirable safe bet.
Not surprising, since you already plundered
the one that was already there.
From 'green' to 'greed', by changing only one letter.
From 'a green pilgrimage', to a 'grim greed pillage!'
"Whatever happened to our village?"
Oh, just spillage...
So 'religion' didn't work. 'Warming' didn't work,
except in part. Blizzards took care of that.
'Green' didn't work, maybe try a deeper shade.
"Ah! GAIA! Maybe she'll work for us."
"Let's 'Save the Planet'," from ourselves!
'A great idea whose time has arrived.'
Only to be hijacked. MIMICKED,
and sold as a fake, by brute force.
(With inviolable, non-untieable
hemp strings attached.)

GO. So they declare the Whole Earth Sacred
by force of law. So sacred that
nobody is allowed to walk on her.
The Gaia Goddess is Private Property.
By 'they', i refer to those who explicitly state,
that they are not 'us', and neither need nor want us.
Thereby revealing their Achilles Heel:
Blind ignorance of The Law of Complementarity.
Isn't it only the wisest who are fit to lead?
So, they reach for the 'NEW AGE' Band-Aid
to cover up: 'Thou shalt not say Us and Them.'
When, it's 'they' who are saying it.
The most unoriginal sin i ever heard of.
So be AWARE of Counterfeit Paradise.
As well as self-hypnotised naturist emperors,
who are so 'wise' as to having never heeded
or even heard of, the wise words of LAO-TZU:
Fair warning? ( Evil, is human error which goes uncorrected.)
'Wisdom is common sense. It's just not very common.'
A Mega Mother for megalomaniacs to be messing with.
It's all so self evident and transparent,
such that, children especially, see clearly,
with no problem, being closer to true heaven.
Do you still remember?
Only, now it's proliferating in the public domain,
the universe manifesting its OWN destiny.
Red Alert, auto-immune systems to the rescue!
A tsunami of cosmic magnitude.
So when you hear the NEW 'religion say:
"It is a punishable offence to walk on the grass
with 'respect' to Earth." BEWARE.
BE AWARE 'They' are the ones who lost the plot.
Being insane, blind, pathologically domineering,
all letter of law and left brain only.
Devoid of soul or beauty, cut off from the source.
Who is it exactly, who poses a threat to the Earth?
Be wary and wise as the fox. Be warned.
Yet is null and void of respect or reverence.
LAO_TZU: "The Earth is a sacred vessel
which CANNOT be tampered with."
Rainbowmaker. February. 2013.
: Hilltop Sunset, martin law, 1998
The Fairy Stone, martin law, 1998 in the private
collection of Carmel O'Sullivan
Lone Farmhouse, martin law, 1990
Lone Farmhouse, martin law, 1990
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