Monday 25 March 2013


On 24 March 2013 20:20, Martin Law <> wrote:

                                  SPLITTING THE SKY !

Breaking News/>>>>>
I just have to fire this one off without hesitation
for immediate posting while it's still hot (And it will stay hot)
And may it never again be extinguished.

May it fly straight like a messenger arrow,
in a blaze of yellow, red, black, white,
the four colours of The Medicine Wheel.
Splitting The Sky, proliferating in billions
of fractal arrows all hitting the mark simultaneous.
Ho Hetchetu Welo !  ( It Is So !)

DACAJEWEIAH - (Splitting The Sky)
Also known as John Boncore /John Hill.
Mohawk Leader, peace and justice activist,
9.11. Truth researcher, Artist, Carpenter,
brave fearless speaker of truth.
Born- 1.7.1952. ~ 3.13.2013.

Just two days ago was found 'dead'.
On some concrete steps beside Adams Lake,
on the Indian Reserve in Canada,
where he was known to often walk alone.

This finest example of TRUE MANHOOD,
to whom John Lennon had previously dedicated 'Imagine.'
He had stated long before:  "If you hear on "The News"
that i died from a fall on some steps,  don't believe it."

I have this to say, i urge everyone who finds this arrow
embedded in the ground in front of wherever they stand,
be they red, yellow, black, or white in the rainbow family,
i urge you, now, go straight to his blog:
'Splitting the'

That's the very least we can do if we care at all.
Watch the live videos and interviews, follow up everything.
DACAJEWEIAH.  Learn what he did.  A man of utmost integrity.
You will see, that true to his name,  he has split the sky, wide open.

AH!... What a loss...! But what fearless generosity.
He gave his whole life, sixty one years of it.
Turbulent, tragic, but unrelenting in the fight for truth.
Fully aware of danger, having survived it many times.
Who is ever without fear?  We are human creatures.

But his priority remained clear and decisive
to do what was right  no matter what the cost,
and on behalf of all life and all life to come.

And what's to come is up to us.  All of us.
This is an urgent call to hear his words
and fully feel and digest the findings of his research.
He has tracked in detail the biggest conundrums of our time.
The urgency is not lessened by this, but he has pointed
where the tracks lead, pulling no punches.
He has indeed 'split the sky.'  You will see how and why.

Let's not romanticize true WISDOM and PASSION in ACTION.
As he states clearly, it's not just about Indians, it's the whole rainbow.
That's US, you and me, the whole planet and all life.
He has delineated where it's going if we don't speak and act.

DACAJEWEIAH has gone, gone and split the sky.
We must together firmly hold that great rent
that splitting of the false firmament of cruel illusion open
and follow through individually and collectively.
And pass it on > PASS IT ON > PASS IT ON > PASS IT ON >
BREAKING NEWS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<< >>>>+<<<<
                                       Rainbowmaker. March 24. 2013.

art : Medicine Dream, martin law, July 2010
matured wisdom, martin law

artwork : digital pan play - 'for ‘Splitting the Sky’', MAR13 - wfp for moo

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