Corpus/ Corpans / Corporeal = Body.
'Corporation' = Foreign Body.
'Nation', minus 'Capital' (N) = 'ation.'
i.e. Suffix 'ation' means: 'Having had done to.'
As in, DecimATION/ SublimATION/ DecapitATION*
Therefore: ATION = Nation without CAPITAL or HEAD.
i.e. De- Capit- Ation of Nation.
(Revelation = Revealed. Dead Alien Body Revealed !)
So why the CAPITulATION?
Who needs 'Alien Invasion' when we've already got 'Corporate Occupation'? Come to think of it... it could be useful.
That is, if it was anything but invasive.
Except, the first to arrive won't necessarily be 'Gods'
wrapped in cosmic baking foil.
That's just because none of them are gods anyway.
Haven't you had enough Egyptian past lives to know that?
Superiority and inferiority are two sides of the same complex
and totally useless as strategy, or wise diplomacy.
Why would they come from above when they don't have that far to come?
In that regard, you could do a lot worse than position a heavy boulder
on every manhole cover you see.
Why do you think we've been told for aeons, the good ones are up there
and the bad ones down there?
Obviously so you'd eventually get sick of hearing about it
and decide it was a lie. What you decide for yourself
tends to stick better because it's yours.
While you think, UP is GOOD and DOWN is BAD,
you're not going to pay much attention to the middle.
Neither are you going to value the middle,
even while tenaciously insisting that's all there is.
I mean, being so preoccupied, it won't occur to you
that you're already PRE-OCCUPIED.
Whereas before, people hoped to go up when they die,and not down,
Now, there's a lot of people wanting to go up before they die.
To get away from the baddies down there and leave them
the playing field. Well i'm sure that can be arranged.
Between commercials did you ever click pause
to consider what might be the string jerkers' next move?
Or even that it's bound to be a trick, disguised as 'not a trick?'
Or that the first rule of the game is, 'it's not a game'?
Games are for what you do between commerce.
Since people have watched the same movie so many times,
they can guess the mathematical sequence of tricks
just by the title.
So then some Mekon had the bright idea
of just going ahead and doing 'the unthinkable'
so nobody would ever think they could have.
Especially when you blame it on somebody nobody likes.
Some people must think we're only using a fraction of our brains.
As if 'brains ' were where it's at.
If you've already thought all the possible unthinkables
you'll only be that much more disgusted when they try to enact them.
Having first publicized them to the point of terminal boredom
to see if you noticed, and how many paid how much for how long
to think it worth going to 'check it out.'
Who needs to play chess when you only have to wake up
with each and every sunrise?
Having made all your moves up to checkmate in your sleep
you're free to get on with something worth engaging in.
Don't even have to remember what you did.
Good to leave it in the sub- conscious, especially if
you sleep with a firewall as well as a hot water bottle.
Then it can manifest spontaneously as intuition in action,
thereby becoming fully conscious of itself when needed.
When you're not constantly comparing up, with down
as if they were two separate things, you won't regard yourself
as just a piece of fake meat in the middle of a scamburger.
You'll already know there's a fly in the ointment
because that's why you never buy ointment in the first place.
So, 'Occupy'? Well they already did that first, ages ago.
I say 'they' because that's how 'they' think of themselves.
You can easily recognize them because they always regard
YOU as THEY first. Except 'they' try to hide behind such words as 'US'.
But that has now worn so thin as to be totally transparent.
So if you really think you have to think,
then think the unthinkable. If you are already fully aware,
then what's the point of thinking about it?
When you're thinking, you're somewhere in your head.
Lost in thought, not fully aware as presence.
File under 'Usual Occupation,' i.e. PRE-OCCUPIED.
art: stellar sister,martin law, April 2009 Wfp5MAR13
planet visitor, martin law, 2006 Wfp2MAR13
artwork : digital pan play - 'stellar sister, planet visitor, stellar sisters', APR13 - wfp for moo
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