Monday 17 June 2013


On 14 June 2013 14:48, Martin Law <> wrote:

..... am immersed in paint and it's blithery and wet out and i was improvising organically all night till 5 in my acrylic ivory tower element tusk tusk... groggy and grooming for a quick canoe trip to the post office and pay a refuse collection garbage bill punting for euros and carrying water in the 45 degree angle torrential and eating oats and raisins in a squeaky plastic mac, while in the imagination ‘fish are jumping and the cotton is high’ and it's 2.30 already so i'd say the market in wet cork is all sodden sparse and saggy and with the canvas flapping in mind i can't wait to get back before i've gone but there’s a surprise in store when you see the new phogotraphs i've taken with the magical digital shadow catcher which seems to be able to read my mind in service to the resurgence of flower power where i wander gazing up at the tall exotic lupin pagodas towering against a lilac sky so my mission after a brief raid on the post office is to return to the state of the art and send a few bunches of pixels and power plants for the blog post,
typically having to go out when i’m in the insistent flow and learning a lot about my idiosyncratic brushwork and how it ripens by itself so i'll just shut up and tie my laces and brave the elephants.
Ah the wild luxury of frugal aesthetics which calleth me back to pick up the brush where i dropped off at dawn...! interspersed as always with coffee breaks and acoustic strings strumming to keep the generator humming chanting humming and so saying i predict there will be more.
Love, MOP. (Ministry Of Paint.)

Camera :  the grate outdoors, martin law, june 2013

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