Saturday 20 July 2013


On 2 May 2013 18:40, Martin Law wrote:

Teleflash MOO alert . . .
Reminder~  Where did 'the fur trade' woman's eye go and is it retrievable?  And the 'Yin Yang Sunflower'.  Not just missing 'martin' in my signature but also missing a patch of dots on left (all done by hand).

Still temporarily reticent to dive straight into the deserving black and whites as i'm big into COLOUR and increasingly so.  But bit by bit...

Note, in '
Bursting Forth', 1995., the apple tree in Coomhola, my cool homemade easel.  Easily made from 3 straight barkstripped saplings, notched and leather lashed at top.  A free adjustable tripod.
Tripods are useful.  Especially when a fencepost won't go into hard ground.  Like i did in Ballingeary to defend a 22ft round garden from mad cattle and minimal topsoil, hence 150 buckets cowshit by hand. It produced vegetables.  Have some outO'focus fotos as evidence.  Till cattle crashed and trampled and i left.

I suspect i will surrender to the urge to go armed with magic camera into celtic thickets, dimensions no tourist-brained clone knew existed and return having hunted down impossible glimpses of the 'otherworld' to shift the shift along by my higher shelf.
Late in the day. The shun shtill sining. Must go out!
(Me, not the shun.) ***********RBM.

martin law sketch1

On 3 May 2013 01:49
moo, ed, WOoden family publishing wrote:

. . . really weird, traversing the ‘MRBM blog pics archive’ where is stored what is sent from “Tobes” and locating the document containing those three sketches, lo and behold, there is the eye, and the sunflower, and the ‘martin’ and the patch - retrievable, though they are not on the pictures moo transferred out of that document into the upload format. Process will be redone to determine how the “missings” happened in the first extraction.

. . . thanks for the alert to the “missings” in the sketches - sorry about that, intrigued to discuss and explore it with moo-tech to see if it happens again, might remain an anomalous inexplicable.  “Tobes” sent those sketches in .pdf format and maybe the extraction process from .pdf excerpts randomly, as opposed to being inclusive; peeved that this ed didn't pick it up at the time. Always pondered on the ‘one-eyed’ woman, thinking how marvellously satirical it was.

The captions too are missing in the herb pic, so at least, so far, it can be ascertained that since something is missing from each pic, it has to do with the process of extraction out of the format.  It may have happened also in other pics that we have missed.

moo-tech is here now looking and saying, "oh that explains things, I thought it was some kind of two-faced imitation with the animal staring at both faces and wondered why martin would sign something just 'LAW'".

One practical moral of the story is to always ask Tobes to send in ".jpeg" format, NOT ".pdf" - (.jpg is a stand alone picture whereas .pdf is a document).  Still, moo should have picked it up; ed has looked herself in the eye!

moo is going to examine the extraction process again, down to the dots, to see if it does the same thing again.

martin law sketch2

On 3 May 2013 15:25, moo ed, WOoden family publishing wrote :

Had some fun with fur trade lady and other drawings:
- “missings” happened again on cue. [see postscript - ed]
- applied an alternate image extraction process from .pdf document into another programme - the method shouldn't apply ordinarily. But, in this instance, it did.

However, in the second programme, whilst proceeding to crop off the blank-smudge, scan edges and save the pictures into upload format, lo and behold, in so doing, the pic ratios automatically elongated the sketches into a stretch!

So, uncropped the images, by resetting the pictures in the second programme, then, saved each again individually into the .jpg format and lo and behold they kept their ratio and then, in a third programme, subsequent cropping was applied successfully.

So now moo prepares a post, if LAW agrees, to put out the play with this little anomaly which happened in the process of processing MRBM.

martin law sketch3

On 4 May 2013 00:25, Martin Law wrote:

. . . Glad you got the earthworks pix, and feel free to play with the fur trade debutante who lost face in a cyber glitch after being justly savaged by a mink stole. . . . ”

moo postscript
Friday, 19 July 2013

a digital mooral of missing image data :
.pdf document format can interpret data in pencil sketch images as ‘text patches’ (black & white); therefore, assume that the usual copy function may automatically extract aspects selectively, as if the image is not a cohesive entity.

a thematic rainbowmaking in the stole-n-eye satire saga :
. . . the sketch that keeps on striking . . .

Art: three striking sketches by martin law

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