Monday 16 June 2014


On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Martin Law <> wrote

Dear friend,
feel free to express more expansively, maybe take a mega bite.  Like, what's 'work' and why would i want some?  Does it have to do with money? That sounds funny and could be runny, living in a land of goat's milk and honey. I hear a lot about that stuff and off the cuff, change piles up and enough is enough.

The only labour i'd vote for is a labour of love and gifts are for giving, especially creative ones. I must have written around four hundred articles and touched over 18,000 people around the planet with the fruits of the play ethic. Posts continue to go up and never cause a fence. All my latest 'work' goes on the blog instead of going on on the bog. It's all free, every home should have one, i might be a bull but i never charge anything.
So i warmly encourage everybody who thought they knew me to at least have more than just a glance, a read, and a listen while i keep emptying out this cornucopia which keeps overflowing sure what can ye do!  No one need be stuck for prints or gems of inspiration and i don't need to make another exhibition of myself everything is art anyway (mARTin stuArt is on the right side of the Law, well the left actually.) So i've got some work for you if you're really interested and it's in Ballydehob.  Help me bail out this cornucopia by giving everybody in the Ballydehobbit tribe a benevolent and gentle nudge to overcome past paradigms of apathy and simply google 'martin rainbowmaker' (it only takes a second) and there's almost three years perpetual outpourings there and you know that thing about Taurus and generators and whatever roll i happen to be on is guaranteed fluoride and gluten free and contains matured seeds of hidden nutrition not to mention the distillation of poetic elder flowers between the lines, so to speak, and help to leave the world a better place than we didn't find it.  But don't mind me, i only blow my own trumpet because i was born musical and i still have two hundred impeccable CDs that everybody seems too broke to peck, speaking as a seed sower with more of an ear than Van Gogh so on and so forth.

Anyway, thanks for the thought, do feel free to share this free sample megasoundbite with the tribe and print off anything you take a fancy to and say hello to anybody who vaguely remembers me as they imagined i used to be after all it's a free universe, not sure about the Earth, Gaia Sophia needs all hands on deck and i'm just stirring the blog's pot pouring in an additional dose of of the antidote to war, the illusion of separation and needless domination and it's about time the yin and the yang copped on to acknowledging a complement.  It's late in the day and i should have breakfast....

Makes Rainbows ~


Deanthoir na tuar ceatha ~

aka RBM.*

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