Tuesday 2 June 2015


On Saturday, April 25, 2015, Martin Law <martin.rainbowmaker@gmail.com> wrote:

If you don’t love leaves, then love, leaves.
~ ~ ~

What i mean to say is, without leaves we are lost. Absent without leaves. Leaves love life, and feed us through the sun, lavishing in abundance gifts of food and oxygen.

Lacking love of leaves we languish, backs turned on a convenient backdrop of out of focus foliage, forgetful of photosynthesis. Focus on a photo shoot, to frame faces full of faked frivolity. Forgetting, fruits, flowers, and faces are also absent without leaves.

Freeze frame photographic physiognomy apart, anyone may well wonder as to what exact unequivocal elucidation such obliquely slantwise allusive alliteration may be leaning or leading towards, being, as it is, apparently so literally elusive to legible literacy.

Ah, there’s the rub, with or without an eraser and despite irrevocable rewrite. Never mind what webs we weave, following a tenuous thread out on a limb, and just about to spit out subtle insight on the tip of the tongue when the bubble pops, blown away, irretrievable as a dandelion clock, as often is the way, with what would have been a worthwhile word to say. 


Save to say, beyond service to self, it serves well to ‘spell out’ the societal significance stemming from a love of leaves. Put plainly, the paradigm pertains to peoples’ priorities.

Are you bored yet? Or just skipping over stepping stones unmindful of the depth that forever flows in midstream? In abandoning shady banks, investing in the natural world order is a better bet for sure.

Thankfully, ‘money doesn’t grow on trees,’ or the world would be even more of a mayhem of mad axe men. However here’s a hint, ‘look after the leaves and the fruits will follow by themselves.’ To tell the truth it’s much bigger than that. The nature of abundance has a tendency to be huge, wanting only in interest and collective imagination.

True progress will be when we remember how to feed ourselves, free of regulators and middle-men, the politics of the poison pen, and but for them the earth would return to her natural bounty, stemming from our love of leaves, superseding and supplanting our need for greed, growing green without envy.

To imagine, is to make magic manifest. Growing from its fertile soil, imagination without limitation, and food grows by itself without technology. Dream large and in abundance naturally. A viable human future will be, not power plants and technology, but plant powers gently tended and free. Therefore without illusion of ownership, limitation, coercion, not to mention industry.

It’s easy to imagine what we wish to see, to cultivate what comes and grows naturally. A wild garden world without artifice of intrusive technology, earthfelt imagination flowing free, a haven on earth where it’s meant to be.

Meanwhile, inwardly forming these and similar paragraphs in mind, i go into the garden. Respectfully selecting a few cabbage leaves, illumined green-gold by evening sun, and leisurely take a string of photos of them too.

On checking back to see the latest shot, the camera freezes, jammed and refusing to function, recharge, or even switch off. The third one to need replacement in the same number of years or less.

Well, if such is the power of thought and mind to so interact electrically, with inorganic technology, and who can say it could not be? Then imagine what powers of manifestation are collectively held in every nation. Despite the drive to mind control with thorny briars to bind the soul, all cease to grip when we are whole.
Though we’re not likely to forget, where you focus is what you get. ~
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Martin Rainbowmaker.

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