Saturday 11 June 2016


  (A freeform flow.)

Positive change is afoot and a huge wave just washed through, a shifting of clouds. Winged Mercury released from stagnating retrograde like a slingshot reverberating in the aethers. An arrow tipped with the seed of radical revision born of deep introspection. Volcanic eruptions spew molten magma and the phoenix rising.

Consulting the oracle hopeful of a sea change, a turning of the hitherto corrupted tide. People everywhere aware despite the still slumbering mass and the media on a leash, cracks creaking in the structure. As within so without in the season of seeds sprouting breaking through the surface to the sun.

Abundance, that which there just has to be more of, happening by itself when even the sins are all just pathetically synthetic.

Earth in a timeless abundance otherwise organically transmuting anomalous intrusions, disseminating seeds of novelty through Fauna, Flora, and The Wisdom Web-work of Novel Solutions.

All the winged, webbed, legged, finned, and furry, one with the way of things. Beyond the two-leggeds’ dependence on four wheels, synthetic substitutes for natural faculties, stealing and selling sacred soil and seizing the source, coating the earth with concrete to feel more comfortably at home.

Or, creating abundance by leaving it alone except when it asks for a hand, which in no way merits a robotic army of mechanical grabbing machines minus respect.

Forgetting, humans need a similar setting to thrive as do flowers. Imagine even lightly blowing the rainbow bloom on a bubble and not expecting the whole to rearrange.

Best not to mess with a living planet. She who fruitfully feeds for free, as we, scattered like windblown seeds in the grass, one with elements and subject to sun, to get to the point and not ramble on but inserted more paragraphs so there’d be more spaces.

While waiting for weather and sun for an uplift in vibration so instead had to create one using imagination. That done, haul up anchor from any tangled fronds of introspection that may be mired and remedy with healing herbal resolve and affirmation.

Was prompted and timely so, i hadn’t taken any photos for quite a while. Immersed in liberating limitations of imagery and inspiration. So took the point and made a point of getting to the point for want of somewhere else to go. The point being a jutting headland five minutes’ walk away overlooking the bay.

Without walking far, hoping to catch a catalyst or a creative clue conceptually camouflaged in consensus commonplace consciousness. Just a walkabout, a random interlude between probable improvisations.

A chill wind and whitecaps whipping the bay, wind-bent whitethorn leaning away, grazing sheep on green slopes. With an eye for composition avoiding the literal obvious what can you do with that but simplify?

Between eyesight and sunlight on a dark digital screen, a zoom with a robotic mind of its own back and forth like a yo-yo with no brakes to stabilize other than reverse, why do they make them like that ? Though clicked twenty-five shots, boldly click where no intuition has gone before and when it feels like there’s some magic in there.

Simply green fields, profoundly blue sky, and a slow but bright white bank of hugely voluminous cumulus, a towering wonder in and of itself. Epitome of uplift invoked and manifest in the shared mind of Gaia Sophia the Earth.

A catalyst for simple composition where substance takes precedence over complexity which is probably what drew me to the point. In the beginning there was the point and the point was paint. Significance is in the substance itself and that’s about the essence of it. ~

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Martin Rainbowmaker.

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