Saturday 20 October 2012

A Windblown Day.

On 17 October 2012 15:38, Martin Law wrote:

>>>Night Owl rising late pops out to put the latch on the swinging gate  left open by postman with Penelope's envelope package of home grown red chilly peppers and my yellow plastic fiddle peg i left for which i acknowledge impegability.
Brisk strides to the gate and back hailed by neighbours Noel and Mary getting out of the car.  "Bad weather"!  So says he to me and the colloquial customary agreement ritual caught me off guard and unawake with my cornsilk locks bristling round my head like a halo in a sunbeam such that i said "Oh, it's not that bad" thinking how fine it was, so the ritual short circuited and the echo mumbled in the gutter "bad but not bad bad but..."  Moments later it lashed and lightened again.
Had i but already opened the package i might have said instead "Oh it's a little chilly."
The gist being, my tracing for 'Tales of the Sea' and admiring its tonsorial web of pencil lines and adding minute touches while crunching granola with intent to go into town to copy onto tracing paper so as to be unsmudgable and send a digital 'jpeg' by return of post for a possible blogpost in return for the peg for Penelope to play with for work in progress with canvas already primed and now it's lashing again so we'll see. Tales of the Sea looks fine to me.
And this could be a footnote from me to accompany to share the gestation of 'Tales of the Sea' written in random prose poetry.
Atlantic grey still scowling and howling round gables and knocking gates and crows blown about like black rags on the wind round chimney tops and everything drips into wet Munster green and that's the scene.
"Dirty weather",  said another neighbour to me yesterday being taken for a regular walk by her tiny dog.  "Oh", said i.  "I used to dread the winter but i got used to it.  Just focus on the beauty there's plenty of it around." And she echoed my sentiment as is customary agreement ritual, "plenty of it around is right."  This could spread like wildflood, while i just keep a lookout for a clear spell.  As if that wasn't a 'clear spell' enough.  On with the day.  ~~~~
Rainbowmaker ~~~~~~~~


On 17 October 2012 18:06, Martin Law wrote:

>>>> Tracing sent to MOO.
Saw a huge double rainbow arcing down to a poetic drab characteristic irish multitone painted telegraph lined street.  Should've had my camera. Mystic poetics of the ordinary.
Home is where you hang your hat to dry.
Thanks again for being born.
Ministry Of Rainbows.  MOR/

: tales of the sea - tracing, martin law, October 2012
: digital pan play OCT 12 - wfp for moo

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