Friday 5 October 2012

Art News Update : "it's just a face . . ."

On 4 October 2012 21:11, Martin Law wrote:

>>Just an update on the creative process.  I seem to be about to embark on another portrait.  Got a photo enlargement made at Tobe's.  Yet another in the ongoing homage to woman series.  A long while spent contemplating a close up face.  Discovered fortuitously browsing a quest.
Got a (to me) profoundly interesting image.  A Russian woman named Gabrielle.  I considered the title 'Mona Gabrielle' but realized it would have to have 'La' in front of it, and that would make it '15' and not '13' characters.  So it may be called 'Pour Gabrielle'.
In some subtle contemporary way i can see it as more enigmatic than La Mona Lisa, (that's a big statement).  The face is more ordinary human intimate and softer.  And hair figures in it prominently.  Considered writing a piece about hair, i have a lot of feeling about hair.
Even a tentative title:  'Tonsorialitis.'  (Hair Phobia).
SOHO (Sense of Humour Org) reports that when a girl, who works in Tobe's, saw that the image to be printed was on a 'girl' site, she got a momentary attack of prude paranoia, saying "oh no, we should probably do it upstairs in case the boys come in." (i just deleted her name in case i decide this is ‘article material’ - not that i'm - ‘writing’.)  And that, with another Martin in the next cubicle who's known to titter, and by chance also my French friend who happened to have some shopping for me.
"No", i said, "it's just a face."  "Oh i see, it's just a face," she said.  (Potential article material right here.)  Particularly as when this artist muses on images of women i'm as interested in the person and the level of maturity the face reveals as anything else, also the colour, the light, the photography etc., and i could read a lot into Gabrielle’s face, life lived, a hint of sadness, and archetypally much more.  Another potential article - natural beauty, naturalness, as opposed to the narcissistic cult of 'glamour' (read 'dumb cliche').
So that's that bit.
Another bit: i watched a long video talk on Ken Rohla's site.  Gets more enlightening as it progresses, and very practical.  The video with him in white shirt and jeans and a table with crystals and things.  Very interesting (i didn't doze off). Even tho it was late, ... or is it called early?
Another bit.  When we say, “Trusting that's OK?”, what does 'OK' stand for? Have an inkling it comes from Lakota, like 'Okeh' or something, as does 'yippy yippy oh kyey', 'cowboy', is 'kahyoh'.  Hmm, the art of creative self distraction, bit like juggling.
Nice to have something to paint.  Portrait always a huge challenge.  But the impetus is always these subtle things that go unseen due to what's projected on them (preconceptions).
I think, therefore i'll cook some brown rice (yum), chick peas and courgette, 'anyone for squash?'
Steamsignals from SOHO~~~~~~~~~~~>

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digital pan play :"it's just a face", SEP 12 - wfp for moo

art : a love of leaves - tracing, martin law, july 2012
: digital pan play :"it's just a face", SEP 12 - wfp for moo

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