Saturday 13 October 2012

~ With Owl Vision.~ Dream Reporter 2

On 2 October 2012 19:39, Martin Law <> wrote:

A knock in the night
woke me on the brink of sleep.
It was nothing.  There was no
intent behind it...

Into the deep dark black velvet void of silence swooping down.  Wise omens of future forays in the forest foretold.
Out under the night, among an uncoordinated gathering of stragglers.  Seeming to be the aftermath of a festival fallen apart in the wee wee hours, resembling the remnants of a rave.  Or is it the land of the lost?
 Recurring, these flights forth in the field, surveying the unseen significators in the secret psychic silence of sleep.  Sporadic nocturnal excursions piercing the veil.  Always emerging into similar situations.  Variations on the same theme.
Always the night, extending beyond parameters of futile suburban exit from the realm.  Yet, with urgent immediate necessity to set out on a long journey.  Usually to my place of earthly origin.
No transport, or vehicle anywhere, but for my bicycle, and that has gone missing, or else, a crucial part of it has.  So too, strangely, has my coat, and some other part of my clothing.  Collecting other personal items, quickly becomes counterproductive too.
Likewise, the aftermath scenarios in the realm of lost souls, all of them seeming settled in the assumption that this is a party in full psychedelic swing.  This appears to be their permanent residence, as debauched, derelicted, and obviously insane as it is. With each and every encounter among the sprawled gathering, exponentially more bizarre and anomalous than the one before.
On one of three occasions of returning from an actual spirit quest pilgrimage to crop circles, the nocturnal glimpse was most extreme.  The whole territory, to far and surrounding horizons, an active volcanic psychic minefield of explosive infrastructure mutation, making the longed for return to source and home a cataclysmic obstacle course quite out of the question.
             Vision, is : Awareness of Potential.
This owl, employs no substance, organic or synthetic, to distil, parcel, and regurgitate, pellets of digested vision.
Reshuffling and dislocating reference points, is not something the current state of 'culture' has an openly established traditional sacred framework for.
Just getting smashed won't make one wise or creative.
Imagining the owl, momentarily alighted on a signpost.  The sort of thing owls tend to do.
Otherwise, where are the Elders?  Out of their face at a rave, is not necessarily the wisest place to look for them.  And 'hoo hoo', who are they anyway?
Not the person opposite me, who, in my treble checked peripheral sideways glance looks like a bat without radar and is blind to the fact.
 It's a matter of awareness of unseen and unacknowledged energies, and how they manifest.  It's a matter of impeccable integrity, and not indulgence thinking it will manifest as wisdom. Wisdom is practical.  Discerning the wisest course of action or innaction.  It's not a pseudo spiritual status of being a somebody who infallibly has the only right answer. Call it 'common sense from a self-honest heart'.  Except it sometimes seems to be uncommonly uncommon, (to be quite honest).
"When there is no vision, the people perish."  (And alcohol is no cure for that.)
               Gathering, is Sacred Shared Pleasure. Gathering is Sacred.
I wonder,( and it may have something to do with my seventy orbits around the sun, which, by itself however, means nothing. Why measure being in repeated circles?)  I wonder, is anyone reviewing and revising exactly what 'gathering together' really means?
What do we gather together for?  In what spirit, and with what intent?
Does it imply that, the rest of the time we are separate?
Is there anything 'world changing' about surrendering one full rotation of Earth to a preprogrammed, amplified, super-sonic robot that goes, 'BOOM{BOOM{BOOM{BOOM{' in an endless loop, in moronic oblivious disregard of the infinite subtle ever changing transformations of the biosphere?  (Chainsaws and lawnmowers and electric drills are bad enough if you have half a sensitive ear, and who has more than half an ear?)
In what way is 'BOOM{BOOM{' mind changing if you have to hit yourself over the head to change your consciousness?  Oh sure, i know but it's a different kettle of fish altogether from medicine drums and living, breathing human hearts and hands, never mind the myth of progress and all hands on dexedrine.  Meaning, especially if the mind is already chemically sensitized and receptive.
I'm not saying, 'is it cool'.  I'm saying, how much wisdom is being applied in doing that? It's cool to ask yourself.
When it's actually total abandonment to the most perfectly effective brainwashing technique.
There's 'Trance', and there's trance.  If you don't know who's trance you're in, maybe you should see a hypnotist.
Sure, there are many styles and variations, with names, but when you're enacting collective magic with sound, you have to know what you're playing with, and your intent must be in integrity.
If you're putting a soulless robot where the medicine people used quite rightly and responsibly to be, is that wise?
Or is that playing straight into the hands of the unseen enemy, whether physical or at source, psychic or otherwise interdimensional?
You should know by now there is 'an enemy', and its easy target is human fallibility, self delusional indulgence, and unwisdom  that goes uncorrected.
And that's deceptively close to where it's designed to keep you. In a trance not of your own creation.  But, they let you subject yourself to it.
Better off stomping your feet and slapping your jeans (not your genes).
The simple point is, it's HOW you do anything.
If it's a collective ritual invocation, you don't just switch it on full blast and leave it switched on, all hands on dexies and abandon ship.  How convenient.  Like a light switch.  Not even a dimmer.
What you invoke is what you get.  You might find yourself with a bat on your shoulders instead of a head.  Or an entity for an identity.  Or even an albatross round your neck, who will happily take up permanent residence there especially if you feed him, and where is the medicine man or woman to fix that.  A doctor won't help, they sell albatross food.
            Seriously, With Feeling.
Talking maturity, and if you're serious about being radically autonomous and not an automaton.  Imagine a gathering where people sit and talk among themselves instead of getting lost together.  Without the divisive volume of robotechno Big Brother Backdrop.
Or even further out, talk but mostly listen.  It's all about hearing anyway.  Being.  Aware and attuned to the nature of place.  If you're into ambient, well it always already is.  But you always think something 'else' should be happening.  How grateful is that?
Okay, natural sound.  Did you ever listen deep, in good company?
Acoustic instruments.  They blend and don't dominate.  A lesson for 'civili
zation' right there.
Which kind of gathering would be first to be aware of any possible threat, from without or within? 
The loud oblivious emotional one?  Or the more gentle, unified, nature-and kin-bonded listening one? 
Which one would by its nature radically change the already prevailing way of the world?  Ask an owl.  He sees what we don't even look for.
And why shake the rabbits, badgers, and sleeping birds from their nests and perches anyway, recuperating and resting after a long day's foraging?   Do you know where you are?
You might well ask a fox.  But she or he has already made a wise and wide detour.  So you won't have the pleasure of their company, and will most likely live to have only seen a picture of one, which is something else altogether.
If you can't do it, at least begin to imagine it.  Imagination is the signpost to potential.  Maybe with an owl alighting on it as a reminder.
Now there's an icon.  I con you not.

The unseen, you see, that filters or flutters through the collective psyche in sleep, is the same that impinges on our waking motivation.  There's no firewall.  Ignore at your peril!
There's more than dreams that go on there than certain forces would like you to know about.
If you really must surrender, know well the nature of what you surrender to.
And when invoking, whether by word, sound, deed, or belief, know what you're actually doing.
If you must indulge, listen.  Listen within as well as without.  It's all within hearing.  What, now, are you thinking?  Assuming?  Presuming?
Is it true?
See what goes unseen.  With alert animal instinct be demon-proof.
I rest my case, it's a bit heavy.
Rather travel light.
With Owl Vision.
martin rainbowmaker

pic from : seven arrows by Hyemeyohsts Storm, Ballantine Books, New York, 1972
photo of pic : with new camera, martin law, taken 04:55:53, 7 October, 2012
digital pan play - wfp for moo

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