Tuesday 23 October 2012

Braking Knewz.

On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 12:14 AM, Martin Law <martin.rainbowmaker@gmail.com> wrote:

First, trusting that you got the 'Tales of the Sea' girl, phase 2. Brown.
I also made 5 copies so she's not lost to posterity.
Looks good i reckon.  Rather date her than Mona Lisa any day, better light an incense to that.
Second, i got news that Russell Means has 'departed' to the next level up.  May Great Spirit welcome him with our Blessing also.
Third. There is a 'report'/'rumour' that Fukushima 4 has exploded in flames. (stupidest case scenario.)  Found it on 'Kerry's blog' a minute(?) or so after it came up.  Followed up the source website. Doesn't seem to have got far on the viral meme circuit yet. But for
'Above top secret' site & 'Godlike productions'.  Checked 'RadChick' & 'Dutchsince'.  Not on there yet.  Fulford says it's scam, he "lives there and has a geiger counter."  (Oh not seaweed for dinner again, you sure it's not Japanese?)
Fourth.  I have a bottle of RNA Drops.
Fifth.  Was in Organico, a new exhibition of large work on paper i immediately resonated with. Based on aerial satellite maps.  Checked the artist: Tom Weld, and sounds interesting. & he's living in...Coomhola!  I may well write to him.  Do have a look at his stuff.  The site address i have for him didn't function yet but it is possible to get a glimpse.  Good out of the box concepts and very sensitive colour.  Various other 'styles' of work , all good.
What else?
Oh, yes.  Oct. 20 was Global Protest day against 'Sir Vaylance'* and so far as i so far searched, (pretty far) not a word or footage has surfaced (must check again) , the suit people instructed the G people to blot.  Surprise sir prize, must be something about the letter G...
(lethargy). Or simply that Terra is still being mismanaged into the ground by remnants.  But not for much longer my hair tips are telling me.
I googled 'natives with long hair' & there are a few good photos of women, some oriental, with hair about 15 feet long!!! Worth a look. 
Might even be incorporatable postwise. Astonishing anyway.
Wonder what sort of reception they get.  (I love multiple meanings.)
Haven't experimented with the camera yet but trust me, ('I' do. Be a fool not ta.)  One miracle at a time.
But i am pleased with the accuracy of the feeling i got into the portrait that i was aiming for.  And i checked at the art shop and showed Phyllis and a few other people(as ye do) (it's called 'enthusiasm')... and it IS 'Raw Umber'.  Not to be confused with Cucumber.  Must be my synapses are going through an upgrade or something definitely not alzeimers i'm too young for that.
So, given that we're in the throes of a cyber war and probably the tail end of a space war and most creatures are hazardous when cornered and blatant when exposed, never mind prophesies they're just warnings like road signs so you know where to turn off.  Imagine that. Talking of turning off.  Imagine NOT reporting a Global uprising!!  Civilization... You're fired!
Think we should do a lot more than (as our friend Max says) "non- compliance". Just start from scratch and do a retake.
I mean, if they didn't have it all nailed down.  Imagine having to pay for where you're already standing and if you move over there, you get a parking fine!
If we only had the intelligence of say, ants, or birds for that matter, we'd all move together without so much as a tweet or a twitter and free range out into affinity groups all over and construct light weight clusters of endlessly diversified organic dwellings that didn't cost nothin' and do everything ourselves without needing a note from the Ministry of Professional Parasites never mind M.P.'s "please Sir, or Madman.. i mean Madam Your Royal Pardon.   Is it... alright if i live freely on the greensward......?"
But that's a subject for another chapter.
But yes, sumptn definitely goin on. The monkeys just discovered the inside word for 'cage', & the Zoo Keepers are getn' nervous what with all the exposure, disclosure, resort to foreclosure and pathological loss of composure.  When the chips are down you can't eat gold not unless it's powdered and 'high spin', go plant something  even if it's only water cress.
But never lose sight of Utopia (the organic variety), watch the signs,
Dystopia is back that way and only leads to distemper, DDT, creosote, paraquat and unreported oil slicks.  Just keep going, ignore all slip roads, slippery slopes and turn-offs.  Stay on the positive timeline in thought word and deed.
As Jimi said, "the truth is straight ahead, so don't burn yourself instead, try learnin instead of burnin, hear what i say..."FREEDOM!
But i've digressed again.  Good job i don't drive.
The next chapter could be... interesting.
~~~~    ~~~~ Good Luck. ~~~~

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