Saturday 17 November 2012

Progress In Process

On 4 November 2012 17:14, Martin Law <> wrote:

Play process in progress a sneak peek thru the painter's porthole though some might say it's work. Certainly some skill of magically encrypted unspeakable open ended disciplines and poetic precision coaxed into total recall in solitude untainted by the work ethic. (I got my own ethic.) A personal practice transcending time.
Glad to hear you're shipshape and seeworthy.
Was up through the night, which is no news, silently immersed in practical imagination while the local populace snores oblivious of the omnipresent and eternal lulling hiss of salt and shingle.
Toning down to sombre grey the maritime sky and feeling out a feasible arc of rainbow miraculously completed without a hitch.
Currently contemplative sipping black coffee and feeding the fire and imaging how such a darkened sky would meet the ocean's far horizon, and would there be a hint of rust-sailed archaic sailboat in this fable, and what of the seagulls cry, and which way the wind?

Between times, tuning the utmost delicate tones of salt spray flesh, and bladderwrack tangles of wild hair calling out for hints of highlights.
As fortune favoured, i managed to steer the flow such as to preserve what was attained of the seagirl's features without falling into that loop of correction upon correction going nowhere but adrift at sea without an anchor, so that's progress.
Meanwhile, a good hearth fire is radiating well , the room's warming up and i'm nearly done with the granola. (that would be a good name for a gallion) Granola Hispaniola.....   The call of the brush....  Sirens, mermaids and fish scales and breathing some life into imagination's manifestation, the kiss of life.
( Today,as of last midnight, and for 24 hours and onwards, people the world over are doing the Hathor world Peace Meditation Visualization Manifestation  (see Tom  I figured my painting process would feed into that since the intent is the same)  But i do need to resume meditation proper, been a bit lax.
Hey ho me hearties!....  Smarty Arty Marty aka RBM.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{'waves.}

art : The Beech Woods, martin law, 1993
artwork : digital pan play - image definition, frame construct, SEP 12 - wfp for moo

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