Monday 12 November 2012

The true, "Tales of the Sea."

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 4:13 AM, Martin Law <> wrote:

~~~~ The true,' Tales of the Sea.'

We're talking about immaculate conception coupled with painstaking manifestation.  The conception commenced on October 16 with the preliminary drawing, and came to completion on November 4th at six in the morning.  Working most evenings and whole nights in between till around 3.30 a.m.
The original concept evolved in the process to what it is now, by a series of imaginative visualization decisions.   Transformation of a challenging portrait into a poetic fable or icon.  Metamorphosis.
I am well aware, that to the 'untrained eye', a picture is just a picture, never mind how it came to be exactly what it is.  You have to live through it to know what it is.
For example, even though it may look relatively simple, there is a very fine but firm line involved in avoiding the obvious and the predictable.  While at the same time 'pushing the envelope', as they call it.
That's an aspect of poetic craft.  Elusive to describe accurately. 
But involves not being merely literal, or narrative, or mundanely obvious.  Instead, considering each and every element in its' interrelationship with all other elements, from a feeling point of view as well as structurally.

Tales of the Sea, martin law, October 2012

Well, i'm pleased, and nobody is more self-critical of what i make than i am.  You wouldn't believe how fine it gets.
I know that people think it's easy.  "Oh it's easy for him, he's clever at that."  No big surprise, and precious little wonderment.
Well, it's a huge source of wonder to me.  Always. 
"Easy", you say?  Well, it only took seventy years of trial and error, and a lot of love and dedication.  Which, by the way, has absolutely zilch, zero, nothing whatsoever to do with monetary or any other 'reward', other than the experience itself.  And so it ever was and will be.
So it happened that, the day after completion, was as anticipated, a bright sunny day in early November.  Designated as the day to use my new digital camera and get some good shots of the picture.
Being not naturally predominantly left brain hemisphere inclined, at least in the technological sense, and for good reason from a creative and inspirational capability, (despite a predominantly left brain (logical) world.  A malfunctioning device threw me for a bit of a loop.
No fault with the camera, other than the batteries had used up, as i found out much later, and rectified.

Absurd really.  That no sooner than the lens had extended itself out, it receded itself back in again before i could activate any other function.
Repeated this at least fifty times in a row like a paleolithic with an iPad while a nice sunny day went on outside. (I know i have one foot in the neolithic if not the pre-cambrian.)
This ritual, combined with having just listened intently to a long video on 'Dutchsince' youtube, by 'Climateviewer', explaining with southern american candour and impeccable scientific verification, how the world, the biosphere, is controlled and its' weather systems totally manipulated by obviously insane scientists with no soul or love or gratitude to mother nature.  And that goes for creating and steering  devastating hurricanes, of course,... and 'off' course!
As it happened, a combination of 'last straws' sufficient to tip the biospheric Bard in me into indignant outrage against all things technological and needlessly complex, obscure (to me at least), and other than 'hands on' intimate contact with raw material substance.
I know i'm not alone in this.  I'm also quite able to allow myself to rant and rage, even, without being intrinsically upset by the fact.  It's called 'honest self- expression'. 'Feeling', for short, and i'm not talking about emotion, which i'm quite happy to be able to feel anyway.  I'm not a robot.

I have no doubt that this will be naturally channeled into some form of literary rant at some stage.  Everything goes straight into the creative channel.
It's all about balance, and simplicity.  Absolutely we are not using scientific technology in balance with natural wisdom.  in fact, we are raping the earth we walk on and which feeds us and supports life.
Alright, we know that.  But how many are aware of the full extent of it.
Let's call it, 'the myth of progress'.  Because, in the over all big picture the ongoing result is massive loss of life, health and welbeing of all species and habitats and the natural sacred balance and harmony of all systems.  And that includes us, the perpetrators, (perpetual-traitors.)
So, a small momentary glitch on a fine sunny day, allowed me to exclaim, if not proclaim, "either, civilization on Earth, is designed and run by 'aliens', or i am one."
On reflection, i'm inclined in this instance towards both being the case.
From outside the box it's easier to see.
For one thing, you don't have to learn how to see through walls.
And also, as they say, 'you don't have to be a rocket scientist...'
But then, who says anybody has to be a rocket scientist.  You don't.  I never wanted to be one anyway.

But, i suggest having a listen to 'climateviewer' on 'Dutchsince's youtube channel with documented proof that obviously pathologically psychopathic scientists are wreaking intentional havoc on our otherwise dear and supremely tranquil blue, white, green and brown planet.   For what? 
For 'control',is what.
That's the religion of mad people.  Control. It's an illness.  Comes from the delusive belief that you are something other than, and separate from 'life', as a whole.  That is what's called 'dualism'.  A self- evident and total illusion.  Natives have a word for it, 'weet'ko', crazy.
So there's two kinds of people.  Well ones, and un-well ones.
The nourishers, and the poisoners.  Being 'unwell', is believing that 'you', and the whole multiverse are two distinct things.  How mad is that?
I do love simplicity.

It's not that, as they say, 'everything is one'.  It's not.  A 'one', has to surely have a background, to distinguish it from so you can count it.
And that makes two, and if you're into 'separate things', where do you stop?  Since what we are not separate from, is infinite, so forget counting.  Forget 'one'.  It's just, 'not two.'
I simply hope, that makes everyone feel distinctly ..., well, 'better'.
And anyway, Tales of the Sea.  The painting.  What a trip.
I wouldn't think about it too much though.  It's all about feeling, feeling with and through the eyes.  That's how it happens.
Feel, with, and through the eyes.  That's seeing with the heart and not the head.  Most people just look, a thought arises, then another and that leads to something else altogether.  And, what did they see?

To see, is to just be present, and not on the way to somewhere 'else'.
There IS nowhere ELSE. 
I can say that because i spend hundreds of hours not going there.
That's simply what it takes.
><>< Rainbowmaker.  aka Deantoir na tuar ceatha.

art : tales of the sea, martin law, October 2012

1 comment:

  1. On 9 November 2012 03:31, Roisin Russell wrote:

    Indeed it was a perfect conception...

    It does not look relatively simple at all ...I see it from Conception to BIRTH....and I feel the pain in the agony of the Ecstasy.
    You have made her..Your own. You have given her life from the depth of the bottomless sea... and beyond infinity...She is free to rise and find you.
    **With regard to the peculiar manifestations in your new ‘Digital Camera’....I see and feel the birth pains that it took to allow this new Creation to be BORN....all the thrusting in quick succession to plant the seed of life and allow the entity to manifest from digital darkness into LIGHT and LIFE....That quickly exhausts and depletes energy....It is called BIRTH....She of the Seaweed hair had a hard struggle to leave the submerged ocean womb-room in which she was Priestess Child for aeons....amazing how in our life of digital this and digital that..she had the Maternal instinct to thrust herself to surface from the depths of infinity Blue, Green and brown, through the hidden sunbeam paths of the greet and thank you for giving her birth.

    So be it..


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